Saturday, April 23, 2022

4-20-22 Maria Magdalena by Eli Galla

 4-20-22 Maria Magdalena by Eli Galla


My Dear Beloved Brothers and Sisters,



It is I, Maria Magdalena,



I am so very happy to be with you once again. Yes, in a few more days, you will have this Event of an eclipse, and it is one of the main portals that you will have this year. And Beloveds, we asked you to focus your Intentional Requirements in the Now Moment for Peace, for Harmony, and for the Truth above all, to be made known on your Beloved Planet.



Beloveds, you cannot change the narrative of the mainstream media just like that. It takes patience. It takes perseverance, raising the level of the vibration, because already the Light is victorious on your Beloved Planet.  But these members and minions of the Cabal, they are in desperation mode.  They will say and do anything to protect their assets. Although these assets, as they perceive them, are rapidly dwindling and dispersing, because the Truth is coming out. And the Earth Alliance has hard evidence against them, of all of their Satanic rituals, Human trafficking payoffs, foreign belligerent takeovers of government, such as last election in the United States.



Beloveds, the Truth is coming out. But of course, everything has to be done in Divine Rhythm, Timing, and Synchronization and perfection, so that there is no needless bloodshed. There is only neutrality, so that these minions of the Cabal, in their network of ego-mind control systems, have nothing to feed off of. They have created conditions to drive Humanity into low vibration.  But with the Truth, Beloveds, with your mass meditations to raise the level of the vibration, you are driving away all of their manipulations. You are rising up into high frequency and vibration, where they now no longer have anything, any drama to feed off of. And this has been their biggest concern and worry for eons.



And they did everything that they were guided to do, by Artificial Intelligence, to keep their network of control systems ironclad, perpetrating wars, controlling the resources, controlling the money supply. But now, the Unity of higher-consciousness Beings on your planet, to work with one another, to utilize and implement all of the components of the NESARA, all of the provisions of NESARA have taken shape. And in every Now Moment, you are inching closer to this moment of the Event of the Truth, Beloveds. Do not give up, do not be forlorn, because you may perceive that it is taking too long. We tell you that it will be in Divine Perfection.



You are moving with the Power and the Speed, of the Love and Light, that you are in every Now Moment. All you have to do is to let go with your breathing, and to develop this narrative, to create your reality in the 5th Dimension, as one consciousness with us. So is that yes, you will again be part of Galactic and Galactic Federations. You will assume your rightful place in the galaxy.  And you will be in high vibration continuously, as you bring about your completions in physicality, into full consciousness on Beloved Mother Gaia with her also with Ascending. We love you ever so much Beloveds.


Namaste, and good night. 



And now my Twin Soul Sananda is coming in.


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