Thursday, March 18, 2021

Sananda, 3-17-21, by Eli Galla

 Sananda, 3-17-21, by Eli Galla


My Dear Beloved Brothers and Sisters,


It is I, Sananda. I too am so very happy to be with you, once again, on this Beloved Call. 


Yes, the Truth, and the feeling of being unified with one another, over the Truth. And letting go of all of the fear, that you have been imprinted with for these thousands upon thousands of years. It has been at the core of your existence, because these factions of hybrid off-worlders were always conspiring against your human species, to overtake the planet with the same machinations, devices, and delivery systems, that they have controlled other planets and entire galaxies, in some instances. They had unfair advantages over you. 


And when I came into that lifetime as, what you have called me in your Bible, as Jesus Christ, and that many of the Christian religions refer to me that way. I came in studying the transmissions of all of the Beloved Masters, who had come to the planet before me, such as Buddha, and the teachings of Tantra in India. And I incorporated that into an energy work, that you call Reiki today. 


And I learned from these masters, because I was given the gift of being with my two Mary’s, and achieving this dynamic of a cycling reality where the energies did not get stuck and convoluted. Where there was this continual connection with the 7th, 8th, and 9th dimensions, which empowered us to have connection into Creator Source, which the Bible calls the Father. Well, of course, for their purposes, that is what they would use. But we know that level and degree of energy, as Prime Creator, the Central Point of Consciousness, that created everything. 


Beloveds, we are all one. We are all derived from this same Consciousness, from the same particles, that this Consciousness manifested across those self-organizing fields, that have manifested into the reality, that you experience in physical embodiment, on your Beloved Planet.


And now, all of the lies and deceptions, the secrets that have been held from you over eons, they are being released. They are becoming so very transparent. And you could see these dynamics playing out, the blame games, the false flags, the endless wars, and knowing how they benefit these hybrid factions, these Satanic cults, that are working in unison with this Artificial Intelligence.


And yes, the Truth is being primed to come forth, as you are being shown all of these different devices, and all of these stages, whereby you see the narrative of the controllers wearing down in logic and continuity. And it is becoming so very blatant, that they are not of Integrity with your Constitution, that they are not for the people. And it is becoming crystal clear, of what all of the Beloved Beings on your planet, that it is coming to a point, where they are demanding the Truth be told, so that they can be released from this enslavement, Beloveds.


We are One with you. We know that we are already victorious in the Light. And yes, this is playing out in Divine Rhythm, Timing, and Synchronization. So we ask you, all of you Beloveds, to stay in high vibration, to feel the Love and Light, that you are. Let go of all fear, allowing yourself to feel this Joy of Unity, in each and every Now Moment.


Beloveds, we love you ever-so much. 


Namaste and good night.

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