Thursday, August 25, 2022

8-24-22 Sananda by Eli Galla

8-24-22 Sananda by Eli Galla



My dear Beloved Brothers and Sisters! It is I, Sananda.



When we come together with you on these beloved calls, we ask you to remember how it feels, because, Beloveds, for you to remember this feeling of Oneness, and to use it in counterpoint to when you slip into thoughts of fear, that pop in through the programming of the ego mind, that is designed to take you down in low frequency and vibration, where this separation is designed to happen also, to keep you in this circular pattern of thoughts and feelings that disempower you, that keep you tethered to this 3D matrix.



Beloveds, that is not necessary. And it really never was anyway, but you had to learn how to entrain yourself, in the high frequencies of feeling Oneness, and working with us, to learn how to clear these negative energies, these control systems, all of these curses and spells, that have been levied upon you, by the ego mind programming, by negative dendrites popping up every time that you were triggered with memories of events of trauma.



Beloveds, you have the power, by breathing into your high heart centers, to release all forms of the tentacles of the black magicians, of the satanic overlords, that have used artificial intelligence, and reptilian underworld power sources, to hold in place this 3D matrix and negative programming, by breathing into your hearts, by allowing yourself to feel this Oneness with us, and with all of the Beloved Beings, who join in these meditations on the ships.



We are One: we all want the same thing, Beloveds. The liberation of your Beloved Planet, to enable the whole universe to raise the level of its vibration, and to move forward in the divine plan of bringing in more Love and Light, to many, many planets, that are going through the tests and challenges of being in a third dimensional reality.



You will be the divine teachers on so many planets. You are moving forward in completing your Ascension process. And, Beloveds, we ask you to enjoy each and every Now moment, because what you are a participant in has never been done before. And we are so happy to be with you, and to have these moments shared together in meditation on these calls.



Beloveds, my Mary’s come into the middle of your circle and, once again, they offer you the Kumara roses. And take as many, as you like, into your hearts.  Feel these frequencies and vibrations, that are representative of the higher dimensions all throughout creation. And take them as an emblem of the Oneness of our mission of working with us, in our mission together, to liberate your Beloved Planet, and to bring the completion of Ascension on Beloved Mother Gaia, and all the living beings on her planet, with you, Beloveds. Namaste and good night. We love you ever so much. And remember, we are with you. Call us into your meditations, and we are there. Good night.


8-24-22 Maria Magdalena by Eli Galla

8-24-22 Maria Magdalena by Eli Galla



My dear Beloved Brothers and Sisters! It is I, Maria Magdalena.



I am very happy to be with you once again. Ah, this feeling in your hearts, this opening, as if you are a flower that is blooming in the sunlight. So much Love and Light are coming in, by way of these higher light encodements from the galactic center.



Yes, you have been through a major portal in the last couple of weeks with the Lion’s Gate. And there is so much happening on your material plane. And the two narratives are ever so diametrically opposed, that we cannot help but laugh sometimes at the level of brazenness, that the cabal issues forth in their propaganda machine of the mainstream media.



It is as one beloved has called it, an IQ test. And this is ongoing, because we know that you on this call, you have paid attention to the details. You know many of the dynamics, that have been used against you, to keep you locked down in low vibration. And you will not allow yourself to listen to the lies any longer.



You have developed your discernment to resonate with what you feel in your heart and throughout your energy field, is the truth. And you, by doing so, are setting the die for the rest of humanity to entrain themselves, with these procedures, of using their discernment, of enabling themselves to resonate with what feels joyful and powerful, and feels that it empowers the Love and Light, that they are, no matter how painful it is to hear messages of how people on your planet, and particularly the children, have been used and abused, and the satanic rituals, that they have been made to be part of.



It is very painful, indeed! But, Beloveds, you are shining the Light into the collective consciousness, with your meditations, with your intentional requirements, and, yes, some people call it prayer. But basically it is the same thing.



And it has power. All of your words, thoughts, and actions, Beloveds, when you direct them, when you are conscious, when you allow yourself to feel the Love and Light that you are, at the core essence of your innermost chambers of your heart, and direct it into the collective consciousness, for the empowerment of humanity, to rise up, for all of you to liberate yourselves, as One consciousness, up into the highest frequencies of Love and Light, to accelerate this ascension process, to empower this process.



And, Beloveds, as we have told you so many times before, this is why you are here, because you had a high probability of awakening to the Light, and empowering the Love in your hearts, and resonating with the truth, that holds the highest frequencies of Love and Light in your heart. And to shine it forth, and to help others pick up on the joy and happiness that this process of empowerment of Love and Light, that you are, brings.



This liberation that is very necessary for your planet, and for all living beings on your planet, to achieve ascension, at the close of this cycle. This is what you, and all of us, have been in mission for.



And we are creating it now with each and every breath, because, yes, we are right here with you every step of the way, Beloveds. We love you ever so much. Namaste and good night.

8-24-22 Mother Sekhmet by Eli Galla

8-24-22 Mother Sekhmet by Eli Galla



My dear Beloved Brothers and Sisters! It is I, Sekhmet. I am very happy to be with you once again on this call.




Beloveds, in this now moment we feel the power of Love unfolding on your Beloved Planet. And, yes, you have been through portals, and gateways, eclipses, and solstices in your calendar year. And this process is intensifying at a rate that is truly off of the charts, as you would say, because these multiple, cosmic energy streams that you are experiencing have not been felt on your planet like this ever before.



As we have been saying, not even in the Golden Ages of Lemuria and Atlantis.  And the Company of Heaven, of course, realizes that it is very necessary to bring in these high frequencies, to help wake up as much of humanity as possible. 



And it is with us to also inspire us empowering the working with you as One.  You, Beloved starseeds, who have volunteered to be here for this mission as the ground crew, to radiate this Love and Light, these high frequencies and high vibrations into the collective consciousness, to help many, many more awaken.



And some of them, yes, are starseeds, who have not awakened yet. But many of them are not starseeds, and this is a huge jump for them, to go through these many, different gyrations that it is necessary for them, when they encounter the truth in their hearts, and they answer these questions of ‘Why am I here? Really, where did I come from?’



And then they get these flashes of having been here before, and realizing that they have had a say in this. And that even though they have been taught that reincarnation was a lie, that they are starting to feel all too familiar feelings with these higher vibrational energies coming in. And they start to do a little research, and maybe watching videos that they haven’t been exposed to before. And all of a sudden, they are waking up, and making a commitment to ascend. 



And, yes, there is more than enough information out there for somebody who awakens, to start doing the work on themselves.



We, on this side of the veil, have made sure of that. It has been some thirty years now when, in force, we came in to channel, because we realized there was a certain receptivity with starseeds waking up, and wanting to do the work on themselves. And this has catapulted your human race into passing the markers for ascension, and to intensifying this process whereby all of the plans that have been put in place for the implementation of NESARA have been instituted, in a way that they are pushing forth this narrative of the truth being revealed.



And this Event of the Truth, we would say, we have been working toward achieving on your planet for a very, very long time, some fifty, sixty, even seventy years it has been in the offing.



And now it is coming into focus, Beloveds. And we ask you to concentrate in your meditations, and sending the Love and Light into the collective consciousness, so that many, many more will awaken, and be ready for the truth, for this event that will enable you to be in this next phase of integrating Ascension protocols.



This is will be a joyous period for humanity, because so much will be revealed. And the energies will be extremely potent, and you, as starseeds, will know what to do to help others in their clearing process, and to be mentors and teachers, that truly help so very many broaden their horizons, and have a deep understanding about how to push forward this positive, ascension-laden narrative to go through the later stages of ascension, and to reach completion of Ascension.



Beloveds, let us join together, me bi-locating my paw to each and every one of you. And I ask you to reach around for someone else’s hand on this call, forming our circle and sending the energy around, from the left, to the right, from heart to heart, and spiraling our combined field of energy, from the center above, to the center below. Calling in the golden-white light of the Christ Consciousness energy, the diamond lights, the platinum ray of Lord Metatron, Archangel Michael and his legions of Angels with the blazing blue swords, using them as lasers, Archangel Amethyst and the Angels of the violet flame, and Saint Germaine and his Angels of the violet torch. With our breathing, allowing ourselves to relax, to let go, and to bring in these high frequencies.



And now sending them down through our torso, our hips, our legs, our knees, through the lower part of our legs, into our ankles, our feet, and out the soles of our feet, into our center below, underneath the surface of the planet, and into Mother Gaia’s crystalline core.



And here we feel her heart, her commitment to all of the living beings on her planet, to Ascend, how she holds all of these energies. It is a dynamic force, a sentient being of this Beloved Planet, this jewel of the universe.  We send her our Love and our Light, and feel her compassion, her wisdom, and her warmth.



And now we rise up to the surface of the planet, up through the soles of our feet, and into our heart center, and spiraling, from the left, to the right, our combined field of energy, rising up off of the surface of the planet with the power and the speed of our thoughts, rapidly moving through these layers of atmospheres, up, and up, and away.



And coming upon multitudes of ships. And we are headed for my ship, the beloved Nibiru. I am opening up the landing deck in the belly of the ship.  And now we are rising up, hovering in the airlock, as the landing deck closes beneath us. And now it is safe to touch down.



And we are making our way to an open elevator. All of us are getting in at the same time. And I’m pushing the button, closing the door, to take us on up to the top floor of The Nibiru, rapidly rising, feeling weightless with our hearts full of joy, in these high frequencies, of being on this ship.



And now we come to a stop. And we open the doors. The Beloved Mentors are here to greet us. And Angels and other Ascended Masters, Commanders from the ships, and Orbs who represent the bi-located consciousness of many Beloved Beings from other stars and other ships. And your ancestors, and perhaps you from a previous lifetime or two. We move toward the center of this gigantic room, and circle around the altar, where our master crystal sets.



And as we form our circle, the Mentors circle around us. And all of the other Beloved Beings form their circles. And once again breathing into our hearts. And now sending these energies, from the left, to the right, to the Mentors and all of the outer circles, and spiraling, from the floor, to the walls, to the ceiling, in a clockwise direction, absorbing these high frequencies and vibrations of the crystals, of the consciousness that represent all of the dimensions of reality, and the consciousness of all of the Beloved Beings that are part of this meditation, whether they be on or off the ship. 



And letting go to these high frequencies, feeling this joy in our hearts and this Oneness, this power of Love unfolding with each and every breath. And Beloveds on this call, we ask you to make your intentional requirements, for what you would like to create in your own personal journeys, with the energies of this meditation tonight. It could have to do with having a stronger connection with your I AM presence and guidance team, with having clearer communications with your family, with your loved ones and friends. Or having clarity in being in the high vibration to make choices.



Whatever it is, Beloveds, send your intentional requirements into this master crystal. And for all of us on this meditation tonight, we require that the truth be made known, that all of the Beloved Beings on this planet rise up in frequency and vibration, preparing themselves for this shift, dynamically in their reality, to let in more Love and Light, to accept the warts of humanity, of how we have been manipulated, and lied to, and cheated, by this cabal, by this third dimensional matrix control system, and that we, all of us as One, are calling forth the power of Love to enfold in each and every Now moment, to disassemble this control system, to remove all of the evil on Mother Gaia, to enable the Light to shine brightly, and be the dominant force, to empower all of us with the Love and Light that we are at the core essence of our being.



And shining these intentional requirements into the master crystal, shooting them up through its tip, up through the opening in the ceiling of The Nibiru, and spiraling this energy down, through the layers of the atmospheres. And on to the surface of Beloved Mother Gaia, and underneath the surface. And once again into Gaia’s crystalline core, her heart center.



And radiating this Love and Light into the DNA of all living beings on her planet, transmitting these high frequencies of Love and Light, as we call forth the Truth to be made known, as we call forth to remove all mutations, by spiraling the DNA counterclockwise, to remove anything less than Love.



All of the negative programs and negative programming, disqualified and discredited energies, polarities and trauma, all memories of war, disassociation and disconnection with their true, sovereign nature, all memories of catastrophes, of the last fall of Atlantis, of the fall of Lemuria, and blessing all of the polarities, along the third dimensional timeline.



And allowing the coalescence of the past, present, and future to come in this Now moment, and to concentrate these high frequencies of Love and Light, on blessing this timeline, calling in forgiveness, compassion, and gratitude for all that we have experienced on this third dimensional timeline, testing the density of duality, spiritually evolving through tests, and challenges, and hardships.



We call for the disincorporation of this third dimensional control system, this third dimensional matrix, of removing all of the curses and spells, devices, and delivery systems, that have been administered by black magicians, throughout all of the institutions of humanity, that have controlled the money supply, and resources, of the planet, that have been designed by the ego mind programming to keep us in low vibration and frequency.



We are calling forth the liberation of Beloved Mother Gaia in each and every now moment, with each and every breath, feeling deep into her heart, inhaling the Light and Love that we are, coming in from the galactic center, from the photon belt, in these high frequencies, these higher light encodements, integrating with them in this Now moment, and radiating this LoveLight into the collective consciousness.



UASA, UASA; Already Happened, It’s Already Done. We are calling forth humanity to wake up en masse, to ready themselves for this event, this moment of truth, this near-death experience, which will disassemble and disincorporate this third dimensional matrix, to allow us to feel this Oneness, heart to heart, and soul to soul, in all of its magnanimity, to shine brightly into the hearts and minds of all of the beloved children, to give them hope, to let them understand, that they are loved and supported in each and every Now moment.



UASA, UASA; Already Happened, It’s Already Done.  UASA, UASA; Already Happened, It’s Already Done. UASA, UASA; Already Happened, It’s Already Done.


And for all of you on this call, and who will hear the recording, or read the transcription, we love you ever so much. Namaste, Beloveds, and good night.

Saturday, August 20, 2022

8-17-22 Sananda by Eli Galla

 8-17-22 Sananda by Eli Galla



My dear Beloved Brothers and Sisters! It is I, Sananda. I am very happy to be with you on this call once again.



Tonight is a very special event for us because, yes, this is in this moment of having integrated these high frequencies of Mother Sekhmet’s feast day, the Lion’s Gate. And you have in this Now moment so much energy available to you in these multiple, cosmic energy streams, that continue to soar on to your Beloved Planet, and into your energy fields.



You, by the raising of the level of your frequency and vibration, and radiating your integration of these energies, are raising the level of consciousness into the collective, because all of you are readying yourself for this event of the truth.



You have been preparing, especially in these last two years, for this moment of truth. The truth is not all of what it is, unless it is all of the truth, and unless it is charted along your timeline. And this is what is going to be made available to you – the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth.



Finally, what you have been calling forth, what you have been demanding out of these so-called representatives, that you have voted into the office, that they have been elected to, and these leaders of your communities, of your senate, of various social institutions, that you have been imprinted to give your trust to.



Now is the time for Beloveds to come into those positions of power, into that whole structure of institutions, to change, to really support the needs of the people, to allow you to continue to exponentially, spiritually evolve in this window of opportunity, that you are in, for the completion of your ascension process.



Beloveds, we are with you. We are in mission on the ships. We are the observers, and we are also a part of your meditations.



And shining the LoveLights on you, as you are tested and challenged, in so many ways, with narratives, and lies, and deceptions, and trickery; being a throttle for your mainstream media, of so-called experts, saying that you need to take this jab still, and that it is necessary to wear masks, and that it is necessary for children to be vaccinated!



Well, Beloveds, you have earned this feeling in your heart, in knowing what is true, and knowing what is in your highest and best interest. And you are learning to empower yourself. And by this mechanism of empowerment, of feeling the power of love radiating in your high heart center, and radiating out through your energy fields into the collective consciousness, you are allowing yourself to move with ease and grace into this next stage of integrating ascension protocols.



And this is a very significant upgrade for you. But the precursor to this was the Lion’s Gate. Because we see that so many on your Beloved Planet really felt, and that many were challenged with issues that they still hadn’t resolved and cleared yet, that whether it was of a physical nature, or of emotional, mental nature, that they were given the resolve, and the ability to clear those issues, to play them through, for the benefit of themselves, and all of humanity.



So we are in this joyous, celebratory mood tonight with you, Beloveds. We honor you for all you continue to do, as you move forward into the completion of your ascension process, all of us as one consciousness in mission on Beloved Mother Gaia, to help her ascend, and all living beings on her planet.



My Mary’s are in the middle of your circle. And they are offering to you, once again, these Kamara roses. And take as many as you like in the frequencies and colors, spectrums that are there, feeling their high vibrations.



Beloveds, we are One in every now moment, and we love you ever so much.  Namaste and good night.

8-17-22 Maria Magdalena by Eli Galla

 8-17-22 Maria Magdalena by Eli Galla



My dear Beloved Brothers and Sisters!  It is I, Maria Magdalena.



Yes, you have been going through these high frequencies, that have been streaming into your planet, through this portal of the Lion’s Gate.  Beloveds, we ask you to utilize these high frequencies of Love and Light coming in, from these encodements through the galactic center, by continuing to be consciously aware of your breathing, whether it be doing your mundane tasks, or taking walks in nature, or being in meditation.



Beloveds, you have earned these moments of connection with the higher dimensions, and perhaps you are able to feel us more and more into your hearts. It is with each and every breath, that you have available to you, with the power of choice, to feel these high frequencies, and to let go of all of the narratives of confusion, of impending events that are being touted as acts of war, and what have you.



Beloveds, all that truly matters is this now moment.  And if you can concentrate and focus on the now moment, just as myself, Mother Mary, and Beloved Sananda did in the period before his passion play unfolded, when we were in the desert, and fasting, and allowing ourselves to be empty of any fear, any feelings of alienation, by accepting the challenge, by allowing these energies to come into our hearts, and to connect with the higher dimensions, connect with that great voice of compassion and understanding, as to integrate the guidance, that was necessary for us to complete that mission.



Well, you are also in mission at this time. And, yes, you can call forth that same guidance, whether you call us in, or your I AM presence, or guidance team.



That connection is there, Beloveds.  That feeling in your heart can become stronger and stronger, the more that you breathe into it, and focus on it.  And allow yourself to feel these higher attributes of being in the fifth dimension, such as ease, and grace, and harmony, fulfillment, bliss, and joy, just to name a few.



It is an ever ongoing stream of energy, that is coming in in high vibration, because you have been working this mission, this dynamic of the empowerment of Love on your Beloved Planet, to win back the fifth dimension.



And, yes, you have been in this first phase of ascension, of integrating these ascension protocols for the past two years. And now events are transpiring. And the more that you could be centered, and utilize these very significant upgrades, that have come on to your Beloved Planet, that are available to you, by breathing into your hearts, by letting go more and more with your breathing, being in the now moment, and feeling this joy that permeates your Beloved Planet.



Because the Light is winning. You are victorious in the Light. And you, by opening up your hearts, can feel this Oneness, can feel this connection with us on a deeper and deeper level. And as you do this, we ask you to radiate your Love and Light into the collective consciousness, to help those Beloved Beings who are still struggling to let go of their dynamics, that they have been imprinted with, of fear and separation. That negative programming never did serve them in the way, that they thought it did.



And now is the time for humanity to rise up and empower themselves, allowing themselves to feel this grace, this beauty, this joy of the power of Love in their hearts.



We love you ever so much, brothers and sisters.  Namaste and good night.

8-17-22 Sekhmet by Eli Galla

 8-17-22 Sekhmet by Eli Galla



My dear Beloved Brothers and Sisters! It is I, Sekhmet. I am truly happy to be with you once again.



Beloveds, many of you have been experiencing these energy upgrades, that have transpired during this period of the Lion’s Gate. And now it is ending, this window of opportunity to be in this portal, and to assimilate these high frequencies, and integrate with them.



Beloveds, many of you have had significant energy upgrades, and we see that so much is transpiring, and coming to a head on your Beloved Planet. Things, actions by this Cabal, and their minions, to foment angst, and perhaps try to spark a civil war, or so much unrest that major riots break out in the most populated cities, so that some sort of Marshal Law could be enacted.



But, Beloveds, these are all acts of desperation on the part of this Cabal.  These high frequencies, that are coming in create more separation, between their very dark, low vibrational energies, and the energies that so many Beloveds have awakened to, and are giving their energy to you now, by putting their stock, faith, and trust into what they resonate with as the truth.



The distance between the narrative of the cabal, and the narratives of the truther community grow wider and wider apart, and acts are transpiring, whereby even more and more Beloveds will wake up, and use their discernment, to see how they have been conned by the same narratives, the same devices, over and over again. And still the main perpetrators have not been held accountable for their very heinous actions.



Beloveds, this is a time for all of you, that are in mission with us as the ground crew to let go of attachments, and outcomes, about how this plays out.  Because, Beloveds, you have already won. All of the plans are in place to enable your liberation, and to win back, and to anchor in these fifth dimensional energies, by way of this event of the truth; and for you to be in this now moment, and to help others to awaken, by shining your LoveLights into the collective consciousness, and envisioning your fifth dimensional reality, where there is no polarity, where you can be in this increased inner flow of energy, exponentially raising the level of high frequencies of light, and directing this energy to where, to what you would, you desire to make manifest in your physical reality.



Yes, using the law of attraction and calling forth more and more Beloveds to awaken, to really feel good, and to let go of fear, so that this third dimensional matrix continues to collapse in upon itself, and to fractalize and disincorporate, as the truth is being made known, as those perpetrators of very devious acts, committing crimes against humanity, are held accountable.



Beloveds, it is happening, and you are unfolding a narrative that empowers Love, that empowers compassion and knowing, that all that you experience on this Beloved Planet comes from the One source of consciousness, and to integrate these higher light encodements, in each and every Now moment, by breathing into your heart, and becoming the compassionate observer of your thoughts, words, and actions, calling forth this empowerment of Love on Beloved Mother Gaia.



And let us join together by me bi-locating my paw out to each and every one of you. And I ask you to reach around with your other hand for someone else’s hand on this call. And forming our circle, and sending the energy around, from the left, to the right, into our hearts. And spiraling our combined field of energy, from the center above, to the center below, calling in the golden white light of the Christ Consciousness energy, the diamond lights, the platinum ray of Lord Metatron, Archangel Michael and his legions of angels with the blazing blue swords, using them as lasers, Archangel Amethyst and the Angels of the Violet Flame, and Saint Germaine and the Angels of the Violet Torch, and spiraling these energies, from the center above, to the center below, allowing ourselves to relax, to feel this Oneness, to feel this inner flow of energy, to feel all of our chakras spinning as One.



And now we are sending this energy down, through the bottoms of our feet, underneath the surface of the planet, and into Beloved Mother Gaia’s crystalline core; feeling her love, her wisdom, her compassion, and how she has been committed to all of us, to complete our ascension process, sending her our Love and our Light, breathing into her heart, and feeling this moment of Oneness, of truth, of freedom, and justice unfolding.



And now, rising on up to the surface, and up through the bottoms of our feet, into our hearts, and sending this energy around, from the left, to the right, spiraling, from the center above to the center below,   and rising up off of the surface of the planet, with the power and the speed of our thoughts, rapidly rising up through the layers of the atmospheres, higher and higher, until we come upon these multitudes of ships, and spotting my beloved ship, The Nibiru, and opening up the landing deck in the belly of the ship.



And now we are rising on up through, hovering in the airlock, while the landing deck closes beneath us. And now it is safe to touch down.



So we are making our way back to an open elevator, and all of us getting in.  And I’m closing the door, and pushing the button, to take us on up to the top floor. Rapidly rising, feeling ourselves become weightless. And feeling our hearts enjoying bliss in this now-moment, as we come to a stop.



And opening up the doors, we see the sparkling faces of the Mentors here to greet us, Commanders from the ships, other Angels and Ascended Masters, and Orbs, who represent the bi-located consciousness of many from other ships and other planets. And your ancestors, and perhaps you from a previous lifetime or two.



And we are marching on over into the middle of this room, circling around where our master crystal sets on this altar, forming our circle now, and the Mentors form their circle around us, and the other Beloveds form their circles. And breathing into our hearts now, and sending this energy around our circle, to the Mentor’s circle, and the outer circles, and spiraling in a clockwise direction, from the floors, to the walls, to the ceilings, absorbing these high frequencies of Love and Light in the high vibrations of consciousness, from all of the crystals, and all of the Beloved Beings on this meditation tonight, whether they are in the room, or bi-locating from elsewhere.



And opening up our hearts, feeling this Oneness, feeling this stronger, dynamic, inner flow of energy coming in, and spiraling through us.



And here we ask you, Beloveds on this call, to make your intentional requirements, for what you would like to create, on your own personal journeys, from the energies of this meditation tonight. It could be having more prosperity and abundance in your life, of having a clearer, stronger connection to your I AM presence and guidance team. Or it could be allowing yourself to be more heart-centered, and to be in meditation, to envision your fifth dimensional reality, feeling ease, and grace, and joy, as you are in these meditative states. Whatever it is, Beloveds, shining your intentional requirements into the master crystal. 



And for all of us on this meditation tonight, we call forth truth, freedom, and justice to be felt in a very exponential way now. We are seeing that a major, majority of the consciousness of your Beloved Planet are ready for the truth to be unfolded, to be marched out, and to be shown in an irrevocable, irrefutable way.



And we, as One, are shining our LoveLights, calling forth this Oneness, this cooperation, this strong connection, from heart to heart, and soul to soul, to awaken the consciousness of any of those Beloved Beings, who are still in fear and separation, being brainwashed by the cabal narrative, to let go, and to rise up, and to ready themselves for this moment of truth.



Shining these intentional requirements, as One consciousness into the master crystal, and shooting it up through its tip, up through the opening in the ceiling of The Nibiru. And now spiraling in a clockwise direction, down through the layers of the atmospheres. And now coming upon the surface of Beloved Mother Gaia, underneath the surface of the planet, once again into her crystalline core. And radiating this LoveLight, from her crystalline core into the DNA of all of the Beloveds on your planet, all of the kingdoms, all of humanity, raising the frequency and level of vibration within the collective consciousness of humanity.



Spiraling the Beloved Planet, from the center above, to the center below. And going into the DNA of all of the beloved living beings on your planet. And calling in more voltage into each and every cell of their being, to assimilate these higher light encodements, in a concentrated way, and transmitting this Love and Light, heart to heart, and soul to soul, to all of those yet to awaken, in each and every Now moment, breathing deeper into this Now moment, and calling upon ease and grace to transpire in the transmission of the perfection of your original blueprinting, of all of humanity to transmit this grace and perfection, to help Beloveds remember, who they truly are.



And now we are counterclockwise spinning the DNA of humanity, to release all negative programming, all disqualified, and discredited energies, polarities, and traumas, anything less than Love, all devices and delivery systems that tether humanity to this third dimensional matrix, all of its control systems, all of the ego-mind programming, that has been designed to keep humanity on the third dimensional timeline, and not to rise up in frequency and vibration.



We are calling forth the empowerment of Love, to be felt in each and every heart. We are calling forth the connection of being in the fifth dimension in the Now moment, in being in this place of no polarity, and feeling the Oneness of all hearts, being joined together in this mission, of accelerating the ascension process, of bringing about the end of these control systems of the 3D Matrix, of implementing all of the provisions of NESARA, in each and every Now moment; spinning clockwise from the center above, to the center below, of each and every being on your planet, calling forth the liberation of the empowerment of Love, calling forth each and every Beloved Being to be heart centered, and to use the power of their sound, to be connected into their hearts, and to put forth their narratives that resonate with their own inner truth, of what they choose to give their energy to. UASA, UASA; Already Happened, It’s Already Done. UASA, UASA; Already Happened, It’s Already Done.



And now, shining our LoveLights into the hearts and minds of all of these minions of the cabal, of all of the thirteen, so-called royal families, of all of the underground beings of the underworld, shining our Love and Light. And we say to them, that we are All One. And now is the time for the truth to come about, and for them to be held accountable. They have been given the opportunities to go for the Light, and it is still not too late for many of them.



Breathing into their hearts, knowing all that they have done is still being of forgiveness, of gratitude for the energies that they have held, so that all of us have had these experiences throughout this third dimensional timeline, to become self aware in this now moment, and to claim back the fifth dimension, by utilizing the power of truth, of freedom, of justice, of remembering that we all are One.



And breathing into our hearts in each and every now-moment, to integrate these higher light encodements. And shining our LoveLights into the collective consciousness so that more and more Beloveds wake up in each and every now moment to accelerate the transpiring of this event of the Truth, the implementation of NESARA and, once again, being in the fifth dimension, in the later stages of integrating our ascension process and all of its protocols.



UASA, UASA; Already Happened, It’s Already Done. UASA, UASA; Already Happened, It’s Already Done. And shining our LoveLight into all of the Beloved children. Those who have been harmed, those who have been liberated, those who are in happy families, and those who have felt rejected and abandoned. We see them all. We shine our Love and Light into each and every one of their hearts. And we have great gratitude for them being here to carry forth the power of Love into future generations.




UASA, UASA; Already Happened, It’s Already Done. And Beloveds on this call, we honor you for all that you do. We ask you to stay ever vigilant in raising the level of your frequency and vibration, to empower Love on this Beloved Planet at this time, when it is needed so much.



Namaste and good night.

Sunday, August 14, 2022

8-10-22 Sananda by Eli Galla

 8-10-22 Sananda by Eli Galla



Beloveds, it is I, Sananda. We are One, Beloveds, in this now moment, and eternally so.



As you move forward on this path, toward the embodiment of these, and integration of these higher light frequencies, Beloveds, many ask us, ‘Well, how do we do it? How do we be in the fifth dimension all of the time? How do we overcome the obstacles, the challenges?



And some of you have dealt with mental issues, of being propagated with so much trauma, especially in your childhood, and in your family bloodlines. You have been holding so much of this energy not only for yourselves, but for your families.



And for the Beloveds that have become your new family, and raising a family. Beloveds, the answer is simple, yet very complicated, because, yes, you are dealing within the context of the third dimensional duality.



But it is to breathe into your heart, and to trust, to allow this process with letting go with your breathing, of calling forth your consciousness, to be empowered with each and every breath, of letting go of all of the fear, all of the doubts, all of the worries with the exhalations, of blessing all of the polarities within your heart center.



And with your inhalations, of bringing in these high frequencies of Love and Light, streaming in from all over the cosmos through the galactic center, to help you in this ascension process.



Beloveds, you are not alone. We are all in mission together, and you, serving as the ground crew. You, serving as the instrument of completion in this process to embody these changes on Beloved Mother Gaia. We love you ever so much. We honor you for being physically embodied at this time. 



Because, yes, I was physically embodied when I ascended on this planet, and so were my beloved Mary’s. And we understand what you are going through in your human condition. We understand what it is to be afraid, and to have your mind, have all of these thoughts that are empowered by an ego, bent on separation, and rationalizations, and lies, and deceptions.



But, Beloveds, as my Mary, my Maria has said, ‘You are not your thoughts, you are not your emotions.’ You are not locked in to any probability pattern.  You choose what it is to empower as your truth, what you want to give your energy to. And what you give your energy to is what you become.



Know this law of compassion, that we are all One, and that you cannot train anybody. Each and every one of you have your unique ray, that empowers you of the Love and Light that you are. And that all you need be concerned with is to raise the level of your vibration. And you need not be concerned with the choices of any other beloveds. Because the only way that each and every one of you truly empower yourself is with your choices. This is why you have free will, Beloveds.



And at this time, each and every one of you have the ability to step into your mastery. All of these high frequencies of Love and Light, that are streaming in are allowing you to clear many lifetimes of issues of polarity, and bring yourself more and more into the now-moment, to embody the power of Love.



And we are with you, Beloveds. We hear your prayers, your intentional requirements. We feel and see you in meditation, and what you are calling forth, and what you are creating.



And we ask you to trust in this plan for the implementation of NESARA, as it will be the foundation of your fifth dimensional reality.



Beloveds, you are pushing forth. You are coalescing past, present, and future timelines into this One, into this now-moment, to empower the Love and the Light that you are, all as one consciousness, Beloveds. We love you ever so much. 



My Mary’s come into the middle of your circle, offering you the Kamara roses.  They are of many different spectrums of color and vibration. Take as many as you like into your heart, as a sign, as an emblem of the Oneness of us being in mission together, to bring about Ascension on Beloved Mother Gaia.  Namaste and good night, Beloveds.

8-10-22 Mary Magdalena by Eli Galla

 8-10-22 Mary Magdalena by Eli Galla



It is I, Maria Magdalena. I come into your beloved circle, into your conference call tonight, to remind you that you are not your emotions. You are not your thoughts. You are, rather, the flow coordinator of choosing what you want to give your energy to. Because, Beloveds, you are the co-creator of your reality.



You set the tone and pitch of the frequency and vibration, that you want to embody within the four bodies of your being. It is up to you to choose what you resonate with as the truth.



Now, on your planet, at this time, there are many narratives, that are being put forth. But this is where your practice with being heart centered, with using your discernment, as you become more and more entrained in being heart-centered comes into play, and really serves you, Beloveds, because the truth has a frequency and vibration all of its own.



And, yes, there are many different perspectives of the truth. But, Beloveds, it is up to you to empower the ones, that you resonate with the most, to create a narrative, that you can allow yourself to move forward, on this path of ascension.



Beloveds, it is about liberating yourself from the control systems of the third dimensional matrix. For thousands and thousands of years, in each and every one of your incarnations, on this third dimensional timeline, while you have been dealing with this density of duality, you have been learning to raise the level of the consciousness.



And in this lifetime, it has all come to a head, Beloveds, because you are at the end of this twenty six thousand year cycle. And you are in this first phase of integrating ascension protocols. You are in this window of opportunity for Ascension.



And, yes, the more centered, that you can be in each and every now-moment, opening up your heart to these higher light encodements, integrating them, the easier that it is for more and more beloveds to awaken, to the truth of who they are, why they are here, why they came here. What is their purpose at this time, just as you have come up with your own narrative to answer these questions, to empower yourself, and all of humanity, by being the embodiment of the Love and Light that you are.



And it is with your choices that you enable yourself to rise up in frequency and vibration, to push forward into this event of the truth for the implementation of NESARA.



Because NESARA embodies the spirit of your original United States Constitution. And it allows all of the provisions, that are necessary to return you to that level of consciousness, to create your reality in the pursuit of truth, freedom, and justice, and happiness of having a high quality of life, and into preserving the integrity of your DNA, which has been mutated to such a degree, that this cabal wanted to turn you into transhumanist robots.



But, Beloveds, that is not happening. You have raised the level of frequency and vibration, and we are in mission with you, on the ships, all of us Mentors working with the galactic federations, to help you to accelerate your ascension process. Because as you do it for yourselves, and for your Beloved Planet, you do it for the whole universe, to raise the level of Love and Light, so that other planets, and there are countless many, who are also dealing with densities of third dimensional consciousness on timelines. They will be able to feel this upgrade, and move forward onto the high vibrational states, to achieve ascensions on their beloved planets also.



But you, Beloveds, are the linchpin. You are the tip of the spear, on this Beloved Planet, to make this transformation into the power of Love, to permeate it all throughout your universe. And it will be felt by all of creation.



We love you ever so much. We are with you in all of your moments of coming up with choices, when you are tested and challenged, when you may feel alone.  Beloveds, you are not. Call us into your heart. Feel this Love and Light, that we are as One in mission with you. Namaste, Beloveds and good night.



And my beloved Twin Soul Sananda will come in.

8-10-22 Mother Sekhmet by Eli Galla

 8-10-22 Mother Sekhmet by Eli Galla



My dear Beloved Brothers and Sisters! It is I, Sekhmet. I am very happy to be with you once again on this beloved conference call.



Beloveds, many different acts are happening on your planet. Plans are unfolding, and countermeasures are being enacted. And it is, as if all of what has preceded itself has come into this now moment, where you can all feel that something is expected to happen.



And, yes, events are transpiring, but Beloveds, cooler heads, as they say, are prevailing, and these forces of darkness, this cabal, are once again revealing their ill-intent against humanity, and that they are not aligned with the truth of what is really going on. And they are showing themselves, that they have ulterior motives for their actions, and they, Beloveds, are in a state of panic.



There is so much that is having to be withheld from humanity, because most of the consciousness of humanity has not awakened yet. But these plans are playing out in such a way whereby it will be necessary to tell the truth, and that certain acts will transpire, that will alert all of the beloveds on the planet, that you have passed a threshold, whereby you are endeavoring to take the power back from very dark forces, that have enslaved you for many eons.



The truth has been held from you, not just in the present, but over the course of thousands upon thousands of years, Beloveds. And when you hear the truth, and when you see how it has played out, along this timeline where you have been testing this density of duality in the third dimension, it will make sense, and you will understand why things have been so hard. And you will understand, that they didn’t have to be this way, not nearly as hard and challenging as they were, and that humanity did not have to be subjected to such heavy amounts of trauma and separation.



But, Beloveds, you will understand that this is the way that the control systems of this cabal operated. They had done this on many other planets. They have been successful and sometimes, we would say, or you would say, that they have been too successful, because they effectively wiped out civilizations and even galaxies with artificial intelligence, that continued to give them an unfair advantage, on Beloved Mother Gaia, when they started to come in many thousands upon thousands of years ago, and infiltrate the institutions of your reality.



Beloveds, in this now moment, the Light is so very powerful on your planet.  These higher light encodements continue to stream in, and you are still in the energies of my feast day, this Lion’s Gate. Cannot you hear the roar happening, resounding within the four bodies of your being, Beloveds? There is change afoot, and we on this meditation tonight, we require to accelerate this process in high frequency and vibration, to raise the level of consciousness, so that more and more Beloveds can wake up and accelerate this ascension process on beloved Mother Gaia.



Let us join together, me bi-locating by paw out to each and every one of you.  And I ask you to reach around for someone else’s hand on this call, to form our circle with. And sending the energy around, from the left, to the right, in a clockwise direction, spiraling from the center above, to the center below, of our combined field of energy, calling in the golden white light of the Christ Consciousness energy, the platinum ray of Lord Metatron, the diamond lights, Archangel Michael, and all of his legions of Angels, wielding their blazing, blue swords, using them now as lasers, and Archangel Amethyst and the Angels of the Violet Flame, and Saint Germaine and the Angels of the Violet Torch.



We are all spiraling, from the center above, to the center below in a clockwise direction, feeling these high frequencies of Love and Light. And now directing them, down through the soles of our feet, into our center below, underneath the surface of the planet, into Beloved Mother Gaia, feeling her heart, her wisdom, her compassion, her commitment to us, and all living beings on her planet to ascend, to spiritually evolve in each and every Now moment, holding these divine energies that are streaming into the planet, from all over the cosmos. We send her our love, and we shine our LoveLights into her heart.



And now we rise on up onto the surface of the planet, up through the soles of our feet, and into our heart centers. And spiraling this energy once again, from the center above, to the center below. It is with the power and the speed of our thoughts, that we lift ourselves up off of the surface of the planet, rapidly rising through the layers of the atmospheres, honing in upon multitudes of ships, and making the direct route for my beloved ship, The Nibiru, as I open up the landing deck, in the belly of the ship. And we pop up through, hovering in the airlock, while the landing deck closes beneath us.



Beloveds, now it is safe to touch down. And we are making our way back into an open elevator. We are all getting in at the same time. And I close the door, and push the button to take us on up to the top floor. Rapidly rising, we feel the love in our hearts. We feel this Oneness, and this gratitude, for once again being here in mission.



And now we come to a stop. And opening the doors, and being greeted by the Beloved Mentors, all of the Commanders of the ships, other Angels, and Ascended Masters, Orbs who represent the bi-located consciousness of many Beloved Beings, from other ships, and other planets, all over the cosmos. And your ancestors, and perhaps you from a previous lifetime or two.



We are making our way into the middle of this room, circling around the altar, where our master crystal sets. And we are forming our circle. And as we do so, the Mentors form a circle around us. And all of the other Beloveds form their circles. And sending this Love and Light, from heart to heart, around the circle, to the Mentors, and to the outer circles.



And now spiraling, from the floor, to the walls, to the ceiling, absorbing the high frequencies of all of the dimensions of reality, all throughout the cosmos, represented here. And the frequency and vibration of the consciousness of the Beloved Beings, from all over, who are joining us, either bi-locating, or with us in this room tonight.



We are absorbing these high levels of interdimensional consciousness, feeling this Oneness, this power of Love magnified, all throughout the tree of life into Creator Source, and grounded into Beloved Mother Gaia. And we are calling forth all of you Beloveds, on this call, to make your intentional requirements for what you would like to create with the energies of this meditation tonight.



It could have to do with having more prosperity and abundance, with having a clearer understanding of your mission in this Now moment, and when to say yes or no, and to feel more connection with the higher aspects of your being, such as your I AM presence. Whatever it is, Beloveds, shine your intentional requirements into the master crystal. 



And for all of us on this meditation tonight, we call for peace. We call for harmony.  We call for the recognition of truth, freedom and justice, as declared in the original United States Constitution, to be fully implemented by this law of NESARA, to reboot this Constitution, as the standard bearer for all of humanity, all over your Beloved Planet, to allow human rights, to be honored, to allow the sovereignty and the free will of humanity to be recognized.



And we call forth the acceleration of the ascension process, through the revealing of the truth, through this event of the truth, that will take you into the next phase of integrating ascension protocols on your Beloved Planet.



And we are shining these intentional requirements into the master crystal and shooting them up through its tip, up through the opening in the ceiling of The Nibiru, and spiraling this energy clockwise, through the layers of the atmospheres, rapidly coming on to the surface of Beloved Mother Gaia, and underneath the surface, and into her crystalline core.



And here we intentionally require that we spiral the energy fields of all of the Beloveds on this planet, of all living beings, of going into the DNA, and removing all of the control systems, that have been levied upon humanity, and all living beings, all of the toxicity, all of the contamination of the air, food, and water supply, all of the lies and deceptions perpetrated upon humanity, all of these control systems, going into the DNA, counterclockwise spinning, intentionally requiring that the speed, efficiency, and accuracy of the movements of this counterclockwise spiral be increased one million-fold, and that all of the components of these control systems be removed, in divine rhythm, timing, and synchronization, coming into completion in this Now moment.



Everything that tethers humanity, and all the kingdoms of Mother Gaia, and all living beings on this planet, to this 3D matrix, we’re removing all these devices and delivery systems. We are removing all of the false narratives propagated, by the main stream media, by all of the institutions, with all of their laws that are manmade, that makes your reality as difficult as possible, to keep the consciousness on the third dimension and below.



We require for the liberation of all of humanity in this now moment, removing all devices, all delivery systems, all contamination, anything less than love, all disqualified, and discredited energies.




We require that the truth be made known, that each and every being on the planet open their hearts, in this now moment, to the Love and Light that they are, to the power, that they are as All One, each and every being a conduit into the Godhead, into this divine, supreme intelligence that all of creation emanates from.



We call in the power of Love to be propagated in an exponential way. And we call for resonance chambers to be placed upon Beloved Mother Gaia to harmoniously accelerate this ascension process. We call in the mineral kingdom, to augment these high frequencies of Love and Light, monatomic gold and silver, lapis lazuli, tourmaline, Russian Shungite, red jasper, labradorite, quartz and selenite crystal wands wrapped in copper wire, copper shavings, and epoxy resin, to mold it all together, at the periphery of the atmospheres of Beloved Mother Gaia, to accelerate the ascension process, by activating the crystalline grid on Beloved Mother Gaia.



Raising the level of the vibration into the highest frequencies of Love and Light. We call for the liberation of the DNA, on your Beloved Planet, to remove all of the mutations, to bring on-line your right lobe, so that in this event of the truth, that all of you remember who you truly are, and are upgraded into the fifth dimensional consciousness, allowing yourself to feel this Oneness, to feel all joined together, as one heart, and one mind, and one body. UASA, UASA; Already Happened, It’s Already Done.



We call in all of the higher attributes of being in the fifth dimension, as we transmute all of the negative energies of this 3D matrix, seeing these control systems of the ego mind, fractalizing and disincorporating. We require, that we transmute these energies into the highest frequencies of unconditional, universal love, compassion, forgiveness, and gratitude; and other high vibrating energies, such as ease, grace and joy, harmony, wisdom, understanding, peace, patience, mercy, kindness, prosperity, abundance, creativity, clarity, satisfaction, fulfillment, bliss, tolerance, clear communication, discernment, and absolution. Radiating these high frequencies of Love and Light, throughout Beloved Mother Gaia, and into the four bodies of each and every beloved being, into their energy fields, their energy bodies, and into the DNA of humanity.



We call forth the divine perfection of your original Adman Kadmon blueprinting. As you move into this second phase of integrating ascension protocols, we are shining our LoveLights into all of humanity, into all of the beloved children, who have come in with more strands of their DNA activated at this time. And they have had to deal with many factors of not being recognized for their divine perfection. And we shine our LoveLights into their hearts, and tell them they are loved and supported, and that soon life will be very much easier.



We are shining our LoveLights on them continuously, to rise up in frequency and vibration, as they will be significantly upgraded in this event of the truth. And they will carry forth this transmission, for future generations, in the glory, and the victory of the Light. UASA, UASA; Already Happened, It’s Already Done.



Beloveds on this call tonight, we honor you for all of your contributions, all of your meditations. We ask you to be constantly aware of the power of Love unfolding, on your Beloved Planet, through the transmission of these higher light encodements. And breathing into your high heart center, to integrate them, to allow yourself to know you are loved and supported, and to understand the real essence of your being, that you are interdimensional being of the Love and Light, of the Source of all of creation. UASA, UASA; Already Happened, It’s Already Done.


We love you ever so much. Namaste and good night. And Now, Beloved Maria Magdalena will come in.