Thursday, April 28, 2022

4-27-22 Sananda by Eli Galla

 4-27-22 Sananda by Eli Galla


My Dear Beloved Brothers and Sisters,


It is I, Sananda. I am very happy to be here once again. 


Yes, you are going through all of these changes. And there is a continuous flow of these higher-Light Encodements coming in. And so, let us remind you of the Power that you have at this time. Because you have been preparing for this moment in all of your incarnations, during this 3rd Dimensional timeline, all of your past lifetimes. And all that you have not yet cleared from all of the issues, that were part of Soul Contracts, that hadn’t been brought to completion, and all of the trauma that collected within your sub, and unconsciousness, that you brought into this lifetime also to clear. And many of you have had many traumatic events in this lifetime, to give you the opportunity to clear what you were bringing forth from this past timeline.


And Beloveds, yes, this is all a hologram. It cannot be taken so very seriously, because it is a hologram. It is an illusion. It is something that all of you Beloveds agreed to create in the Collective Consciousness, to test and challenge yourselves, so that at this time of Ascension, you would rise up into making choices, to bring about your Mastery, and that you would penetrate the illusions, the control systems of the 3D Matrix, by opening up your heart, and raising the level of your vibration, to bring in and integrate with these higher-Light Encodements. 


And we keep on talking to you about this, because we want you even more deeply to feel these energies, and to make choices, that align you with the Power of Love. And by doing this for you to remember, who you truly are. Once you do, Beloveds, there is no holding you back because you will know that the Love and Support, that you have all through the higher dimensions, the connection that you have with your I AM Presence, and Guidance Team, and all of the higher aspects of yourselves, through the parallel, and interdimensional realities, the parallel, and alternate universes, planetary systems, and source systems are all in alignment with you. 


It is through your heart, that you make this connection, and that you become empowered. The Power of Love has no equal. These minions of the Cabal, these black magicians, they cannot exist to feed off of your energies when you are in the 5th Dimension. And this is where we are all ascending to, to be in the 5th Dimensional consciousness once again. And to make those who have perpetrated their tricks, lies, and deceptions upon Humanity, to enslave us, accountable for their crimes against the DNA, their crimes against all of Humanity, all of the wars, Human trafficking, ritual Satanic abuses, that they perpetrated upon us, just to keep themselves in power, just to keep their lies going on this one dimension of reality.


But, Beloveds, you are so much more than this dualistic density that you have been experiencing. With us you have been learning the Power of Love, by raising up in frequency and vibration, and empowering yourself with your Intentional Requirements to accelerate this process, to bring about your Ascension, Mother Gaia’s, and all of the Beloveds on Planet Earth. 


Beloveds we are with you. You are the Ground Crew, and you are doing a marvelous job. And we remind you, that you are already victorious in the Light, because of the way these plans have been constructed, with NESARA bringing about your 5th Dimensional reality. This Cabal does not have any more energy to feed off of from you Beloveds. All of its control systems are diminishing so very rapidly, as the Truth comes about. 


And when the Truth is made known, there will be such Unity with all of the Beloved Beings on your planet, that are choosing to empower themselves with the Truth, and the Love and Light, that they are. That this Cabal will be held accountable, and you will realize all of the rewards of you creating this 5th Dimensional reality once again, on Beloved Mother Gaia, as you go further into the later stages of Ascension Protocols.


We love you ever-so much. Namaste and good night.

4-27-22 Maria Magdalena by Eli Galla

 4-27-22 Maria Magdalena by Eli Galla


My Dear Beloved Brothers and Sisters,


It is I, Maria Magdalena. I am so very happy to be with you once again.


Beloveds, each and every one of you have the Power of Choice. You have Free Will on this planet. And any time you are feeling in low vibration, you are feeling overwhelmed, and that this ordeal of being on this Ascension timeline, and feeling all of the bumps in the road, of all of the fear, and guilt mongering, the mandates, the sheading from vaccines and all of these components of the last gasps of life of this Cabal, to hold on, and take control once again of this planet.


Beloveds, we are victorious in the Light! All of the plans that have been made to implement NESARA have gained such a foothold in the reality. And this is why you see court cases coming out in favor of the people, where the Truth is being made known, the Truth about evil practices of this Cabal, about its dynamics of pointing the finger, and accusing the other of the same things that they have done over and over again. And because they are in power, or perceived the place of power, because they own the airwaves, they can condition Beloved Beings through their fear-and-separation based negative programming, that what they are saying is the Truth.


But Beloveds, there are the citizen journalists who have done the work. And all through this timeline, they have the stories of how your reality has been inverted, by curses and spells of black magicians, and by the goings on, and the dynamics of this 3rd Dimensional Matrix, to control all of the resources of the planet, to control the information, and to set the standards by all others, who are judged as less than, not good enough, if they don’t have the approval of this Cabal, and all of its institutions. 


Beloveds, you have been enslaved on this imprisoned planet. But now you are seeing and feeling, with every portal opening, every eclipse, every solstice more and more of this Beloved High-Vibrational Energy coming in, and regenerating yourselves, bringing more and more high frequencies of Love and Light in, and allowing you to empower yourself with choices, that are heart centered, with truly loving one another, as yourself, in a very deep and integral way, and understanding now the Law of One. And that the Law of One is the central-most Universal Law, because all of the other Universal Laws revolve around it, such as the Law of Compassion which is the honoring of Free Will on your planet.


It is the opposite of the control systems of this Cabal, of the censorship, of the punishment dynamics of jail, and threats of the loss of life if a person is brave enough to rise up against this Cabal. But those days, that control system is fractalizing, it is imploding. It is coming apart, because Beloveds, your Love and Light shining forth into the Collective is helping so many wake up, and know that all of Humanity is at this Moment of Truth, whereby changes need to be made, so that those Beloved Children who come after us will not have to endure these injustices, will not have to fight in wars, that maim and control their minds and bodies. And now, it is known who really benefits from these wars, and it is never We the People.


So Beloveds, with your Love and Light shining forth with your Intentional Requirements, and yes, we remind you that all of your life, every single breath can be part of a meditation to bring about the Truth, to bring about and implement and integrate these higher Light Encodements, and all of the provisions of NESARA to be the foundation of your 5th Dimensional reality.


This is why all of you Beloved Starseeds have come in, because you have done it. You have ascended in a future timeline, or on other planets, and because you have, you volunteered to be here once again at this point of the end game, where the window for change is open. And yes, you are in the First Phase. And so, we ask you not to give up, not to go for the lies of the saber rattling, and the fear, and guilt mongering of the mainstream media. Beloveds, but to breathe into your hearts, and to know, and see, and feel the Truth, and express it in free flow. 


You are the Love and Light of the Universe, Beloveds. We are with you.  There is no separation.


Namaste and good night. And now my Beloved Twin Soul, Sananda, will come in.

4-27-22 Mother Sekhmet by Eli Galla

 4-27-22 Mother Sekhmet by Eli Galla


My Dear Beloved Brothers and Sisters,


It is I, Sekhmet. I am thrilled to be with you once again on our Beloved Conference Call. 


Beloveds, as you go through each and every day, we ask you to be the Compassionate Observer of your thoughts, words, and actions. Because, Beloveds, by being heart centered, it is a way for you to stay present and conscious, and to allow yourself to rise up in frequency and vibration, and to truly see what is transpiring on your planet at this time. Because, Beloveds, the institutions, they continue on with their false narratives, just as the mainstream media does, and big pharma, and politicians who are being paid off by the Cabal. They don’t change their tune because they are owing their allegiance to this Cabal. And they are manipulated by their fear.


And Beloveds, fear and separation is the underpinning of all of the negative programming. And this is the way that this 3D timeline, this 3D Matrix can exist. Because if it didn’t have these negative forces to keep you in low vibration, then you would all simultaneously wake up, and take the Power back. Ah, yes, your DNA has been mutated to such a great degree. But slowly, slowly as you go through all of these portals, and eclipses, and gateways, and you see what is transpiring on your planet, with the Truth coming out, because each of you have access to the Internet in some way, shape, or form, whether it be at the library, or on your smart phones, or on your laptops, notebooks, or home computers, you can get onto the Internet, and you can do searches for those Beloved Citizen Journalists, that are disseminating the Truth. And yes, there is this information out there. 


And some of the people who are supposed to be the whistle blowers and the inside sources, they are repeating tainted information. But beloveds, you are here at this moment on the timeline to create this bridge into the 5th Dimensional reality. So, you are being given ample opportunity to hone your gifts of Mastery, because, Beloveds, the Truth is a feeling inside of the body. And by you being the Compassionate Observer of your thoughts, words, and actions, your choices, and the outcomes of your choices, you can start to put it together, what resonates with you, and what does not, and make choices even though you realize, that your choices have to be much different today than they were yesterday, because now you have uncovered more Truth.


And because you have, you know that you want to go in a different direction.  It takes courage, Beloveds, to be heart centered, to make choices, to change your choices. Because this negative programming tells you to stay safe.  Don’t take risks, because you do not know what a new choice will entail, or a new experience; instead of telling you that all life emanates from the same source, and that we are all One. And that everything that we are experiencing on this material plane is a hologram. It is not the Truth of who we really are as great, sovereign Divine, interdimensional beings. It is just a fragment of what we have been conditioned to be in fear-and-separation-based programming, to be willing to put up with in order to survive.


Beloveds, now is our opportunity, you as the Ground Crew, and us the Mentors on the ships, as the Overseers of this Mission, to bring about, to accelerate the Ascension on your Beloved Planet. Yes, there are all of the Plans of NESARA in place. And we move through this timeline learning how to be in Ease and Grace, and having Faith that we are loved and supported in every Now Moment, with all of our choices, and understanding that the Law of Compassion is allowing the other person to make their choices, and that the 3D Matrix-based, fear-and-separation-based programming, of the institutions, tells us that we should be smarter than everyone, that we should control, and that fear is stronger than Love. And this is all a lie, Beloveds. The Power of Love is all important, all pervading. It is the strongest force in all of Creation. And when we are heart centered, we align with these high frequencies, and vibrations, of Unconditional/Universal Love. 


And this is where the Magic happens, Beloveds. Because we learn how to use and implement the Universal Laws in our favor. And we learn how to be neutral in the face of all of this negative programming, and learn how not to feed the low vibrations of this 3D Matrix. And by doing so, more and more Truth comes about, and more and more people are willing to hook up the dots, with what they believe their Truth entails, and to express from their hearts without judgment, without blame, and truly aligning with their sovereign, Divine Nature.


Beloveds, let us join together to form our circle, me bilocating my paw out to each and every one of you. And I ask you to reach around, with your other hand, for someone else on this call, and forming our circle. Sending the energy around, from the left, to the right, from heart to heart. And now spiraling our combined field of energy, from the center above, to the center below, expanding our sphere of influence. Calling in the Golden White Light of the Christ Consciousness Energy, the Diamond Lights, the Platinum Ray of Lord Metatron, the Blazing Blue Swords used as lasers of Archangel Michael, Archangel Amethyst and the Violet Flame Angels, and St. Germain and the Angels of the Violet Torch.


Sending this energy, from the center above, to the center below, in this clockwise spiral. Breathing into our hearts, allowing ourselves to relax and to let go. And sending this energy, down through the bottoms of our feet, underneath the surface of the planet, into Beloved Mother Gaia’s Crystalline Core. Spiraling this energy, feeling her Love and her Compassion, feeling her Commitment for Ascension, for all living beings on her planet, feeling her Wisdom, and her Unconditional/Universal Love, for all of us. We send her our Love, right into her Heart Center, this Crystalline, bluish-white color of energy.


And now, we are rising on up to the surface, up through the soles of our feet into our Heart Centers. And spiraling our combined field of energy, from the center above, to the center below. Rising on up, off of the surface of the planet, with the Power and the Speed of our Thoughts. Rapidly making our way through the layers of atmospheres, and coming upon multitudes of ships. And I am honing in on my Beloved Ship, the Nibiru. I am opening up the landing deck in the belly of the ship, and directing all of us to rise on up through, hovering in the airlock, while the landing deck closes beneath us. And now, it’s safe to touch down.


And we are making our way to an open elevator, and with all of us getting in at the same time. And pushing this button, to close the doors, and to take us on up to the top floor. We are rapidly rising through the many layers, through the many floors of this ship. And now, we are coming to a stop. And we are opening up the door, and seeing so many Beloveds.


All of the Mentors are here to greet us, Commanders from the ships, other Angels, and Ascended Masters, and orbs who have bilocated their consciousness from other ships, and many other planets, and yes, your ancestors, and perhaps you from a previous lifetime or two. And we are walking on over into the middle of this gigantic hall. And now, we are circling around the Altar, where our Master Crystal sets, forming our circle once again. And as we do this, the Mentors form their circle around us. And all of the other Beloveds form their circles. And sending this energy, from heart to heart, to our circle, to the outer circles.


And now, spiraling in a clockwise direction, from the floor, to the walls, to the ceiling. Breathing into our hearts, and feeling the energies of all of the dimensions, all of the consciousness of these Crystals, and all of the consciousness of all of the Beloveds representing planets and star systems, from all over the Cosmos. Feeling this Oneness with this Divine Intelligence, raising the level of our consciousness up ever-so much higher. And feeling this Unity over the Truth of who we all are, as One Creation, emanating from Creator Source.


Beloveds, this is where we ask you to make your Intentional Requirements, for what you would like to create with the energies of this meditation tonight in your own personal journeys. It may have to do with having more intimacy in your relationships, with being able to feel free in every moment. Breathing into your heart, and letting go of all attachment, all low-vibrating thoughts having to do with worry and doubt, and over-analyzation. And just allowing yourself to feel this deep, heart-centered Peace, which is the Truth of who you really are, up through the higher dimensions. Whatever it is, Beloveds, shine your Intentional Requirements into the Master Crystal.


And for all of us on this meditation tonight, we choose Compassion, Forgiveness, and Gratitude, grounded in Unconditional/Universal Love. We call for the Truth to be made known on Mother Gaia, and the control systems of this 3D Matrix to fractalize, and be disincorporated, so that all of the criminals, all who have chosen to mutate the species’ DNA, are brought to justice. That all evil is eradicated, that all fear and separation is shown to be the lie that it is, and that there is more than enough resources to go around, to feed everyone, to clothe, to take care of all of the survival needs of everyone on Beloved Mother Gaia.


We are blessing all of those Beloveds, the citizen journalists, the members of investigative committees, who are bringing about the sea change in the Truth being made known, on all of your planet, and helping all of us to hook up the dots, to liberate ourselves, and Beloved Mother Gaia. UASA, UASA; Already Happened, It’s Already Done.


And now, shining all of our Intentional Requirements into the Master Crystal, shooting them up through its tip, up through the opening in the ceiling in the Nibiru. And spiraling these energies down through all of the layers of the atmospheres, onto the surface of Beloved Mother Gaia. Going down underneath the surface, and once again into Gaia’s Crystalline Core.


And from here we are radiating the Love and Light that we are, as one consciousness connected into Creator Source, to bring about Truth, Freedom, and Justice, and Liberation on Beloved Mother Gaia. We are going into the DNA of all of the Beloved Beings on your planet. And we are removing all toxicity, all contamination of the air, food, and water supply, all fear-based programming. And we are allowing all of the Beloveds to wake up, to be free of fear, to feel their hearts opening, and blossoming into the highest frequencies of Love and Light, to truly remember who they are, as integral conduits into the Godhead.


And with the Intentional Requirement now, of integrating all of these higher-Light Encodements, that are coming into your energy fields, from all throughout the Cosmos, through the Galactic Center, onto Beloved Mother Gaia, into your energy fields. It is up to each and every one of you to open up your hearts to the Truth of who you really are, and to integrate with these higher-Light Encodements. Letting go of all fear, all limitation, all lack, all judgments and blame, all of the lower vibrations. And to radiate this Love and Light into the Collective Consciousness, into the hearts and minds of all of the Beloved Children, who are still very young, and who are going through their awakening process, and learning how to connect up the dots for themselves.


We say to them that you are so loved, that we honor all of you for taking on these deep levels of responsibility, in being here with so many strands of your DNA activated, that you have become the shining beacons for so many in your families to wake up, to truly see the Power of Love in your eyes, to feel it within your sounds, and within your loving touch. Beloveds, we are all One. And the Power of Love is the strongest force in all of Creation.


We require that all of these systems of control that have generated so many needless, endless wars, that the Truth be made known now, about who instigates them, and who wins, and that Humanity always loses when there is war, and this Cabal always wins. And now is the time to stop all war, and all false reporting, all fake news.


Now is the time for the Truth to be made known through this Event of the Truth, as it encompasses a near death experience, where you on this Beloved Planet will have this gigantic wake-up call. And this will be your elevator up into a gigantic upgrade of energies, whereby you will be in the 5th Dimension, from that point onward. UASA, UASA, Beloveds; Already Happened, It’s Already Done. UASA, UASA; Already Happened, It’s Already Done. UASA, UASA; Already Happened, It’s Already Done.


Beloveds, we are so grateful to be with you once again. We remind you that every time you breathe into your heart, and allow yourself to let go to these high frequencies, you are radiating this Love and Light into the Collective Consciousness, and helping to accelerate the changes that are needed, to bring about this 5th Dimensional reality, where there will be no polarity, where the Power of Love will reign, and your hearts will be open and feeling such magnificent feelings of Joy, Harmony, and Bliss.


We love you ever-so much. Namaste and good night. And now Maria will come in.

Saturday, April 23, 2022

4-20-22 Sananda by Eli Galla

4-20-22 Sananda by Eli Galla


My dear beloved brothers and sisters, it is Sananda, I am with you once again. And tonight we call your attention to your narratives. Yes, this story that you have about who you are, that incorporates the power of love, the truth of who you are, at the core essence of your being, the divine inspiration for all of creation, this love and light that you are is, you can think of the light as the messenger.


And of course, the message is of unconditional, universal love, through love, forgiveness, & gratitude. As you implement these divine tools, by being heart centered, by being the compassionate observer of your thoughts, words and actions, Beloveds; you are taking your power back, you are empowering yourself with the truth, with the power of universal laws. These universal laws have been used against you, because this Cabal has kept the understanding of who you are away from you, so that they could give you substitutes, such as the 10 commandments, such as the golden rule.


But beloveds, the details are so very important, of the truth of who you really are. And this is why they, the Cabal, have denied you the true history, the truth of what actually transpired on your beloved planet, and why they cut off any story, any acknowledgement of the civilization that came in before when the Cabal acknowledges civilization on this planet started. Because they don't even recognize the last fall of Atlantis. They say it is a myth. It didn't exist.


And then they say you are believing in a conspiracy theory, if you believe in Lemuria and Atlantis. Well, beloved, in that lifetime, when I was Yeshua Ben Joseph. I was an Essene Rabbi with my two Mary's, Maria and Mother Mary. I was on Earth studying the treasure of transmissions on the beloved planet, by traveling with my uncle Joseph of Arimathea all through Europe & Asia. And we integrated the teachings of Buddha. We integrated the teachings all the way back through the timeline, in the transmissions of beings of Atlantis and Lemuria. And we called forth those dynamics of empowerment, of being heart centered, of connecting up to the higher vibrations, up to the higher dimensions and frequencies, to empower ourselves, to bring about transformational change. To help Beloved's understand the power of love, in my sermons, in my energy work, that achieved very significant powerful results.


Beloved's it was a group dynamic. I was the mouthpiece. I was the transmitter of that love and light, connecting to others with my sound, connecting with the truth, enabling the power of love to come forward, and understanding the dynamics of the energy work, to raise the level of frequency and vibration, to achieve what were called miracles. But the love is all powerful, we as one consciousness, we were tapping into the energy field, and manifesting desired outcomes.


And this, Beloveds, is what humanity is doing right now, in calling forth the truth, and calling forth all of the lies, the deceptions, the evil darkness of human trafficking, of war mongering, to be exposed. So that this Cabal will not have any more control over humanity whatsoever. And that this third dimensional matrix can be disincorporated, once and for all, with all of its lies, with all of its control systems, that feed off of lower vibrational energy of negative programming, to keep humanity in low vibration.


You have earned the fifth dimension, to be in the fifth dimension continuously, to have a society that supports fifth dimensional consciousness. And the implementation and announcement of NESARA will do this, Beloveds.


It is most important at this time to be in mission with us, to raise the level of love and light, by breathing into your heart centers, by feeling our energies, by feeling the energies of all of the beloved star seeds on your planet, by calling for these changes to take us into the fifth dimension, for the truth, to be empowered, and all of the darkness to be exposed, and all of the minions of the Cabal to be held accountable, for those their actions, for  the crimes they have committed against humanity.


Beloved's we love you ever so much. We are in Oneness with you. Do not ever underestimate the role that you are playing, and the power of love, as it is coming through you. When you direct your love and light to create this fifth dimensional reality Beloveds. We are with you with every heartbeat, every thought, every word, every action, every breath.


And now my Mary's come into the middle of your circle, offering you the Kumara roses. Take as many as you like into your hearts, to empower yourself with the frequency and vibration of the love and light of all of creation, of Creator-Source. Namaste, Beloveds, and good night.


4-20-22 Maria Magdalena by Eli Galla

 4-20-22 Maria Magdalena by Eli Galla


My Dear Beloved Brothers and Sisters,



It is I, Maria Magdalena,



I am so very happy to be with you once again. Yes, in a few more days, you will have this Event of an eclipse, and it is one of the main portals that you will have this year. And Beloveds, we asked you to focus your Intentional Requirements in the Now Moment for Peace, for Harmony, and for the Truth above all, to be made known on your Beloved Planet.



Beloveds, you cannot change the narrative of the mainstream media just like that. It takes patience. It takes perseverance, raising the level of the vibration, because already the Light is victorious on your Beloved Planet.  But these members and minions of the Cabal, they are in desperation mode.  They will say and do anything to protect their assets. Although these assets, as they perceive them, are rapidly dwindling and dispersing, because the Truth is coming out. And the Earth Alliance has hard evidence against them, of all of their Satanic rituals, Human trafficking payoffs, foreign belligerent takeovers of government, such as last election in the United States.



Beloveds, the Truth is coming out. But of course, everything has to be done in Divine Rhythm, Timing, and Synchronization and perfection, so that there is no needless bloodshed. There is only neutrality, so that these minions of the Cabal, in their network of ego-mind control systems, have nothing to feed off of. They have created conditions to drive Humanity into low vibration.  But with the Truth, Beloveds, with your mass meditations to raise the level of the vibration, you are driving away all of their manipulations. You are rising up into high frequency and vibration, where they now no longer have anything, any drama to feed off of. And this has been their biggest concern and worry for eons.



And they did everything that they were guided to do, by Artificial Intelligence, to keep their network of control systems ironclad, perpetrating wars, controlling the resources, controlling the money supply. But now, the Unity of higher-consciousness Beings on your planet, to work with one another, to utilize and implement all of the components of the NESARA, all of the provisions of NESARA have taken shape. And in every Now Moment, you are inching closer to this moment of the Event of the Truth, Beloveds. Do not give up, do not be forlorn, because you may perceive that it is taking too long. We tell you that it will be in Divine Perfection.



You are moving with the Power and the Speed, of the Love and Light, that you are in every Now Moment. All you have to do is to let go with your breathing, and to develop this narrative, to create your reality in the 5th Dimension, as one consciousness with us. So is that yes, you will again be part of Galactic and Galactic Federations. You will assume your rightful place in the galaxy.  And you will be in high vibration continuously, as you bring about your completions in physicality, into full consciousness on Beloved Mother Gaia with her also with Ascending. We love you ever so much Beloveds.


Namaste, and good night. 



And now my Twin Soul Sananda is coming in.


4-20-22 Mother Sekhmet by Eli Galla

 4-20-22 Mother Sekhmet by Eli Galla


My Dear Beloved Brothers and Sisters,


It is I, Sekhmet. I am with you again on this Beloved Conference Call, Beloveds.   


Beloveds, yes, as you move through all of these high-vibrational encodements, that are coming in from the Galactic Center, and you are facing tests and challenges, by what is going on the material plane, all over your Beloved Mother Gaia. We say to you that you are best served by not listening to the mainstream media, by taking note of the same patterns that keep on coming up, the same dynamics that are used to keep you in low vibration. The fear and guilt mongering, the scrambling of events that have happened on the past timeline, how the story keeps on changing, how you can come into realizing, that you are only being told, by the mouthpiece of this Cabal, what they want you to know.



And it is when you tap into the citizen journalists, and those fearless patriots who go for the Truth, who dig deep without being afraid of what will happen to them, of putting their lives on the line, to bring about the Truth, because they know that the Truth is a key component in the liberation of Humanity, and Mother Gaia, at this time of ascension.



Beloveds, I had to step into my mastery and ascend. And one of the key components of stepping into mastery is empowering the Truth within your hearts. And knowing what you resonate with as the Truth, and looking at the timeline, and seeing how the patterns keep on playing out, over and over again. And it is up to you to decide what your narrative is in charting the course of these energies. Because Beloved's you are empowering yourself in this Now moment to stay in high vibration. And when you have to interact with institutions, and with people who attack you for your beliefs, it is necessary for you to have this narrative to empower yourself with. 



It is a key component of you knowing and being the Truth of who you really are. There are many different perspectives of the Truth, Beloveds. And we ask you to remember that Truth is a feeling within the four bodies of your being. And when things do not align, it is one of the main tricks of this cabal to throw a little bit of a monkey wrench into their narrative to steer things out of alignment a little bit on the timeline.



But the more that they do this, they never go back and read adjust their narrative to be responsible for what they said, as being out of alignment. And that dynamic only multiplies to give them carte blanche, to keep on fabricating the Truth, to keep on going for an emotional response that will keep Humanity in low vibration. And over and over, this dynamic plays out along with False Flag Events, along with weather warfare, along with saber rattling to create warfare.



But beloved, this is not the Truth of who you are. And the more that you can be heart centered, each and every moment, the more that you can let go with your breathing into the highest frequencies of Love and Light. You empower yourself with the Truth. And it becomes easier and easier to align your narrative with the patterns, that are playing out all over Beloved Mother Gaia. We are One, Beloved's. There is no separation. And you are in Mission with us, the mentors, to bring about the benevolent outcomes that accelerate the Ascension Process, for Beloved Mother Gaia, and all living beings on her planet.



Let us join together with me by locating my paw out there each and every one of you. And I asked you to reach around for someone else's hand on this call tonight, to form our circle with. Breathing into our High Heart Centers, and sending the energy, from the left, to the right, as we hold hands and paw. And raising the level of vibration, by calling in the Golden White Light of the Christ Consciousness Energy, the Platinum Ray, Lord Metatron, the Diamond Lights, the Blazing Blue Swords of Archangel Michael and his Legions of Angels using the swords as lasers, Archangel Amethyst and the Violet Flame Angels, and Saint Germain and the Angels of the Violet Torch.



And now combining our field of energy as one, and spiraling from the center above, to the center below, in a clockwise direction. Letting go with our breathing, and sending this energy down through the bottoms of our feet, and underneath the surface, into beloved mother Gaia’s Crystalline Core, and for feeling her heart, her Compassion, her Commitment to bring about the liberation of Beloved Mother Earth, and all living beings on her planet. Feeling her Wisdom, her Selflessness, her Devotion to Creator Source, to bring about the most Beloved, Benevolent Outcomes on her planet.



Sending her our love and light, and rising up to the surface, up through the soles of our feet, into our Heart Centers. Once again, sending the energy around, from the left, to the right, heart to heart, and spiraling, from the center above, to the center below, in a clockwise direction, lifting ourselves up off of the surface of the planet, up through the layers of the atmospheres. Rapidly ascending, and coming upon multitudes of ships, and I am honing in on my Beloved Ship, the Nibiru, and opening up the landing deck in the belly of the ship.



And we are popping through, hovering into your airlock, while the landing deck closes beneath us. And now it is safe to touch down. And we are making our way to an open elevator, all of us getting in. And I am closing the door, and pushing the button, to take us all the way up to the top floor here. And we are rapidly rising. Breathing into our hearts, letting go in this Now moment, feeling the Oneness of all of the Beloveds here tonight.



And now, we come to a stop, opening the doors, and these Beloveds are here to greet us, the Mentors, Commanders from the ships, Angels, and Ascended Masters, from all over Creation. Orbs who represent the consciousness of Beloved Beings, who are by locating from their ships, and from other planets, and your ancestors, and perhaps you from a previous lifetime or two.



Now we are walking together, over into the middle of this gigantic room, and forming our circle around the Altar, where a Master Crystal sets. And as we do this, the Mentors circle around us, and all the outer circles form. And once again breathing into our hearts, and sending the energy around our circle, to the Mentors, and the outer circles. And now, spiraling in a clockwise direction, from the floor, to the walls, to the ceiling. Absorbing the higher interdimensional consciousness of all the Crystals, that comprise this Healing Room, and the consciousness of all of the Beloved Beings, who are part of this meditation tonight. Feeling this Oneness all through the higher dimensions, into the Creator Source. And with our breathing, allowing these rhythms harmoniously to flow within our hearts.



And it is here where we ask you Beloveds on this call to make your Intentional Requirements, for what you would like to create with the energies of this meditation tonight, on your own personal journeys. It could have to do with just feeling more Love and Light, and being turned on in every Now Moment. Being more creative, being more connected into the higher aspects of your being, and feeling, Joy, and Bliss, and being grounded into these high-vibrational energies of Mother Gaia in every Now Moment. Whatever it is, beloveds, shining your Intention Requirements into the Master Crystal.



And for all of us on this meditation tonight, we call for the Truth to be made known, so that no more lives are taken needlessly, we require that this timeline to ascension may carry us with Ease and Grace, through this next phase of Ascension Protocols. And that there shall never be any more war on this Beloved Planet.



And that all of the factions of the Satanists will be rooted out, and held accountable for their Crimes Against Humanity, so that we can empower ourselves with the Truth, and  enable ourselves now to be in the highest frequencies of Love and Light, to rise up into the 5th Dimension, to have NESARA implemented, & announced, so that no more darkness exists on Beloved Mother Gaia. UASA, UASA; Already Happened, It’s Already Done. 



And shining these Intention Requirements into the Master Crystal, with unerring Faith, and Knowingness of the Truth. And shooting it up through its tip, up through the opening in the ceiling of the Nibiru. And spiraling these energies all as one consciousness, all of us joined together. Spiraling from the layers of atmospheres, onto the surface of Beloved Mother Gaia, underneath the surface, and into Gaia’s Crystalline Core. Feeling or heart once again, as we radiate this Love and Light into the DNA of all of the Beloved Beings on your planet.



And we open up our hearts and minds of all of the Beloveds, by going into the DNA, their energy body, their energy fields, singing the song of Joy into their hearts, of liberation, of knowing the Truth of who they really are, as conduits into the Godhead without limitation, all of their survival needs being taken care of in the 5th dimension. And with each and every breath, creating this bridge into the 5th Dimension, whereby the Truth shall take us there, in this Event of the Truth, in this-near death experience, that will wake up Humanity and give us our upgrades, to implement the higher-vibrational energies of the 5th Dimension.



We require that all connections into this 3D Matrix spinning counterclockwise, all of the Legions of Angels with their assigned tasks working with these rays of energy, that we have called in, fractalized and disincorporate all ill intent. All devices and delivery systems, that have perpetrated layer upon layer of these negative programs, all of these control systems of the ego-mind programming, releasing all dendrites of the automatic responses of memories of past events of trauma. Seeing all of this negativity that tethered us to the 3rd Dimensional Matrix fractalize and disincorporate.



And floating up from our energy fields, into the ethers, and blessing ourselves to transmute these energies, within our High Heart Centers, into the highest frequencies of Unconditional/Universal Love, Compassion, Forgiveness and Gratitude. And now, spinning this spiral on Beloved Mother Gaia in a clockwise direction, to all of the energy fields, the energy bodies, the DNA of all of the Beloveds on this planet. Rising up in high frequency and vibration, shining the Light of Truth on all of the disinformation, that the mainstream media perpetuates with their dynamics of fear mongering, perpetuates with being paid off by alphabet agencies, by this network, that is ruled by satanic factions. We call for the Truth to be made known.



We call for all the Beloved Children to be rescued. And for the carnage to be told about, and for why this has happened, and who all of the players are, and for those who are responsible to be held accountable. But most of all, in each and every Now Moment, we call for Unity to be in meditation with all of the Beloved Beings on the planet, who have awakened, to raise the level of the vibration, over and over again, to raise the level of consciousness into the Collective Consciousness, so that all of the Beloved Beings, who are still believing the party line, the rhetoric of Satanism, of fear and separation, that they let go of their attachment to their safe space, and realize that they are empowered to be the Love and Light of the Truth of who they really are, as emissaries of the Light, as conduits into the Godhead.



And to be understanding of the Universal Laws. The central most of all of the Universal Laws is the Law of One, which says that we all emanate from the consciousness of Creator Source in harmony with Unconditional/Universal Love, that is the Divine Inspiration of all of Creation as One. UASA, UASA; Already Happened, It’s Already Done. UASA, UASA; Already Happened, It’s Already Done. UASA, UASA; Already Happened, It’s Already Done.   


And now, we are shining our LoveLights into the hearts and minds of all of the Beloved Children, who have come in, in high frequency with more strands of their DNA activated. And they will be the bridge into bringing about the total transformation on this Beloved Planet. We shine our Love and Light into their hearts to tell them, that they are loved and supported no matter what they are dealing with. Nothing remains the same.



The level of vibration is being raised in every Now Moment, and their tests and challenges will be overcome in the Spirit of Unity, in the highest frequencies of Love and Light, to free them, to allow them to develop their gifts and talents, to realize their Missions as the teachers of Humanity of the Power of Love. UASA, UASA; Already Happened, It's Already Done. UASA, UASA; Already Happened, It's Already Done. UASA, UASA; Already Happened, It's Already Done. UASA, UASA; Already Happened, It's Already Done.



And to all the Beloveds on this call, we love you ever-so much.


Namaste and good night. We are with you in every heartbeat, with every breath. 


Good night, and now Beloved Maria Magdalena will come in.



Friday, April 15, 2022

4-13-22 Sananda by Eli Galla

 4-13-22 Sananda by Eli Galla


My Dear Beloved Brothers and Sisters,


It is I, Sananda. I too am very happy to be here on your Conference Call.


Beloveds, feel the Oneness that we all are together, in Mission to liberate your Beloved Planet. At this time, the Truth is coming forward on so-many different fronts, and yes, even your mainstream media, Wonders never cease, do they not? have begun to shine the Light on some of these events that have been transpiring, such as Hunter Biden’s laptop, and the Truth therein that it contains, that will bring down so many of these minions of the Satanists of this Cabal.


Beloveds, there has been so much evil, that has been perpetrated in the name of religions, of governments on your Beloved Planet. And it is this Cabal who had the unfair advantage of knowing how to drive you down in frequency and vibration. And they have played out their last hand, made their last moves on the chess board. Yes, we give you no dates. But we assure you everything is happening in Divine Rhythm, Timing, and Synchronization. 


And the more that you allow yourself to be heart centered, and to be the Compassionate Observer of your thoughts, words and actions and your feelings in the outcomes of your choices, at this time, the more powerful your vibration will be, and the more effective that your meditations to radiate this LoveLight, and to accelerate the Ascension Process on your Beloved Planet, Mother Gaia, will be.


Beloveds, join us as we spiral the energy of your circle, feeling our hearts shining into yours. And yes, I am talking for all of the Mentors now. We are aligning with you in your True, Divine, Sovereign Nature, and spiraling your combined field of energy, in a clockwise direction, to allow you to feel this perfection, in the Now Moment, of your Divinity, of the Truth of who you really are.  This Oneness with us up through all of the higher dimensions, as a conduit into the Godhead, feeling your beingness, the Truth of who you really are, Beloveds.


You have earned this moment. And we imbue you with this knowingness, with these high frequencies, with this Divine Realization of the Power of Love.  And opening up your hearts, and allowing the Flower of Truth to bloom within you, as my two Mary’s come into the middle of your circle, and offer you the Kumara roses. Take as many as you like into your hearts, Beloveds.


And breathe into this energy, and know that no matter what seems to be happening on this illusion of the hologram, that is on your material plane, that we are with you. You are loved and supported with each and every breath, with each and every heartbeat.


We are One, Beloveds, in Mission with you as our Ground Crew. We honor you oh-so very much.


Namaste and good night.

4-13-22 Maria Magdalena by Eli Galla

 4-13-22 Maria Magdalena by Eli Galla


My Beloved Brothers and Sisters, it is I, Maria Magdalena. I am thrilled to be with you, once again, on this Conference Call. 


Beloveds, feel the Light shine into your hearts. Now in this Now Moment, so much is transpiring on your Beloved Planet. And perhaps you can feel the Sun erupting in these solar flares. And this is creating a dynamic of high vibration on your planet, that you, in all of your incarnations on Beloved Mother Gaia, have never experienced before. Beloveds, this is a push-through moment into the higher aspects of this Plan for Ascension, into the next Phase of Ascension.


And yes, each and every day, you are getting closer to this Event of the Truth being made known. We give no dates, Beloveds. Because with each and every breath, you are purifying the transmission that is coming through you, and that you are emitting into the Collective Consciousness. 


Radiating these high frequencies as with your breathing, and with your harmonious thoughts and feelings, you are empowering the Truth within your being, to raise the level of vibration of the Collective, so that many, many more will begin their awakening process, their clearing process, to fully eliminate polarities from Beloved Mother Gaia, so that you can realize the winning back of the 5th Dimension on your Beloved Planet. And erasing all influence, all interference into your Sovereign Being, and your True Divine Interdimensional Natures, from this 3rd Dimensional Matrix, that these factions of Satanists have created.


This Cabal who has ruled the Earth for thousands of years, because they were successful in driving Humanity down in vibration through a catastrophe, and through disseminating their devices of fear and separation and all of their negative programming to keep you in the lower vibrating thoughts, so that you would not find a way en mass to rise up into the 5th Dimension until now, Beloveds.  Until the end of this cycle, where you have accrued enough momentum in completing your Soul Contracts, and bringing in these black magicians, and these minions of the Cabal into the Light, with your high-vibrational frequencies of Love.


And of being that Love, and speaking your Truth, and shining it forth now in each and every moment, because yes, this is your Mission. This is your purpose in being here, as the Ground Crew with us on the ships, who have been able to connect with you, and give you the guidance that was necessary for you to pass the Markers for Ascension and, in these last ten years, and empower this Flame of Truth. This Flame of knowingness and beingness in your hearts, and make it all powerful, so that you did not go back into being controlled by this Matrix, and all of these negative entities, and negative forces of the institutions on your Beloved Planet, to keep you in fear and separation.


You started to discern the dynamics of what was being used against you, the False Flag Events, the viruses, the endless wars, the dependence on gas and oil, and coal, which contaminated your atmospheres, and GMOs and sprays, herbicides, and pesticides. Beloveds, you have awakened to know all of these things were unnecessary. And the only reason why they were in your reality was because this Cabal wanted it to be so, to further solidify their control of you, as their slave system, as their source of food.


And yes, you have met these hard Truths head-on, by being heart centered, and by showing this Love for us, and allowing us to come in, and do these meditations with you, Beloveds.


We honor you. We love you ever-so much.


Namaste and good night. 


And now, my Twin Soul, Sananda, will come in.