4-13-22 Sananda by Eli Galla
My Dear Beloved Brothers and Sisters,
It is I, Sananda. I too am very happy to be here on your Conference
Beloveds, feel the Oneness that we all are together, in Mission to
liberate your Beloved Planet. At this time, the Truth is coming forward on so-many
different fronts, and yes, even your mainstream media, Wonders never cease, do
they not? have begun to shine the Light on some of these events that have been
transpiring, such as Hunter Biden’s laptop, and the Truth therein that it
contains, that will bring down so many of these minions of the Satanists of
this Cabal.
Beloveds, there has been so much evil, that has been perpetrated in the
name of religions, of governments on your Beloved Planet. And it is this Cabal
who had the unfair advantage of knowing how to drive you down in frequency and
vibration. And they have played out their last hand, made their last moves on
the chess board. Yes, we give you no dates. But we assure you everything is
happening in Divine Rhythm, Timing, and Synchronization.
And the more that you allow yourself to be heart centered, and to be
the Compassionate Observer of your thoughts, words and actions and your
feelings in the outcomes of your choices, at this time, the more powerful your
vibration will be, and the more effective that your meditations to radiate this
LoveLight, and to accelerate the Ascension Process on your Beloved Planet,
Mother Gaia, will be.
Beloveds, join us as we spiral the energy of your circle, feeling our
hearts shining into yours. And yes, I am talking for all of the Mentors now. We
are aligning with you in your True, Divine, Sovereign Nature, and spiraling
your combined field of energy, in a clockwise direction, to allow you to feel
this perfection, in the Now Moment, of your Divinity, of the Truth of who you
really are. This Oneness with us up
through all of the higher dimensions, as a conduit into the Godhead, feeling
your beingness, the Truth of who you really are, Beloveds.
You have earned this moment. And we imbue you with this knowingness,
with these high frequencies, with this Divine Realization of the Power of Love. And opening up your hearts, and allowing the
Flower of Truth to bloom within you, as my two Mary’s come into the middle of
your circle, and offer you the Kumara roses. Take as many as you like into your
hearts, Beloveds.
And breathe into this energy, and know that no matter what seems to be
happening on this illusion of the hologram, that is on your material plane,
that we are with you. You are loved and supported with each and every breath,
with each and every heartbeat.
We are One, Beloveds, in Mission with you as our Ground Crew. We honor
you oh-so very much.
Namaste and good night.
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