Thursday, February 20, 2020

2-19-20 Mother Sekhmet by Eli Galla

Dear Beloved Brothers and Sisters,

Once again it is our pleasure to be with you, while so much is going on. And we feel that even though you are in this period of Mercury Retrograde right now-- it just started a few days ago-- that the energies are focusing upon bringing things to completion in a most-Divine, Harmonious Way. Whether they be for yourselves in various aspects of your relationships, different things that have come up in your life journeys, or the introspection that will help you in the coming days to align with the higher aspects of your being even more profoundly than you already have.

Well, this is a very potent and marvelous time from our perspective, Beloveds, because we see the fruition of our meditations, of our Intentional Requirements bearing fruit, and different programs that have been initiated by your Alliance. And it’s not just your earth, it’s us in the Ashtar Command, working in concert with many different factions to bring about these changes on your Beloved Planet, that are in harmony with the external forces, that are playing such a significant role in the acceleration of your Ascension process. 

Well, yes, Beloveds, we keep on talking about this because this is the main focus of our combined Missions of being together. And this hasn’t been the only lifetime, that we have been working together. And it is upon us now more than ever to bring in more of this Love and Light, that we all are in the Oneness of our Godhead.

So, let us join together once more, me bi-locating my paw out to each and every one of you, and you holding the hand of some other Beloved Person on this call. And forming our circle, and sending this energy, breathing into our hearts, sending it around the circle, breathing into this feeling of connection, of Oneness, of Unconditional/Universal Love. And feeling the Joy of being connected heart to heart, and soul to soul in this Now Moment. 

Sending it out, through the palm of the left hand, and having it come back around the circle, into the palm of the right hand. Breathing into your Heart Center, and letting go of any tension, stress, worries, or doubts, and allowing yourself to expand in this energy of Light and Love, that we all are, combined together in our energy fields. And allowing this Oneness to grow and permeate the four bodies of our being.

Now, breathing into the Heart Center and again, with the Power and the Speed of our Thoughts, lifting up off of the surface of Beloved Mother Gaia, up into the layers of the atmospheres, jetting on up into the layers of the ships, coming upon my ship, the Beloved Nibiru. And I’m opening up the landing deck here. And we are rising on up, hovering in the airlock, as the landing deck closes beneath us.

And now, it is safe to walk on back to an elevator, that has opened up for us. And we are all getting in at the same time and marching on into it. I’m closing the door. I’m pushing the button to take us on up to the top floor here. And now we’re coming to a stop, and we’re opening up the door, and all getting out with our circle intact. 

And so many Beloveds are here to greet us, and join us in the merriment of us coming together, as we carry out our Missions together. And feeling this LoveLight, as we walk on over into the middle of the room, and circling around the Altar here, where our Master Crystal sets. And having our circle hook up again, joining hands, sending this LoveLight around the circle again, with the Mentors circling around us, and all of the Beloved Beings from the ships, Ascended Masters, and Angels, and ah yes, your ancestors, and perhaps you in a lifetime or two from the past.

And breathing into these energies, sending them around the room, combining our energy fields. And breathing into it, expanding our energies with the high vibrations of the consciousness of all of the Beloved Beings in this room, and of the high-vibrational energies of the crystals, that comprise this room, that have come from all over Creation, and have been assembled here.

And breathing into it, and spiraling this energy in our combined energy fields, that stretches from the floor, to the walls, to the ceiling, spiraling it up, down, and around and through. And breathing into the rhythm of it expanding and taking us up higher and higher, through all of these dimensions, bringing in more of the Love and Light that we are, connected to Creator Source. Bringing in this Golden White Light of the Christ Consciousness Energy, and feeling the Peace that this Love and Light engenders within us, within our DNA, our cell structure. And just breathing into it, and allowing it to merge with us into our hearts.

And now, we ask you to intentionally require what you would like to create out of the energies, and the focus of our meditation tonight. And yes, it could be financial, having to do with relationships, having to do with your health and wellbeing, or that of your family, basically anything that resonates with you, that you want to manifest within your physical reality on your Beloved Planet. And just breathing into it, letting these things move toward you by being in high vibration, and feeling the Love and Light that you are, and shining them forth into the Master Crystal.

And ah yes, the focus of our meditation once again is Peace. Because without Peace, without allowing ourselves a basis for bringing in these high vibrations, and letting go of all of the lower vibrations, we cannot fulfill our Mission. So, calling in these high vibrations of Peace, Understanding,  Unconditional/Universal Love, Compassion, Forgiveness and Gratitude. 
And a big component of our meditations is the manifestation of the Truth, being brought out on your Beloved Planet. And the eradication of the PR of your mainstream media, that spins a yarn about what their preconceived notion of the Truth, their spin doctoring of the Truth, should be in order for the powers of this Artificial Intelligence-influenced Force of Darkness, that has permeated your societies. Letting it all go. Jettisoning its effect from your reality by rising on up with the high vibrations of the Truth. 

And now, shining our Intentional Requirements for Peace, Truth, Love and Understanding, to permeate your planet in the Now Moment, continuously from now on throughout all of Eternity. Shining them into the Master Crystal, and shooting this Beloved Golden White Light of the Christ Consciousness Energy up through the tip of the Crystal, up thru the opening in the ceiling of the Nibiru, and spiraling it down onto your Beloved Planet from the atmospheres, to the surface, underneath the surface, up, down, and around and through.

And shining this LoveLight into the hearts of all of the Beloved Beings on your planet, feeling these Golden White LoveLights anchor into all of their hearts, feeling this connection intensify heart to heart, and soul to soul, between all of the Beloved Beings on your planet. Because, ah yes, in this Moment, when the vibration rises high enough, and the crystalline grid is activated completely and thoroughly, this connection will be felt.

And there will be no more resistance to each and every soul on your Beloved Planet of letting go of their survival dynamics, that they have been negatively imprinted with. The Truth is that you never had to be consumed by these fears of survival. It was initiated the way that it played out, by the Artificial Intelligence, with their intentions to control you, and to use your energies to feed off of.

Well, the game is up! The jig is up, as they would say in the movies. And the reality of you being, who you really are, and conducting the power of this LoveLight all over your Beloved Planet is upon you in the Now Moment, we say. We feel it growing ever stronger, and your Schumann Resonance is manifesting Beloved Rhythms of high vibration, and accumulating this Photon Energy on your Beloved Planet in a most-harmonious and Divine Way, ah yes.
Shining this LoveLight into the hearts and minds of all of the world leaders on your planet because at some point, Beloveds, they will have to acknowledge what has really been going on. When the Truth reaches that point of being revealed all over your Beloved Planet, these leaders will have to reach alignment with the plans, that the Alliance has cast to bring everyone, all of the governments, all of the societies upon your Beloved Planet into harmony with one another, and on so many different levels, whether it be financial, spiritual, having to do with education, human rights. The high vibrations of the 5th Dimension will be the guiding force on your Beloved Planet. But ah yes, NESARA and its role has to be carried out.

So, shining this LoveLight with the Intentional Requirements of the Announcements being implemented in this Now Moment, within the hearts and the psyches of all the Beloved Beings on your planet, including all of these world leaders. And shining this LoveLight into their hearts, to give them the courage to make the hard calls, and to take the initiative with making choices, that are in alignment with the highest and best interests of all of the Beloved Beings, who they are sworn to serve on your Beloved Planet. 

Feeling these Intentional Requirements connect all of the world leaders together, in the Oneness of the Love and Light that they are, with our Intentional Requirement of them letting go of all of their fears, their negative programming, and feeling this Joy about knowing and being, who they really are in this Now Moment. And taking advantage of their positions of power, and knowing why they have this purpose of leading their peoples into the 5th Dimension. 

And filling their psyches with a glimpse of all of the different lifetimes that they had, that led them up to this point. And clearing all of the negative energies, allowing them to be at this place of Divine Intervention, from the Company of Heaven for the purpose of anchoring in the 5th Dimension, and enabling the Solar Flash, and the Ascension Process of all who want to partake of it on your Beloved Planet.

Sending our Love and Light to all of the beings in the underground bases who have been kept there as slaves against their will,

“We say to you again, Beloveds, no matter what age you are, no matter how long you have been enslaved, we love you. We recognize your contributions, your courage to the Grand Plan, that you have been following through on in this lifetime.”

And all of the Beloved Beings on this call, we love you so very much, and those who will read the transcription, and listen to the recording. We appreciate each and every one of you and all that you do.

Namaste, Beloveds. We are always here for you. Just call us in. And good night, Beloveds. 

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