6-1-21 Sananda, Emergency Call for Children
My Dear Beloved Brothers and Sisters,
I am so very happy to commune with your hearts once again, on this Beloved Call. We would call this an Emergency Call, Beloveds, because right now the children on your Beloved Planet all over, not just in the United States, really need and require our help.
The Power of Prayer is all encompassing. And Love is powering our prayers and our blessings in this meditation. And when we say “prayer”, it is synonymous with making Intentional Requirements.
Beloveds, I in that lifetime, when I was Jesus Christ, I was a devout student of Tantra. And that is one of the main reasons why I traveled so much, was to learn from various teachers, all over the Middle East and Asia, the different modalities, and from the different teachers of the time, who espoused these Truths of helping us Beloveds come into alignment with our True Nature.
And I found that the true reason behind Tantra was not of a sexual nature, but it was opening up the hearts of the Beloved Mothers, so that they would be a bridge for their children into their environment, by speaking from their hearts, and by expressing from their hearts a sense of play, a sense of Oneness with the children in their communities.
Beloveds, this is a very-strong dynamic, and in many cultures on your Beloved Planet, the family structure is of an extended nature, where the children have many aunts, and uncles, and grandfathers, and grandmothers. And it is wonderful for the children to have that many archetypal reflections to imprint.
Beloveds, this Cabal is of a very dark nature. And many Beloveds are just waking up to the fact that child trafficking is the most lucrative way that this Cabal has had to make money. And it is basically about the control of your DNA. Because when you are controlling the Beloveds, who are young and altering, mutating their DNA, you are further enslaving them in the dynamics of Satanism. And this is not who they truly are, none of us are.
And we open our hearts in this moment, Beloveds, and breathing into our hearts. And my Beloved Mother and my Twin Soul, Maria, are with me tonight as well as all of the Mentors, Sekhmet, St. German, all of the Beloveds from the ships. Because it is a moment of great shift on your planet, whereby the Truth needs to come out.
And doing this meditation tonight is in preparation for people being able to let go of their pre-conceived notions of their negative programming, having to do with the narrative, that they have been given by mainstream media and the institutions. And to realize that basically, they have been enslaved by this institution.
And it is time for each and every one of you on your Beloved Planet to open up your minds and hearts, and reassess your priorities. Beloveds, the Number One Priority as we, the Mentors see it, is the sustenance, the nurturing of your DNA.
And this Cabal has tried to take it over with vaccines, child trafficking, so many different ways, that it tries to pervert the true transmission of who we all are as part of the Godhead. They want us to wallow in fear and separation, Beloveds.
In coming together in our circle we enable the Love and Light, that we are. So let us join together, me bilocating my hand out to each and every one of you. And I ask you to reach around for someone else on this call to form our circle with. And yes, Maria, and Mother Mary are in your circle holding your hands, too.
Breathing into our hearts and feeling the energy of all of the Beloved Children on the planet, the ones that are not being child trafficked, the ones who have been enslaved in underground military bases. Shining our LoveLights into their hearts, and placing all of the children in the middle of our circle, whereby there is no space-time. And it is very fluid up in the higher dimensions. And this is where we are altogether, Beloveds.
Spiraling their energy counterclockwise to remove any and all of the lower vibrations, anything less than Love, any hurt, physical pain, worry, trauma. Removing it by spiraling it from the center above, to the center below of our combined field of energy. Focusing our Intention on removing all devices and delivery systems of this 3rd Dimensional Matrix, of bringing about the total transformation into the activating the original Adam Kadmon blueprint, in this Now Moment, all through the timeline past, present, and future.
And intentionally requiring that we are lifting up our energies of all of us on this call, those who listen to the recording, and see a transcript. And all of the Beloved Children on the planet, to raise up in vibration. To intentionally require, that we are all once again free, that there is no separation between our true nature, and our original DNA encoding. Activating all strands of the DNA, by removing all of the mutating encodements of the Artificial Intelligence, that has implanted itself in this 3-D Matrix, in all four bodies of your being.
We require that anything less than Love is removed, all frequencies associated with 5-G programming, all diseases, viruses and infections, all side effects of the vaccines, all intolerance to the poisons that have contaminated your food, water and air supplies. Removing all of these negative programs. Breathing into our hearts, and spinning in a clockwise direction, to bring in these high frequencies of Unconditional/Universal Love, Compassion, Forgiveness, and Gratitude.
It is in this place of discernment, of knowingness that we envision all of the Beloved Children, in this Now Moment, in the 5th Dimension. All of them shedding physical cages, mental, and emotional cages, all limitations, all trauma in bringing in these high frequencies of Unconditional/Universal Love, Compassion, Forgiveness, and Understanding, and Ease, Grace, Joy, Harmony, Wisdom, Understanding, Peace, Patience, Mercy, Kindness, Prosperity, Abundance, Creativity, Clarity, Satisfaction, Fulfillment, Bliss, Tolerance, Clear Communication, and Discernment.
And in the 5th Dimension, Beloveds, there are no gaps in time. There are no secrets. No one wants to deceive, and perceive that they have any more power than anyone else. It is a Unity Consciousness. And in that knowingness of Unity Consciousness, and respect for all of the Universal Laws, we live and be the Love and Light that we are, in preparation for Ascension. Enabling this 5th Dimensional lifestyle for all of the Beloveds, on your planet, and Mother Gaia herself.
Whatever you envision as you homes in the 5th Dimension, whoever you want in your community-- And many of you have yet to meet members of your Soul Families, that you will be attracted to once these changes have played out, and you find yourself in NESARA, after it has been implemented to change your culture, to change the foundations of society in a very-expansive, loving way. Beloveds, it is up to each and every one of you, to have the courage, to express from your hearts.
And let us scan your Beloved Planet. And the children are with us showing us the way into all of the cartels, the deep underground military bases, all of those bastions of the Cabal, whereby they have been able to keep their secrets, and keep their Satanic power.
It is all eroding Beloveds, because more and more of the Truth is being told in the alternative media. Beloved Patriots are coming forth. And more and more people are tuning in to the webcasts of the Patriots, and the movies of the Patriots. And now that this is playing out, and more and more people are seeing with their own eyes, opening up their hearts, and putting the pieces of the puzzle together, about the dynamics that this Cabal has used against us.
Beloveds, these are the same dynamics that have been used against you, and me and Mother Mary, and Maria, when we were in physical embodiment on your planet. And it is only because each time you come into a new incarnation on your planet, that your memories get wiped clean.
But, Beloveds, this dynamic has turned around in the DNA. And this is the reason why the children, who have been coming in for about the last twenty years, have been called the new children, the Crystals, the Diamonds, the Rainbows. Because they have more of that DNA connection hooked up.
It is only because, Beloveds, we along with you, our Ground Crew, have been doing the work, expanding this free-energy space, transmitting this Love and Light into all of the hearts of the Beloveds, who have the courage to wake up and to adopt their own Inner Truth, and their own narratives, to express that Inner Truth, by doing the research, by feeling, and breathing into the facts, and recognizing when Beloveds speak the Truth. Because you can feel that Truth in your hearts. It cannot be faked or refuted, Beloveds, by clever, fancy spin-doctoring statements. The Truth is of the Light, connected up to the heart.
And now shining our LoveLights on all of these pockets of this control, Cabal energy, the cartels, the deep underground military bases. And shining our LoveLights into the hearts of who we call the Peacekeepers, who are the military, who have taken on this assignment of freeing up the children, of rescuing them.
Beloveds, when the Earth Alliance, which we are all part of, started this mission, there was no way, that we could understand how huge this undertaking would turn out to be. We did not understand, that in these deep underground military bases, that children were being bred and never seeing the light of day, and being controlled for the nefarious purposes of the Cabal. And there were so many of these bases. Most of them have been cleared and destroyed, but not after resuscitating, reviving these children.
Shining our LoveLights, spinning our chakras from the Crown, the Third Eye, the Throat, the High Heart Center, which is the Thymus Gland, the Solar Plexus, the Sacral and the Root. And sending this energy out through the bottoms of our feet, underneath the surface into Mother Gaia’s Crystalline Core.
This is her heart, Beloveds. This is where she holds all of the energy of your Beloved Planet, of all of its Kingdoms, the rivers and the mountains, all of its species. Feeling her Wisdom, her Compassion, feeling her being in her mastery of being in the 5th Dimension, and rising on up through the other higher dimensions.
And coming up to the surface now, up through the bottoms of our feet into our hearts. And sending the energy around our circle. It is our Intentional Requirement, Beloveds, to wake up more and more Beloved People on your planet. To get into the Collective Consciousness in the waking state, in the dream states, to impart this message of the Light, whereby all of these Beloveds know that this is a point, whereby we can create Heaven on Earth once again.
But it will not happen, unless the children are free. This is why we come together in Compassion for all of the Beloveds, who have undertaken in their Soul Contracts to expose themselves to these evils, knowing that their experience is all a hologram, and that they are loved, and held by legions of angels each and every moment, that they endure these injustices.
Spiraling each of their energy fields in a clockwise direction, up, down, around. and through. Bringing in more of this Love and Light, in the Platinum Ray, the Golden White Light of the Christ Consciousness Energy, the Diamond Lights, the Blazing Blue Swords as lasers, the Violet Flame, and the Violet Torch, and many spectrums of light that are not visible on your Beloved Planet, as of yet. Bathing all of their selves in these higher Light Encodements coming in from the Galactic Center, coming in from all of Creation.
We ask you to keep this meditation alive, and to invite others to meditate with you, until the children are free, until the Truth is shown about how they have been taken from us, and used for these nefarious purposes. Beloveds, it is up to us with our Intentional Requirements, with our meditations, to focus on Freedom, Truth, and Justice at this time, and prepare others for videos, that will come out about the Truth, that will be more than shocking, that will cause some to be sick with revulsion and disgust.
But Beloveds, this is a healing process that your DNA is going through, to free you of this 3rd Dimensional Matrix, and allow yourself to be in the 5th Dimension, which is your true home on this Beloved Planet.
We love you ever-so much, Beloveds. We thank you for coming together with us tonight. And we share this meditation with all of Humanity. UASA, UASA; Already Happened; It’s Already Done. UASA, UASA; Already Happened; It’s Already Done. UASA, UASA; Already Happened; It’s Already Done.
Namaste Beloveds and good night.
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