Thursday, August 25, 2022

8-24-22 Sananda by Eli Galla

8-24-22 Sananda by Eli Galla



My dear Beloved Brothers and Sisters! It is I, Sananda.



When we come together with you on these beloved calls, we ask you to remember how it feels, because, Beloveds, for you to remember this feeling of Oneness, and to use it in counterpoint to when you slip into thoughts of fear, that pop in through the programming of the ego mind, that is designed to take you down in low frequency and vibration, where this separation is designed to happen also, to keep you in this circular pattern of thoughts and feelings that disempower you, that keep you tethered to this 3D matrix.



Beloveds, that is not necessary. And it really never was anyway, but you had to learn how to entrain yourself, in the high frequencies of feeling Oneness, and working with us, to learn how to clear these negative energies, these control systems, all of these curses and spells, that have been levied upon you, by the ego mind programming, by negative dendrites popping up every time that you were triggered with memories of events of trauma.



Beloveds, you have the power, by breathing into your high heart centers, to release all forms of the tentacles of the black magicians, of the satanic overlords, that have used artificial intelligence, and reptilian underworld power sources, to hold in place this 3D matrix and negative programming, by breathing into your hearts, by allowing yourself to feel this Oneness with us, and with all of the Beloved Beings, who join in these meditations on the ships.



We are One: we all want the same thing, Beloveds. The liberation of your Beloved Planet, to enable the whole universe to raise the level of its vibration, and to move forward in the divine plan of bringing in more Love and Light, to many, many planets, that are going through the tests and challenges of being in a third dimensional reality.



You will be the divine teachers on so many planets. You are moving forward in completing your Ascension process. And, Beloveds, we ask you to enjoy each and every Now moment, because what you are a participant in has never been done before. And we are so happy to be with you, and to have these moments shared together in meditation on these calls.



Beloveds, my Mary’s come into the middle of your circle and, once again, they offer you the Kumara roses. And take as many, as you like, into your hearts.  Feel these frequencies and vibrations, that are representative of the higher dimensions all throughout creation. And take them as an emblem of the Oneness of our mission of working with us, in our mission together, to liberate your Beloved Planet, and to bring the completion of Ascension on Beloved Mother Gaia, and all the living beings on her planet, with you, Beloveds. Namaste and good night. We love you ever so much. And remember, we are with you. Call us into your meditations, and we are there. Good night.


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