Friday, December 30, 2022

12-28-22 Sananda by Eli Galla

12-28-22 Sananda by Eli Galla


My Dear Brothers and Sisters, it is I, Sananda. I am very happy to be with you again on this call.


Beloveds, yes, you have just been through my feast day, and a few days before it the solstice. And the energies that are coming into your Beloved planet are so exponentially strong, that, yes, some of you are having to clear polarities that you haven’t been able to clear fully yet in this 26,000-year timeline.


You have brought in many polarities from previous incarnations, and now, they are coming up in mass to be cleared, and Beloveds, we are with you in this process. We are shining the light into your hearts. We are calling forth this empowerment heart to heart and soul to soul, on your Beloved planet, as you are moving through these small little increments of the truth being made known.


Only now, things are coming to a head, in court cases, in facts being exposed about the jab, in the corruption of politicians giving away money to the enemy. And Beloveds, what have you? The level of corruption on your Beloved planet has been endemic, has been of such darkness, to mutate the DNA, to enslave humanity with all of these devices and delivery systems of this Third Dimensional matrix negative control system, to limit you into only thinking that you were a Third Dimensional being, and nothing could have been further from the truth, Beloveds.


Yes, you agreed to participate in this hologram which is an illusion, but it was designed to very quickly, expeditiously have you learn life lessons by fulfilling soul contracts with other Beloved beings, to enable you to wake up at the end of this cycle. This is what has transpired, and you have worked with us, and you have let go of the illusion of your religions having anything to do with the truth of my transmission of love and light, to empower humanity to ascend.


Because, yes, I ascended in that lifetime with Maria and my Mother Mary, and we planted the seeds for all of humanity to ascend, at the end of this cycle. Beloveds, this is what is transpiring, as we work with the Councils of Heaven. The White Hats if you will, the Earth Alliance, to bring forth this next phase, this Event of the Truth, to empower humanity in the Fifth Dimension and beyond, for ascension en masse.


Beloveds, we are shining our love and light continuously into your hearts and minds, and my Beloved Mary’s come into the middle of your circle offering you, once again, the Kumara roses. They are a symbol of our unity, our Oneness together in mission to bring about the transformation of Beloved Mother Gaia into the light, and eliminate all darkness on your Beloved planet.


UASA, UASA, Beloveds; Already Happened, It’s Already Done. We love you ever so much. Namaste and Goodnight. 

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