Saturday, June 12, 2021

6-9-21 Mother Sekhmet by Eli Galla

6-9-21 Mother Sekhmet by Eli Galla


My Dear Beloved Brothers and Sisters,


It is I, Sekhmet. I come to you once again, as we commune with your hearts, at this very momentous time. 


It is only a few days away to another eclipse, or actually just one day on your earth calendar to this Beloved Event, which will be another portal into the higher vibrations and dimensions of reality. And Beloveds, this is another opportunity for all of us to focus on what we desire will be the outcomes of our meditations, of all that we shine forth, with our Love and Light, to create this 5th Dimensional reality; being in Mission with the All That Is, to bring these Soul Contracts and plans, that you have envisioned for the liberation of yourselves and Mother Gaia.


Beloveds, we are here as One in this Now Moment. And our Mission is always raising the level of the vibration, and going for the Light in every Now Moment, and letting go of anything less than Love. Because, Beloveds, all of you have been indoctrinated with this mind-control programming, to keep you in survival mode, whereby you didn’t think you had the power with increasing the level of your vibration, and bringing in these high frequencies of Love and Light, that allow you to be One with your I AM Presence, and the Higher Aspects of your being, so that you will empower yourselves to create the reality, that you truly desire.


And yes, we are here for empowering all of the Beloved Beings on your planet in their Ascension Process. And NESARA is a component of this. But, Beloveds, every breath you take is a part of your meditation, and is an opportunity to once again be in Mission, by raising the level of the vibration, so that all of the Beloved Beings on your planet, who are still operating in low vibrations of fear and separation, can wake up and realize the Power, that we all have together in taking back our Beloved Planet, and our freedoms, and rising up into this very blissful, loving, and compassionate lifestyle, that is ours in the 5th Dimension. Beloveds, it is always here.


So, let us join together, me bilocating my paw out to each and every one of you. And I ask you to reach around for someone else’s hand. on this call. to form our circle. And breathing into our hearts, sending the energy around, from the left, to the right. Spiraling it up, down, and around and through. Bringing in this Golden White Light of the Christ Consciousness Energy, the Platinum Ray of Metatron, and the Diamond Lights. Allowing ourselves to slow down and relax in this Now Moment, and to feel the Oneness of all of Creation, shining within us, within every cell, and subatomic particle of our being, Beloveds.


And now sending the energy down through the bottoms of our feet, underneath the surface, into Mother Gaia’s Crystalline Core. Feeling the rotation of this gigantic crystalline ball, which is her heart, Beloveds. It is where she holds all of the energy of this Beloved Planet, for all of us. Her Compassion, her Wisdom, her Patience, all of the virtues that are enabling her Ascension, and our Ascension, along with her. Breathing into her heart, and giving her our Love and our Compassion.


And now, rising on up to the surface, up through the bottoms of our feet, into our hearts. And sending the energy around in a clockwise direction. And it is with the Rhythm, Timing, and Synchronization of this spiral, up, down, and around and through. Rising on up off the surface of the planet with the Power and the Speed of our Thoughts, we rise on up through the many levels and layers of atmospheres, and coming upon multitudes of ships.


And honing in on the Nibiru, as I open up the belly of the ship, which serves as the landing deck. And we are popping right on through, hovering in the airlock, while the landing deck closes beneath us. And now it’s safe to touch down, Beloveds. 


And we make our way over into an elevator, that beckons to us. And we are all getting in with our circle still joined together. And I close the door, and push the button, to take us on up to the top floor. And we are rocketing right on up, feeling weightless, as we do so. And now we come to a stop and opening up the door.


And all of the Beloveds here to greet us, the Mentors, Commanders from the ships, Angels, and Ascended Masters, and orbs who are representing Beloved Beings, who are bilocating their consciousness from many different planets and star ships. And yes, your ancestors, and perhaps you from a previous lifetime or two.


They are all here welcoming us, and opening their hearts to us, as we move into the middle of the room, circling around the Altar, where our Master Crystal sets. And the Mentors form their circle around us. And all of the Beloveds are forming the outer circles. There are very many Beloved Beings with us here tonight.


And sending this energy, spiraling it around the circles, from the floor, to the wall, to the ceiling, up, down, and around and through, expanding our combined field of energy. Resonating with all of the higher dimensions of reality, represented in the consciousness, of all of the Beloved Beings here, and Beloved Crystals that comprise this Healing Room. They have absorbed the energies of the higher dimensions from all over Creation.


Breathing into these high vibrations and frequencies, allowing ourselves to let go, and be here all joined heart to heart, and soul to soul with one another. Feeling the Peace that passes all understanding. Feeling the compassionate nature of all of Creation emanating from its Central Source.


Beloveds, we ask you to make your Intentional Requirements for what you desire, to create with the energies of this meditation tonight. It could be having to do with having greater capacity to express yourself from your hearts, to mend relationships, to be the Compassionate Observer of your loved ones, of your friends, and even those who oppose you. Beloveds, we are all One in this Now Moment, and whatever your Intentional Requirements are, Beloveds, shining it into the Master Crystal.


And for all of us on this call tonight, in doing this meditation, we call for Compassion, for Understanding all of the Beloved Beings of what they are going though in this Now Moment, so many waking up. So many having to change their thought patterns, and make different choices, because they feel this shift in consciousness in a very over-riding way.


And we send forth the Intentional Requirement of letting go of all fear, and having all of the Beloved Beings on your planet know they are loved and supported, by the Company of Heaven, by their I AM Presence and Guidance Teams. And that we are all in Mission together, to liberate Beloved Mother Gaia in high vibration, to a heart-centered lifestyle in the 5th Dimension, to accelerate our Ascension Processes.


And Beloveds, shining the LoveLight into the Master Crystal, shooting it up through its tip, up through the opening in the ceiling of the Nibiru. And spiraling it down onto your Beloved Planet, through layers of atmospheres, onto the surface, underneath the surface, once again into Gaia’s Crystalline Core.


And radiating it out all over the Beloved Planet to the hearts and minds of all of the Beloved Beings, who are either conscious, subconscious, or in unconscious sleep state. Sending them our Love with the Intentional Requirement of raising the level of their vibration, more and more, to help them have this knowingness of who they really are, and the willingness and the courage to make choices that resonate with their true nature. And to change their behavior patterns, and live heart-centered lifestyles, to accommodate this process of awakening for all of the Beloved Beings on your planet.


And now, we are going into the DNA, Beloveds. And once again removing anything less than Love, any machinations by this Artificial Intelligence, by the black magicians, and their minions, supporting this dark agenda. Removing all devices and delivery systems, removing anything less than Love.


And now, feeling the Lightness, the Bliss of bringing in more and more of this LoveLight. Transmuting all of these energies, that we have just removed into high vibration. And going into the energy fields of all of the Beloveds, removing all negative dendrites, replacing them with positive dendrites of Truth, Freedom, and Justice, Unconditional/Universal Love, Compassion, Forgiveness, and Gratitude. 


Letting go of all fear and separation. And bringing in these high-vibrational feelings of Ease, Grace, Joy, Harmony, Wisdom, Understanding, Peace, Patience, Mercy, Kindness, Prosperity, Abundance, Creativity, Clarity, Satisfaction, Fulfillment, Bliss, Tolerance, Clear Communication, and Discernment, & Absolution. 

Awaking all strands of the DNA. Transmitting them into each of the Beloveds’ energy fields, into the right lobes of their brain. Activating all centers of the brain, to receive these high frequencies of Love and Light, and come into connection with the higher aspects of their being. Preparing all of the Beloved Beings for this Solar Flash, and to the remembrance of who they truly are with the Intentional Requirement of them not going into fear. And realizing we are all One, experiencing this together. UASA, UASA; Already Happened, It’s Already Done. UASA, UASA; Already Happened, It’s Already Done.  UASA, UASA; Already Happened, It’s Already Done.


Beloveds, shining our LoveLights into all of those, whom are still holding onto the old ways, who do not want the Truth to come about, who want to hold onto their lifestyle of being rich, or famous, while others do not have the same material abundance and prosperity. Beloveds, we are One.


And to liberate your Beloved Planet with prosperity for all, for the granting of all of your birthrights, each and every one of you. This is what our Mission in liberating your Beloved Planet consists of, that the Universal Laws shall reign supreme on your Beloved Planet, assisted by all of us in Oneness, in the Truth of the Light of the Love that we all are.


And shining our LoveLights into the hearts and minds of all of the children on your Beloved Planet, the ones who are free, living with their families, the ones who have been taken from their families, who have been trafficked, the ones who have been enslaved underneath the surface in military bases. And shining our LoveLights into the hearts of all of the Peacekeepers, who lay their lives on the line for the liberation of all of these brave young souls.


Shining our Love and our Light. Radiating it up, down, and around and through, from the surface, underneath the surface, into all of these bases all over your planet, with the Intentional Requirement of resuscitating and reviving all of the Beloved Children, of taking back the wealth, of unearthing all of the secrets of rituals, of absconded wealth, of artifacts that will support the Truth of how life has unfolded on your Beloved Planet, and who have settled your planet from other planets, who have been these controlling forces in league with the Artificial Intelligence.


Beloveds, removing all mind control, all fear and separation, coming into this place of Divine Love, Compassion, Forgiveness, and Gratitude. Beloveds, we love you ever-so much.


Namaste and good night.


And now Maria will come in.

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