Saturday, December 12, 2020

12-9-20 Sananda by Eli Galla

12-9-20 Sananda by Eli Galla


My Dear Beloved Brothers and Sisters,

It is I, Sananda. Ah yes, once again I come into your circle, of your hearts joined together in communion with ours, in this Now Moment. And the transmissions, that are coming through from the Galactic Center in the form of these high frequencies of Love and Light, coming from all over Creation, Beloveds, to show the Support and the Love, coming your way, as you delve into more and more your Ascension Process, and the awakening of your Collective Consciousness, in the Now Moment, to free you from this matrix, that has run through all aspects of your 3rd Dimensional reality.


It is time, that this matrix be dissolved. And this is what you are experiencing, by seeing the Truth unfold in a very loving and Divine Way, where you feel the Spirit of the Truth entering the hearts and minds of all of those Beloved Beings, who are choosing to awaken, and see the reality of what has been happening on the surface of your Beloved Planet, having to do with your governments, your institutions, and how so very many secrets, that have been kept from you are being shown the light of day.


And these underground bases, their energies are being diffused, because they have been raided by Peacekeepers, by Forces of Light. And in your atmospheres, the Light has won and been victorious. So, these scenarios are playing out on your Beloved Planet, where the Alliance’s Plans for Unification of your consciousness, in high vibration, to carry you into the 5th Dimension in a most-firm, harmonious, and decisive way, continue on day by day.


And each day is a Divine Adventure in seeing this Truth unfold, that is giving you back your Birthrights, Beloveds. Your Constitution in the United States was a world-wide document for Liberation, Peace, Justice, Truth, and Freedom on your Beloved Planet. And this Divine Document is transmitting its high-vibrational awareness into events unfolding in the courts, and in the Legislatures, in Congress, in the Oval Office, Beloveds. This is playing out in Divine Rhythm, Timing, and Synchronization.


And our transmissions to you in your sleep states, you going up to the ships for healing, to carry you through these end stages of your Ascension Process. So much, Beloveds, is happening. And this is such a very-wonderful time for all of us, all of the Mentors, all of the Beloved Beings on the ships, to observe how your Love and your Light is rising up in frequency and vibration, up through higher spectrums of color. 


And the sound of the Healing Spheres of Light are resounding all over your Beloved Planet, encasing your atmosphere in Divine Harmonics of Oneness, of Appreciation, of Gratitude, for this Event unfolding in the Now Moment, as it continues to do so, through the end of this very-decisive year for yourselves of 2020, where the Truth is becoming known in all of you who have awoken.


And yes, in that Event of Compression Breakthrough, or Solar Flash, that level of consciousness will be transmitted into your hearts and minds, and your experiences will be perfect for each and every one of you, as to how you meld and integrate with those energies. So do not be afraid, Beloveds.  Do not be afraid for your friends and families. Everything is in Perfect Divine Rhythm, Timing, and Synchronization for all of you Beloved Beings. We are here to guide you, and to be in loving support with you, as we have been every step of the way.


And now my Beloved Mary’s come into your circle, handing you the Beloved Kumara roses. They are emblems of high-interdimensional Love and Light, in spectrums of colors you have not experienced consciously yet. Take them into your hearts, all the colors and the quantity, that you choose to resonate with you, as this process unfolds on your Beloved Planet. 


We love you ever so much, Beloveds. Namaste and good night.

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