Sunday, March 28, 2021

3-24-21 Sananda by Eli Galla

 3-24-21 Sananda by Eli Galla


My Dear Beloved Brothers and Sisters,


It is I, Sananda. Yes, I come in at this time to you, on your Beloved Conference Call, around this season of Easter, whereby I too had to make some choices in preparation for carrying out my Mission, in that lifetime, with my two Beloved Mary’s. 


And as most of you have figured out that they were my equals. And they too ascended in that lifetime, some two thousand years ago, with me. It was the three of us in Union with one another, that cycled that flow of Divine Creative Ascension Energy, that allowed me to fulfill the prophesy, that had been made for my bloodline, to show all of the Beloved Beings the Power that each and every one of us has as part of the Godhead, and that there is no separation. 


Of course, your institutions, your religions mutated my teachings. But the Power of my Love, and the Love of the Company of Heaven, has been with you all of this time, Beloveds, as you have journeyed from lifetime to lifetime, incorporating your experiences with the essence of who you really are, in going through all of the cycles of life, and the cycles of birth and death, that have allowed you to come into this Ascension lifetime, and pass the markers for Ascension, some nine years ago now.


And Beloveds, we are at that point where the Power of our choices to feel this Oneness, to radiate the Love and Light that we are, has such cleansing, Beloved Effects, on those who are still sleeping. And yes, you know that everyone is at the level of consciousness, that is perfect for them. There are no judgments on anyone for their process.


Beloveds, the fact that all of you are here in this Now Moment is simply Divine and reflects the perfection of each and every one of you in communion with Creator Source. Beloveds, we are making the difference, all throughout the Cosmos, on your Beloved Planet, whereby Mother Gaia is already in the 5th Dimension. 


And there are still these dark forces, that try to beat the drums of war, and fear and separation, and scare you into thinking, that you will be penny-less and destitute. And all of that is just a front for them wanting more control, and thinking that at this late stage of the game, where they have already lost their power, that they can stage some sort of Satanic miracle, to take it back again. But, Beloveds, that is not happening!


Because so many of you on your Beloved Planet are standing up, and radiating the Love and Light, that you are, with your Intentional Requirements to take back this planet, and bring in the 5th Dimension, and enable all of the protocols for Ascension to come through, and for us to guide you through all of these stages. We are One, Beloveds! You are our Beloved Ground Crew.


And now, my Mary’s enter the middle of your circle, presenting to you, offering to you the Kumara roses in spectrums of colors, that are other-worldly. And you can take as many as you like, as a symbol of the Divine Love that connects all of Creation into Creator Source. 


We love you ever-so much, Beloveds.


Namaste and good night.

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