Friday, June 18, 2021

6-16-21 Maria Magdalena by Eli Galla

6-16-21 Maria Magdalena by Eli Galla


My Dear Beloved Brothers and Sisters,


It is I, Maria Magdalena. I am with you once again to remind you, that all of your material possessions, all of the attachments that you have, the likes and dislikes, while you have been in physical embodiment on the material plane. Beloveds, the Truth of who you are, as co-creators of your reality with your I AM Presence, with the Higher Aspects of your being, is so much more powerful, than you can imagine at this time.


And as Sekhmet was talking about the changes, that are happening within your DNA, because of these transmissions of the photon energy coming in, from the Galactic Center, from all over Creation. Yes, you are loved and supported by the Company of Heaven, via very many galaxies, and the multiverses, and star races, shining the LoveLight on Beloved Mother Gaia, to help ease you through your Ascensions, Beloveds.


It is in this place of knowingness, deep within your hearts, in the recesses of your DNA encoding, that you will more and more resonate with the Truth of your origins, of how the dark forces have enslaved you on your Beloved Planet. And yes, some of the Truth will shock even those, who have done extensive research in the Truther Community. Beloveds, you have given permission to this great experiment, of creating the hologram, and enabling yourself to move forth, in this density of duality, on this timeline.


And now, this timeline is rising up back into the 5th Dimension, from a very long time ago, when the 5th Dimension enabled you to feel the last Golden Age, on Beloved Mother Gaia. Beloveds, you are coming into your Ascensions. All of you have earned the right to ascend, to have full consciousness in your physical bodies. We are so very happy for you because, yes, we the Mentors, have ascended, and so many of us have ascended on Beloved Mother Gaia. And we know what it takes. We know all of the steps, that you will go through, before you reach that level of consciousness, of Truth, of expanding your field of energy.


Beloveds, it is so very wonderful for us to be seeing this experiment, to come about in such a beautiful and Divine Way. We are with you every step of the way, shining the LoveLight into your hearts. Beloveds, we love you, we honor you.


Namaste and good night. 


And now my Beloved Twin Soul, Sananda, is going to come in.

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