Friday, March 12, 2021

3-10-21 Sananda by Eli Galla

 3-10-21 Sananda  by Eli Galla


My Beloved Brothers and Sisters,


It is I, Sananda.  Ah yes, I feel your Light shining, as you have completed this meditation, and listened to my Beloved Maria.


And tonight, I remind you of the State of Being, this Compassion, that we call into your hearts, in this Now Moment, and shine our LoveLights, all of us Mentors, all of us in meditation with you on the ships.


Compassion, Beloveds, is this Knowingness that this is a Free-Will planet.  And that all of the Beloved Beings are Co-Creators, Sovereign Beings, who have the right to create their reality with their choices, their words, and their actions. And that there is no need to judge, to control everything.  Beloveds, it is all in Divine Rhythm, and Timing, and Synchronization.


Beloveds, you are the Perfection of your Divinity. You are integral conduits of the Godhead, each and every one of you, no matter what level you perceive you are in the advancement of your life lessons, of your Process of Evolution Spiritually. Beloveds, we are all One. We are all in this dance of manifesting the Truth of our Being.


And yes, when you wake up in the morning, it is one choice that you make, one right after the other, about how you will formulate the energies, and direct them to create your reality in your day. It is with your meditations, your focus on feeling into your hearts, and letting go to the Truth of your being, and bypassing the 3rd Dimensional matrix with its negative programming.


Beloveds, you have had much practice over these many years of awakening, of knowing that life was so much more, than what you had been led to believe, by your educational and religious institutions, by your governments.


Beloveds, you are stepping up into higher vibration now, and enabling the Power, that each and every one of you holds in their hearts, in your original DNA encodements. And melding with these higher Light Encodements, that are coming in from the Galactic Center onto your Beloved Planet, into your energy fields. And you are resonating with this.


Beloveds, we ask you to know you are so loved and supported in this process.  Now is the time where you can really let go of the fear and separation, that you were imprinted with. It is all turning around, whereby Love is the currency of your reality in the 5th Dimension, Beloveds. And you, with your conscious thoughts, words, and actions, are empowering this 5th Dimensional timeline, this reality based in Truth, in Freedom, and Justice, and the high vibrations of Unconditional/Universal Love, Compassion, Forgiveness, and Gratitude.


Beloveds, my two Mary’s walk into the middle of your circle, offering you these Kumara roses. Take as many as you like in their different colors, and vibrational frequencies. They represent the Higher-Dimensional Consciousness of all of Creation.


Beloveds, we love you so very much. We are always here with you.


Namaste and good night.

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