Thursday, February 13, 2020

2-12-20 Maria Magdalena by Eli Galla

My Dear Beloved Brothers and Sisters,

I am in awe of your energies tonight shining forth. I am so very happy to be with you once again.

Ah yes, it is a time of celebration once again, and me being here with you, and feeling your hearts, and the Divine Energies, that lighten the load, we would say, of the tests and challenges that are still visiting you in your daily lives.

Well, as Mother said, the support all across all of Creation, in the form of this LoveLight, visiting you, and shining, and transmitting into your hearts is off the charts. It has never been experienced the way that it has right now, because it is a direct conduit into each and every one of your hearts. It is, we would say, a magic moment, whereby with each and every breath, the potential exists for you to bathe yourself in this Cosmic Awareness, that yes, the Intentional Requirements, the Soul Contracts, that you made for this Beloved Lifetime, they are coming in and manifesting in a most Divine and Beautiful Way. The Truth is beauty, Beloveds. And this Truth is permeating your planet in very high vibrations in this Now Moment.

And we are supporting you over on the other side. And there are so, so many Beloveds in the Ashtar Command, and all throughout the Cosmos, that have joined us in their ships. And their energies from all of the Beloved Planets and Galaxies, all over Creation, are being focused and harmonized on your Beloved Planet through this conduit of the Galactic Center.

Ah yes, so Beloveds, we ask you to be in meditation with us as much as you feel guided to do, each and every day. And just opening up your hearts, and letting the LoveLight shine into them and guide you. Because the Love and support is there, Beloveds. 

And you don’t have to try. You don’t have to worry. Worrying never accomplishes anything on your Beloved Planet. Just allow yourself to be in this Divine Flow, and feel this Ease and Grace, and allow yourself to reach up for the highest and best that you desire to create. And stay in those high vibrations.

Call us in Beloveds. We are with you. We are One. And we are on the same Mission.

And now my Beloved Sananda, my twin, is going to come in. We love you so very much.

Namaste, Beloveds, and good night.

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