Sunday, August 14, 2022

8-10-22 Sananda by Eli Galla

 8-10-22 Sananda by Eli Galla



Beloveds, it is I, Sananda. We are One, Beloveds, in this now moment, and eternally so.



As you move forward on this path, toward the embodiment of these, and integration of these higher light frequencies, Beloveds, many ask us, ‘Well, how do we do it? How do we be in the fifth dimension all of the time? How do we overcome the obstacles, the challenges?



And some of you have dealt with mental issues, of being propagated with so much trauma, especially in your childhood, and in your family bloodlines. You have been holding so much of this energy not only for yourselves, but for your families.



And for the Beloveds that have become your new family, and raising a family. Beloveds, the answer is simple, yet very complicated, because, yes, you are dealing within the context of the third dimensional duality.



But it is to breathe into your heart, and to trust, to allow this process with letting go with your breathing, of calling forth your consciousness, to be empowered with each and every breath, of letting go of all of the fear, all of the doubts, all of the worries with the exhalations, of blessing all of the polarities within your heart center.



And with your inhalations, of bringing in these high frequencies of Love and Light, streaming in from all over the cosmos through the galactic center, to help you in this ascension process.



Beloveds, you are not alone. We are all in mission together, and you, serving as the ground crew. You, serving as the instrument of completion in this process to embody these changes on Beloved Mother Gaia. We love you ever so much. We honor you for being physically embodied at this time. 



Because, yes, I was physically embodied when I ascended on this planet, and so were my beloved Mary’s. And we understand what you are going through in your human condition. We understand what it is to be afraid, and to have your mind, have all of these thoughts that are empowered by an ego, bent on separation, and rationalizations, and lies, and deceptions.



But, Beloveds, as my Mary, my Maria has said, ‘You are not your thoughts, you are not your emotions.’ You are not locked in to any probability pattern.  You choose what it is to empower as your truth, what you want to give your energy to. And what you give your energy to is what you become.



Know this law of compassion, that we are all One, and that you cannot train anybody. Each and every one of you have your unique ray, that empowers you of the Love and Light that you are. And that all you need be concerned with is to raise the level of your vibration. And you need not be concerned with the choices of any other beloveds. Because the only way that each and every one of you truly empower yourself is with your choices. This is why you have free will, Beloveds.



And at this time, each and every one of you have the ability to step into your mastery. All of these high frequencies of Love and Light, that are streaming in are allowing you to clear many lifetimes of issues of polarity, and bring yourself more and more into the now-moment, to embody the power of Love.



And we are with you, Beloveds. We hear your prayers, your intentional requirements. We feel and see you in meditation, and what you are calling forth, and what you are creating.



And we ask you to trust in this plan for the implementation of NESARA, as it will be the foundation of your fifth dimensional reality.



Beloveds, you are pushing forth. You are coalescing past, present, and future timelines into this One, into this now-moment, to empower the Love and the Light that you are, all as one consciousness, Beloveds. We love you ever so much. 



My Mary’s come into the middle of your circle, offering you the Kamara roses.  They are of many different spectrums of color and vibration. Take as many as you like into your heart, as a sign, as an emblem of the Oneness of us being in mission together, to bring about Ascension on Beloved Mother Gaia.  Namaste and good night, Beloveds.

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