Saturday, August 20, 2022

8-17-22 Sananda by Eli Galla

 8-17-22 Sananda by Eli Galla



My dear Beloved Brothers and Sisters! It is I, Sananda. I am very happy to be with you on this call once again.



Tonight is a very special event for us because, yes, this is in this moment of having integrated these high frequencies of Mother Sekhmet’s feast day, the Lion’s Gate. And you have in this Now moment so much energy available to you in these multiple, cosmic energy streams, that continue to soar on to your Beloved Planet, and into your energy fields.



You, by the raising of the level of your frequency and vibration, and radiating your integration of these energies, are raising the level of consciousness into the collective, because all of you are readying yourself for this event of the truth.



You have been preparing, especially in these last two years, for this moment of truth. The truth is not all of what it is, unless it is all of the truth, and unless it is charted along your timeline. And this is what is going to be made available to you – the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth.



Finally, what you have been calling forth, what you have been demanding out of these so-called representatives, that you have voted into the office, that they have been elected to, and these leaders of your communities, of your senate, of various social institutions, that you have been imprinted to give your trust to.



Now is the time for Beloveds to come into those positions of power, into that whole structure of institutions, to change, to really support the needs of the people, to allow you to continue to exponentially, spiritually evolve in this window of opportunity, that you are in, for the completion of your ascension process.



Beloveds, we are with you. We are in mission on the ships. We are the observers, and we are also a part of your meditations.



And shining the LoveLights on you, as you are tested and challenged, in so many ways, with narratives, and lies, and deceptions, and trickery; being a throttle for your mainstream media, of so-called experts, saying that you need to take this jab still, and that it is necessary to wear masks, and that it is necessary for children to be vaccinated!



Well, Beloveds, you have earned this feeling in your heart, in knowing what is true, and knowing what is in your highest and best interest. And you are learning to empower yourself. And by this mechanism of empowerment, of feeling the power of love radiating in your high heart center, and radiating out through your energy fields into the collective consciousness, you are allowing yourself to move with ease and grace into this next stage of integrating ascension protocols.



And this is a very significant upgrade for you. But the precursor to this was the Lion’s Gate. Because we see that so many on your Beloved Planet really felt, and that many were challenged with issues that they still hadn’t resolved and cleared yet, that whether it was of a physical nature, or of emotional, mental nature, that they were given the resolve, and the ability to clear those issues, to play them through, for the benefit of themselves, and all of humanity.



So we are in this joyous, celebratory mood tonight with you, Beloveds. We honor you for all you continue to do, as you move forward into the completion of your ascension process, all of us as one consciousness in mission on Beloved Mother Gaia, to help her ascend, and all living beings on her planet.



My Mary’s are in the middle of your circle. And they are offering to you, once again, these Kamara roses. And take as many as you like in the frequencies and colors, spectrums that are there, feeling their high vibrations.



Beloveds, we are One in every now moment, and we love you ever so much.  Namaste and good night.

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