Thursday, April 28, 2022

4-27-22 Sananda by Eli Galla

 4-27-22 Sananda by Eli Galla


My Dear Beloved Brothers and Sisters,


It is I, Sananda. I am very happy to be here once again. 


Yes, you are going through all of these changes. And there is a continuous flow of these higher-Light Encodements coming in. And so, let us remind you of the Power that you have at this time. Because you have been preparing for this moment in all of your incarnations, during this 3rd Dimensional timeline, all of your past lifetimes. And all that you have not yet cleared from all of the issues, that were part of Soul Contracts, that hadn’t been brought to completion, and all of the trauma that collected within your sub, and unconsciousness, that you brought into this lifetime also to clear. And many of you have had many traumatic events in this lifetime, to give you the opportunity to clear what you were bringing forth from this past timeline.


And Beloveds, yes, this is all a hologram. It cannot be taken so very seriously, because it is a hologram. It is an illusion. It is something that all of you Beloveds agreed to create in the Collective Consciousness, to test and challenge yourselves, so that at this time of Ascension, you would rise up into making choices, to bring about your Mastery, and that you would penetrate the illusions, the control systems of the 3D Matrix, by opening up your heart, and raising the level of your vibration, to bring in and integrate with these higher-Light Encodements. 


And we keep on talking to you about this, because we want you even more deeply to feel these energies, and to make choices, that align you with the Power of Love. And by doing this for you to remember, who you truly are. Once you do, Beloveds, there is no holding you back because you will know that the Love and Support, that you have all through the higher dimensions, the connection that you have with your I AM Presence, and Guidance Team, and all of the higher aspects of yourselves, through the parallel, and interdimensional realities, the parallel, and alternate universes, planetary systems, and source systems are all in alignment with you. 


It is through your heart, that you make this connection, and that you become empowered. The Power of Love has no equal. These minions of the Cabal, these black magicians, they cannot exist to feed off of your energies when you are in the 5th Dimension. And this is where we are all ascending to, to be in the 5th Dimensional consciousness once again. And to make those who have perpetrated their tricks, lies, and deceptions upon Humanity, to enslave us, accountable for their crimes against the DNA, their crimes against all of Humanity, all of the wars, Human trafficking, ritual Satanic abuses, that they perpetrated upon us, just to keep themselves in power, just to keep their lies going on this one dimension of reality.


But, Beloveds, you are so much more than this dualistic density that you have been experiencing. With us you have been learning the Power of Love, by raising up in frequency and vibration, and empowering yourself with your Intentional Requirements to accelerate this process, to bring about your Ascension, Mother Gaia’s, and all of the Beloveds on Planet Earth. 


Beloveds we are with you. You are the Ground Crew, and you are doing a marvelous job. And we remind you, that you are already victorious in the Light, because of the way these plans have been constructed, with NESARA bringing about your 5th Dimensional reality. This Cabal does not have any more energy to feed off of from you Beloveds. All of its control systems are diminishing so very rapidly, as the Truth comes about. 


And when the Truth is made known, there will be such Unity with all of the Beloved Beings on your planet, that are choosing to empower themselves with the Truth, and the Love and Light, that they are. That this Cabal will be held accountable, and you will realize all of the rewards of you creating this 5th Dimensional reality once again, on Beloved Mother Gaia, as you go further into the later stages of Ascension Protocols.


We love you ever-so much. Namaste and good night.

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