Saturday, December 19, 2020

12-16-20 Sananda by Eli Galla

 12-16-20 Sananda by Eli Galla


My Dear Beloved Brothers and Sisters,


It is I, Sananda. I come in again once more. I am very happy to be with you, as these changes on your Beloved Planet unfold. And yes, we are coming together in the highest vibrations of Love and Light, that you have ever experienced on your planet. And it is coming in, in a way for you to integrate them.


And yes, some of you are feeling Ascension Symptoms. And we ask you to break things down for yourself, to slow down, to drink more pure water, to allow yourself to be in nature, and to do the various forms of meditation that you resonate with.


And now my Beloved Mary’s come into your circle with the Kumara roses, handing them out to each and every one of you, who wants to take them. These are etheric manifestations of Divine Harmony, and a symbol of the Oneness with us in the higher dimensions. Take them into your hearts. They are encoded with the Light and Love in the higher realms of consciousness. 


And circling the energy around your circle, from the left, to the right, we are shining our LoveLights, all of us Mentors on the ships, that have been a part of this meditation tonight, into your hearts. All of the Beloved Beings, in the Crystal Healing Room, are sending you the Love and Light into your hearts, spiraling it up, down, and around and through your combined field of energy. Allowing you more and more to be in this Now Moment, to let go of all worry, doubts, low vibration, to bolster the energies of your heart. Allowing you to make new choices, that are in your highest and best interest in every Now Moment, from now on, Beloveds.


We are so very happy we are here with you in this Now Moment. And yes, there is much confusion about your election, about this virus, that has been perpetrated upon you, as a pandemic, to give the controllers, this Cabal, carte blanche with your reality.


But Beloveds, you are rising up, connected heart to heart, with the Truth as your shield, and your guide, to enable you to say no, not this time. This is different. This is the shift into the 5th Dimension. This is the completion of our journey in duality. And we are rising up as One to create this new reality, in the Light of Love that we are, as the essence of our being. 


We love you ever so much, Beloveds. And yes, this journey, it has taken on many twists and different story lines. And in this Now Moment, the story of the Announcement and Implementation of NESARA, as your foundation into the 5th Dimension, is being enacted from, all over your planet, in many different ways, on many different levels of consciousness, Beloveds.


We love you ever so much. We are always with you.


Namaste and good night.

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