Saturday, December 5, 2020

12-2-20 Sananda by Eli Galla

 12-2-20 Sananda by Eli Galla


My Dear Beloved Brothers and Sisters,


It is I once again, Sananda, coming into your circle, and into our communion of our hearts and minds together, in this Now Moment. And feeling the Grace, Beauty, Harmony, Joy, and Wisdom unfolding on your Beloved Planet, because you are being shown by this process, that has come about in the last few weeks, on your Beloved Planet. You are being shown the dynamics of the Truth, and how it feels, and how it is an unmistakable feeling in the four bodies of your being, how its energy is all-pervasive, and brings in so much Love and Light and enables you to connect with one another in a very heart felt and Divine Way.


Yes, the dynamics of the Truth are unfolding, because all of you have signed up for this Beloved Moment in Time, whereby this 3rd Dimensional timeline would come to an end. And you would be able to rise up in vibration and frequency into the Beloved 5th Dimension, so you would ascend. 


And feeling this harmony when the Truth is being told, when it becomes so transparent, that there have has this pocket of brothers and sisters, who have separated themselves from the whole of the Collective Consciousness, and who have gone for the seduction and lies of the fallen angels, and these archetypes of what you would call the Devil or Satan, such as Lucifer, Baal and Moloch, who have held these low-vibrational energies, and used them against you, to control the resources and consciousness of your Beloved Planet.


Well, now their plans, and the dynamics of their control, and slavery, and ritual sacrifices, and trafficking of human beings and drugs, is coming into the Light. And they are being rounded up, because the Alliance has made sure that they have been caught on tape, and that there will be no mistaking, who has been doing what, and saying what, and profiting from the misery and suffering, from the wars, and all of these illicit activities, that have been kept from the Beloved Consciousness of the more than 99 percent of the beings, on your Beloved Planet. 

And even those who have used the mainstream media, as their safe space, Beloveds, they are starting to have second thoughts here, because they thought it was a done deal, this election. They thought their champion had won. But now they are seeing it all fall apart, because this wasn’t supposed to have happened. These hearings, these Beloved Beings telling these tales. And the Truth cannot be denied. 

This is the heart and the soul of those Divine Documents, that St. Germain helped to evolve within the consciousness of the forefathers of your Beloved Planet. And yes, it was quite a leap up in consciousness for those documents to be released into the reality, and become the corner stone of your nation, those hundreds of years ago. 

And now is the rebirth, because now is the time whereby the consciousness of you Beloved Beings can come together, in the high vibrations of the 5th Dimension, and anchor in the intent of Divine Governance on your Beloved Planet. This is what is unfolding. This is allowing your Ascension Process, and the protocols that are necessary to anchor in these Divine Energies, allowing you to achieve full consciousness in physicality. They are manifesting right before your eyes. 

And again, it is the level of your consciousness, that is creating this. So we ask you to continue Beloveds, racing toward the Finish Line with us, and feeling the Law of One permeate your consciousness, your cellular memory, your Akashic Records, your Divine Genetic Encoding, and to resonate with it, and shine it out to all of the Beloved Beings on your planet, into the Collective Consciousness, over and over, and be in Divine Rhythm, Timing, and Synchronization with these waves of energy, of photons coming in from the Galactic Center, Beloveds. 

And now my Mary’s come into your circle, gifting you with whatever Kumara roses you would like to take into your hearts, all of the Divine Colors and Frequencies in spectrums, that are soon to become available to your waking reality. 

We love you ever so much, Beloveds. We are One with you at all times.

Namaste and good night, Beloveds.

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