Saturday, July 29, 2023

7-26-23 Sananda by Eli Galla

7-26-23 Sananda by Eli Galla


My Dear Beloved Brothers and Sisters, it is I, Sananda. I am very happy to be with you on this call once again.


Beloveds, you are shining. We see it. We see you, and all of the choices that you make. We see how you are moving about in these high frequency vibrations, that show you deep in your hearts the power of love. You are waking up to deeper and deeper levels of this transmission, that is coming in from the Galactic Center.


And as you are integrating these high frequencies and vibrations, and shining them forth onto your Beloved planet, into the collective consciousness. You are feeling and seeing these changes on your Beloved planet, whereby more and more of the truth is coming out, that is leading up to this saturation point. And from that point, this is where the Event of the Truth can transpire, Beloveds.


This is where all of the truth can be made known, and be shown to you on this Emergency Broadcast System in its entirety. Where there cannot be any more second guessing, and wondering why things have happened the way that they have.


It will be very graphic, all of the information that will come about, and there will not be any way to refute this truth, unless you allow yourself to be conned, by this black magic spell, that has taken over all of the institutions of humanity.


We are fractalizing and disincorporating this Third Dimensional matrix control system every time we shine our love and light together as One, Beloveds. Every time you rise up in frequency and vibration, and you stay in neutrality, when you are being tested, and challenged, and even triggered with memories of the pain of past events and trauma.


Beloveds, we see you resolving to do whatever it takes to bring about Ascension on your Beloved planet. And this is what has made you strong, and has helped to awaken many Beloveds, who have been sleeping in the collective consciousness, and now we see the proof of this. Because the mainstream media ratings have fallen to such a level and degree. And the numbers likes of participation in social media, of people going to these alternative news channels, and becoming members of them, and subscribing to their alerts, is astronomical, Beloveds.


More and more of humanity really wants to know and feel the grace of the truth being made known, and that is what is happening on your Beloved planet all over at this time. It is manifesting in different countries in different ways. But one unifying force in this Now Moment is the central banking systems all over your Beloved planet being bankrupt, and allowing this new financial system, this QFS, to come into play, Beloveds.


It is happening. It is real, and the advanced technology of the quantum computer is empowering it. So, yes, there will be this huge wake up call for all of humanity, for the unravelling of that old Third Dimensional matrix control system, of its fiat currencies, of its debt-based slavery. But the new systems are already in place.


This transition period will be a period of grace for the good military to step in, and to commence the overall cleanup of all of these members of the Cabal, who have committed these crimes against humanity. Beloveds, you will feel so much love during this time period.


Do not worry. You will make the adjustments necessary. You will have resources, that you have put into place in your households, for this transition period, and you will be helped by the military to bring about this in a peaceful manner, Beloveds.


My Mary’s come into the middle of your circle, and they are passing out to you their Kumara roses. Take as many as you like, Beloveds, into your high heart center. They are encoded with the highest frequencies of love and light, to let you feel this oneness with us, this divine love of gratitude and appreciation, for all of us as One in mission together, to bring about ascension on your Beloved planet.


Beloveds on this call, we honor you ever so much. We love you ever so much. Namaste and Goodnight.


7-26-23 Maria Magdalena by Eli Galla

7-26-23 Maria Magdalena by Eli Galla


My Dear Beloved Brothers and Sisters, it is I, Maria Magdalena. I come into the middle of your circle tonight shining our love and light, all of us mentors, into your sacred hearts.


Yes, Beloveds, your hearts are sacred. They are becoming activated more and more with these higher light encodements coming in over and over again, and yes, you are being confronted with tests and challenges every day, as your old systems of finance, and government, and education, religion, and mainstream media all whither up and fractalize, and fly off away into the ethers, Beloveds.


Because what matters now is the empowerment of the truth in your heart of this feeling of love, and your understanding, your awareness of how powerful that is, and that you have the ability to be this radiant shining beacon of love and light into all of the hearts and minds of humanity, radiating into all of the kingdoms of Gaia all over your Beloved planet, to allow yourselves to feel this oneness, and to radiantly shine these high frequencies of love and light, that you have been assimilating and integrating from these higher light encodements, that have been streaming into your Beloved planet for quite some time now.


Their advancement into your reality has been raised along with these solar flares coming in from your Beloved Solar sun. There is no turning back, Beloveds. All of the plans that implement NESARA are going ahead. This Fifth Dimensional chess game is down to its last few moves.


Beloveds, the joy that we feel in our observation decks on the ships, we really are really not able to do justice to this feeling of Unconditional/Universal love, that we feel for you, and for all of creation at this time, Beloveds. Because the power of love is taking its course in your hearts and minds, and capturing the imagination of humanity about the level of corruption, that you have all been subjected to. You are starting to feel this shift, whereby so many of you are calling out for justice to be made the most important thing in the agendas of all of the leaders, on all of your Beloved planet.


So that all of these cartels can be broken apart, and all of the miscreants, who have committed the crimes against humanity, can be held accountable and taken off of your Beloved planet. Yes, that is the plan, Beloveds. For so long this cabal has been able to utilize their own free will to create this Third Dimensional matrix negative programming to give themselves the unfair advantage of being able to lie, and trick, and cheat you over and over again.


But you came here. You volunteered to be here on this mission with us, to wake up humanity, Beloveds. This is what has happened, because more and more Beloved beings on your planet are getting it. They are adding up two and two, and they are seeing the same patterns in the mainstream media, of the politicians, and their talking points, and the same old rhetoric whereby nothing has changed or will change until all of the truth is made known.


Then justice will be served in these military tribunals, and the purge of evil will transpire in a very timely manner, whereby it is not the feeling of hatred that will be dominant. It is the feeling of compassion in all of your hearts and minds, because you will see that all of these satanic cults, these beings have been conned by this evil to think, that they were better off, that they were better, more elite, and that they could get away with whatever they wanted. It was all a lie, Beloveds.


So, we come to you today shining our love and light into your hearts and saying we are with you, as these final moves on the chessboard are made, Beloveds. We love you ever so much. Namaste and Goodnight. And now my Beloved Twin Soul, Sananda, is going to come in.

Friday, July 28, 2023

7-26-23 Mother Sekhmet by Eli Galla


My dear Beloved Brothers & Sisters, it is I, Sekhmet. I am very happy to be with you once again on this call.


Beloveds, we are all One. If you could wrap your thoughts around just how total this Oneness is in all aspects of your life. Because you & I, and all of the Mentors, all of the beings of Creation emanate from this Sacred, Divine Cosmic Intelligence of Creator-Source. The inspiration of all of Creation is Unconditional, Universal Love.


The power of love is available to you, Beloveds, in a way now that it wasn’t when you first came into this incarnation. Because your actions, your waking up, your transmissions in your meditations into the collective consciousness, to raise the level and the frequency and the vibration of the whole, has produced these result of your being in this first wave of integrating Ascension Protocols.


And for putting into place all of these plans to bring about the full optimal implementation of NESARA. Yes, NESARA was designed to, & it is still so, to be the cornerstone, the foundation of your 5th Dimensional reality. Because Beloveds, right now we are in phase with removing all of these control systems of the 3rd Dimensional Matrix.


We will continue to be quite explicit about all of what needs to change, as this total removal of all of the ill intent, black magic, artificial intelligence, & underworld manipulations of their power sources come to an end, and this Event of the Truth is the springboard into being in your second phase of integrating Ascension Protocols.


Yes, we keep on repeating a lot of this information, Beloveds. Because we want you to take heart, that you are being ever so successful. That there are no failure points, because what has been created with your intentional requirements with the fulfillment of the parameters of your mission in being here to be the ground crew, to bring about Ascension en masse on your Beloved Planet cannot be stopped. It is only a matter of perfect, divine timing, rhythm, & synchronization to hook up all of those loose ends, Beloveds.


Because we do not want any more war. We do not want, & you do not want anger and all of these low vibrations to be feeding this 3rd Dimensional Matrix any longer. You would say that the Cabal, in boxing terminology, is on the ropes right now, Beloveds. It is a mass matter of bringing about the right combinations for illuminating the public, many of whom are still awakened, but many, many are having suspicions that this other narrative, so totally foreign from the main stream media is being derived from an essential source of the Truth.


As more of the pieces fall into place Beloveds, when this Event of the Truth all of Humanity is going to come to this one moment in time becomes the crystal clear realization with observing all these actions that have led to your enslavement on this 26,000 year timeline. And from that feeling of the Truth being made known, and that expansion of your energy fields, and that feeling of Oneness within all of Humanity.


The shift into the 5th Dimension can become ever so strong, Beloveds. You will feel these upgrades, that you have earned, and from that point onward, you will be actively engaged in bringing about all the areas of this new 5th Dimensional reality, with whatever aspects of it truly resonate with you. Yes, you will be creating the reality, first on the local level & state levels, and even in some cases on the national & international levels.


We foresee that you will be in a transition period, where advanced technologies will be released, so that you can actively engage in satisfying all your survival needs, and in integrating these higher light frequencies & vibrations, Now that there will be so much less interference, because this Cabal will be held accountable.


We can’t tell you the timing of how long that would take at this point, but we assure you, that there are no failure points, Beloveds. Because we feel the Unity with you loyal, Beloved Beings, who have awakened, and those about to awaken to bring about Ascension en masse on your Beloved Planet.


Let us join together, me bilocating my paw out to each & every one of you, & I ask you to reach around for someone else’s hand on this call to form our circle with. We are sending the energy, from the left, to the right, from heart to heart. We are combining our fields of energy into One. Spiraling clockwise, from the center above, to the center below. Allowing ourselves with our breathing to slow down & relax, & to be here in this Now moment.


We are calling in the rays of energy: The Golden White Light of the Christ Consciousness Energy, The Diamond Lights, The Platinum Ray of Lord Metatron, Arc Angel Michael and his legions of Angels using their Blazing Blue Swords as Lasers, Arc Angel Amethyst and the Angels of the Violet Flame, and St Germain and his Angels of the Violet Torch.


Now we are spiraling, from the center above, to the center below, from our high heart centers, down through the soles of our feet, out through our center below, underneath the surface of the Planet, and into Beloved Mother Gaia’s Crystalline Core. We are feeling Gaia’s love & wisdom, and her compassion, her commitment to all living beings on her Planet for Ascension en masse to transpire in a timely way.


We are shining our love & light into her heart. We honor her for all she is, for all she does, for being so faithful, and feeling this Oneness of being in mission with her, & building this bridge into the 5th Dimensional Timeline.


Now we are raising up onto the surface of the Planet, up through the center below, up through the soles of your feet, and into your high heart center, and spiraling clockwise, from your center above, to your center below. Lifting up off the surface of the Planet.


It is with the power and the speed of our thoughts that we are rapidly rising through the many layers of atmospheres, & coming upon the periphery of your Solar System. Where there are multitudes of ships gathered & I am honing in on my Beloved Ship, the Nibiru. I am opening up the landing deck in the belly of the ship. We are rising right on up through, hovering in the airlock, as the landing deck closes beneath us.


Now Beloveds, it is safe to touchdown, and we are making our way to an open elevator. All of us are getting in. I am pushing a button to close the door, and pushing another button to take us on up to the top floor here. We feel ourselves rapidly moving up through these many layers of floors, feeling this Oneness of our hearts being joined together with the energies of the Nibiru. Now we are gently coming to a stop.


I am opening up the door, and the Mentors are here to greet us, Angels & Ascended Masters, Commanders from the ships, Orbs who represent the bilocated consciousness of many Beloved Beings from many ships & many planets all over the Cosmos, and yes, your ancestors and perhaps you from a previous lifetime or two.

We are making our way through the crowd to the middle of this healing room, & we are circling around the altar, where our Master Crystal sets. As we do this the Mentors form their circle around us, and the other Beloved Beings form their circles. Once again we are sending the energies around our circle, and into the Mentor’s circle, into the outer circles.


We are spiraling clockwise, from the floor, to the walls, to the ceiling. We are absorbing all of the higher dimensional consciousness of all of the crystals, and all of the Beloved Beings, who are part of this meditation either onsite or bilocating from wherever they are. We are feeling this power of love resound in each & every one of our hearts.


And for all of your Beloved Beings on this call, this is where we ask you to make your intentional requirements for what you would like to create with the energies of this meditation tonight in your own personal journeys. It could have to do with feeling a stronger connection with your I AM Presence and Guidance Team, with being able to let go deeper & deeper in your meditations, and allowing yourself to feel your heart, to feel the power of love, while you are making your intentional requirements, and asking questions from your Guidance, whatever it is Beloveds. Shine these intentional requirements into the Master Crystal.


And for all of us on this meditation we require that all of the plans that implement NESARA in divine rhythm, timing, & synchronization reach this tipping point, this point of saturation, where the Truth is made known in an unequivocal manner. Whereby Humanity awakens their consciousness up into higher frequencies & vibrations, as this Event of the Truth transpires, all over your Beloved Planet. And all of the lies, tricks, & deceptions, that have been used against Humanity, are revealed, and why & how you gave your power away, that caused your DNA to be mutated. All of the answers to the questions that each and every one of you have will be made known, Beloveds.


We are shining these intentional requirements for the Truth coming out, for the empowerment and implementation for NESARA, for this Event of the Truth, to carry Humanity once again onto the 5th Dimensional Timeline. Shining them into the Master Crystal and shooting them up through its tip, up through the opening in the Nibiru.


Now descending, clockwise through the many layers of atmospheres. Coming upon the surface of your Planet, encircling your Beloved Planet. We are shining our love & light into the hearts & minds of all of the Beloveds into the collective consciousness. Those who have yet to awaken. Those who have yet to realize the power that they have in their hearts, when they breathe into this feeling of Unconditional/Universal Love, and send it forth to radiate all throughout your Beloved Planet, all throughout the collective consciousness.


This is the way that we have been making Humanity strong, Beloveds. Over & over again, joining together with you with our intentional requirements to bring about Ascension. Because Beloveds, when this happened the first time, as we have been saying, it did not totally eliminate the evil on your Beloved Planet.


And Now the councils of Heaven, because they have put out this clarion call to all of you Beloveds, all over the Cosmos, to come in as Starseeds, to enable the plans that the Councils of Heaven saw that were necessary to bring about this total victory of the Light over evil.


They in their planning session before your lifetime, in this current incarnation, designed your own personal soul contract. So that each & every one of you would optimize your gifts & talents, that would enable you to awaken, & to spearhead this movement of the awakening of the collective consciousness, as more & more of these events transpired, to bring about Ascension en masse on your Beloved Planet.


Right now Beloveds, we are calling forth the fractalization and disincorporation of this 3rd Dimensional Matrix. Picturing the energy field of Humanity, with its front, back, and 2 side lattices. Spiraling from the center above to the center below. We require that we remove anything less than love, anything less than a balanced pH of 7.2, that we remove anything that tethers Humanity, to this 3rd Dimensional Matrix control systems, to all of the ill intent, black magic, and artificial intelligence, & underworld power sources, to all of the devices & delivery systems, that have been used by this Cabal to perpetrate these control systems, to keep this negative programming active within you, in these fear & separation based dynamics.


They have made your reality as difficult as possible, Beloveds. But they had this unfair advantage of artificial intelligence in its databases, that told them what would work best with your species, and on this Beloved Planet to enslave you. Your DNA was so complex compared to theirs, that even though they believed they had this royal lineage, that it was nothing compared to you being able to make the reality for yourselves. This is where they encountered you, when they came to your Planet. At least some of them, when you were in the Golden Ages of Lemuria & Atlantis, & you were still in the 5th Dimensional energies.


But Beloveds, we are calling forth this empowerment once again to be felt in your heart & minds. We are calling forth for the removal of all of the negative dendrites, all the devices & delivery systems, all of the toxicity of the contamination of your air, food, & water supply, to create this momentum, to fractalize & disincorporate this 3rd Dimensional Matrix, and to fly it free off into the ethers, from underneath your planet, from the surface, through the many layers of atmospheres. And to transmute all these energies that comprise this 3rd Dimensional Matrix, into the highest frequencies of Unconditional/Universal Love, Compassion, Forgiveness, & Gratitude. UASA, UASA; Already Happened, It’s Already Done. UASA, UASA; Already Happened, It’s Already Done. UASA, UASA; Already Happened, It’s Already Done.


And Beloveds, we call in all of the Children into the middle of our circle. We are shining our love & light into each and every one of their hearts, no matter what their situations are like on the material plane. They are all divine beings of love & light at the core essence of their being. We honor them for coming in at this time, to play their roles, to bring to completion their soul contracts, that will enable Humanity to truly see the power of love being unfolded, as they bring forth future generations onto the 5th Dimensional Timeline. UASA, UASA; Already Happened, It’s Already Done.


And for all of you Beloveds on this call tonight. We love you ever so much. We honor your dedication to the fulfillment of the parameters of your mission, to bring about, with us, Ascension en masse on your Beloved Planet. Namaste Beloveds. Goodnite, and now Maria Magdalena will come in.

Sunday, July 23, 2023

7-19-23 Sananda by Eli Galla

7-19-23 Sananda by Eli Galla


Beloveds, it is I, Sananda. I am very happy to once again be with you on his call.


Beyond that place of belief, the feeling becomes so strong in your hearts, your intuition is open, and you have this knowingness all throughout the totality of the four bodies of your being, that this change is coming about, that the power of love and truth is being unleashed on your Beloved planet in a very timely, compassionate, and loving way.


Yes, you have had to see, with these increments of the truth being revealed, just the level and the depth of corruption that exists on your planet. You have been conned since the moment you were conceived by these low vibrational energies, all throughout the time in the womb, and your birthing process.


Because Beloveds, of this Third Dimensional matrix that has imbedded itself in all of the institutions of humanity. Now this control structure is coming about that it is being disassembled. It is imploding in & upon itself. Its financial institution is no longer solvent, and you will see in the coming days many banks going bankrupt, coming apart at the seams, if you will, this whole financial structure.


You will see the lies, the tricks, and deceptions of heads of state, of these politicians, who have been bought off, by the cartels of the cabal, for their illicit activities to make themselves more and more money, to control humanity with their child and human sex trafficking.


They will be revealed, and they will all be held responsible. Right now, humanity is crying out for justice to be meted out, to all of these criminals. The truther community and the Beloveds, who have the fire of love in their hearts, who have this feeling of patriotism for the love of all humanity, are espousing the truth in such a way, that it is starting to add up to many, many Beloveds on the face of the Earth, that now is the time for this transcendent change to come about.


Because these criminal activities can no longer be tolerated. The sterilization of the species can no longer be tolerated. All of these lies, tricks, and deceptions, that have disempowered humanity, will not be put up with, allowed to be put forth any longer.


This Third Dimensional matrix control structure is being fractalized and disincorporated to its core, and this is allowing this new Fifth Dimensional timeline to be empowered. Beloveds, we are here, we are in mission with you also, to bring about this transformational moment in the history of your Beloved planet for all of humanity, for you once again to be in the Fifth Dimension and to enable ascension in mass on your Beloved planet.


My Mary’s come into the middle of your circle. They once again offer you these Kumara roses. They are an emblem, a symbol of our love for you, of our unity and this oneness in being in mission together, to bring about the liberation of humanity, all throughout Beloved Mother Gaia, to shine the love and light throughout all of the universe, with this victory of the light over evil, Beloveds.


We love you ever so much. Namaste and Goodnight.


Saturday, July 22, 2023

7-19-23 Maria Magdalena by Eli Galla

7-19-23 Maria Magdalena by Eli Galla


My Dear Beloved Brothers and Sisters. It is I, Maria Magdalena.


Once again, all of us mentors are shining our love and light into your high heart centers. Beloveds, we do not focus on the chaos, on those who are suffering in pain. We just shine the light on them in this meditation of all of us coming in together, feeling this Oneness, being here at this time of transformation on your Beloved planet.


And with our joining together in our hearts, in our souls, and making these intentional requirements for peace, harmony, justice, all of these higher attributes of being in the Fifth Dimension: of bliss, ease, and grace, and prosperity, and abundance, Beloveds.


Yes, our meditations and channelings are all designed to raise the level & the frequency and the vibration. So that once again all of you can be in the Fifth Dimension with all of the provisions and components of NESARA being fully implemented, being fully functional.


And you will be in this transition period, whereby you will have all of your survival needs taken care of in a very wonderful way. So that once again you can build a Fifth Dimensional civilization within all of the cultures on Beloved Mother Gaia.


When you are in unity consciousness, the power of love, the strength of your unity, as one race of humanity is what matters, and from that perspective, and from those high frequencies and vibrations of unconditional love, you will take on added responsibilities, and make choices that truly reflect that oneness, that unity, that power of love being transmitted all over Beloved Mother Gaia.


And once again you will be in this Garden of Eden strong and true, maintaining the integrity of this Fifth Dimensional timeline, Beloveds. You have earned this moment of celebration. Yes, many dire circumstances are still transpiring on your Beloved planet, but we know you have awakened to the reality, that if you stay in the high frequency and vibration, that this is what you will manifest with your intentional requirements for yourself. You will be in this eye of the storm, and you will ride it on through as this control structure of the Third Dimensional matrix falls apart. The dissolving of all of the very corrupt institutions of humanity will wither up and blow away like dust in the wind.


You are ready for the new systems to come in, Beloveds. But this is where all of humanity is really being tested right now, for you to have the faith and the trust in these plans, that were all put forth by the councils of heaven. And all of us Beloveds, who are in mission with you, as this alliance, on and off of your world, to bring about the acceleration of ascension.


We are working tirelessly, fearlessly with you, Beloveds. You are getting closer and closer, and we cannot help but be in this space of joy, of bliss, of celebration, because we know what is to come, and that is all that you have been calling forth for all of humanity, to once again be in this place of joy, harmony, and bliss, of feeling empowered with the truth of the love and light that you are, of being sovereign divine beings, and being able to show it, and to play with these energies, with one another, all over your Beloved planet.


We love you ever so much. Namaste, Beloveds, and Goodnight, and now my Twin Soul Sananda is coming in.

7-19-23 Mother Sekhmet by Eli Galla

7-19-23 Mother Sekhmet by Eli Galla


My Dear Beloved Brothers & Sisters, it is I Sekhmet. I am very pleased once again to be with you on this Beloved conference call.


Beloveds, imagine the world in peace, and this is said to be necessary in order for NESARA to be implemented. What you are seeing on your Planet at this time is more & more of the Truth coming out. Yes, if you can imagine that all of these scenarios are being empowered, are being scripted, by whom you are calling the White Hats, or the Earth Alliance. And it is just a scripted movie to show all of Humanity just how they were conned into being enslaved the way that you were for these thousands of years.


There has not been a true representation of your history, but that is about to change Beloveds, with this Event of the Truth. It will be put into clear focus, by us on the ships of all of the different, important events of Humanity, that you were not told about, and that you were not informed, or had any idea of the leverage that this Cabal comprised of different factions of Hybrid Reptilians over you with their Artificial Intelligence, and their databases that told them all of the moves that were necessary in order for them to rule your Planet and to enslave Humanity.


Because Beloveds, when all of Humanity truly realizes, in their awakened state, from this Event of the Truth, that this civilization of Humans had been in the 5th Dimension for thousands upon thousands of years, in what was commonly referred to as the Golden Ages of Lemuria and Atlantis, things will begin to fall into clearer focus for all of the Beloveds, who have open hearts & open minds.


At that point Beloveds, we feel that many, many who are sleeping now, who have no Truth about the level of the corruption, and how they have been enslaved in incarnation after incarnation will awaken to this Truth, and also awaken to being able to assimilate & integrate high frequencies of love & light.


Yes, this is your true divine sovereign nature of being in the 5th Dimension, Beloveds. This is where you are at your best, and with this Event of the Truth you will be catapulted into the integration of these Ascension protocols of the second phase. This will be a very powerful time when your society in the 5th Dimension, of divine governance will be enacted. It will be up to each & every one of you how much responsibility that you take on primarily the local level, because soon you will have the ability to bilocate all over your Beloved Planet.


You will have free energy transportation devices, and you will not be wanting for anything. But this is so very necessary at this time for your spiritual evolution, Beloveds. Because now it is time for Humanity to clear all of the polarities, to bring about this transformational process. This is why you are here as the ground crew, Beloveds.


We could not have done this without you. We needed you on the Planet, being the compassionate observers of your thoughts, words, & actions, your choices. Learning from the outcomes of your choices, so that many, many more Beloveds will awaken after you did preparing the way for this divine event of Truth, to balance all of the tables and enable Humanity to go ahead full force with their spiritual evolution of Ascension en masse, Beloveds.


Let us join together. Me bilocating my paw out each and every one of you, and I ask you to reach around for someone else’s hand on this call to form our circle with. We are sending the energy around, from the left, to the right, from heart to heart, with our breathing allowing ourselves to slow down & relax in the Now moment.


Now combining our fields of energy into One, & spiraling from the center above, to the center below, bringing in these high frequencies of love & light. We are calling in waves of energy. We are calling in the Golden White Light of the Christ Consciousness Energy, the Diamond Lights, The Platinum Ray of Lord Metatron, Arc Angel Michael and his legions of Angels using their Blazing Blue Swords as lasers, Arc Angel Amethyst and the Angels of the Violet Flame, & St Germain and his Angels of the Violet Torch.


Now Beloveds we are spiraling clockwise, from our center above, to our center below. Sending this lovelight energy down through the soles of our feet, out through our center below, underneath the surface of the Planet, and into Beloved Mother Gaia’s Crystalline Core.


We are once again feeling her love, her light, her compassion, her commitment to all living being on your Planet for Ascension back into the 5th Dimension and beyond once again. We are sending her our love & light, our true appreciation for all she is, and all she does to hold these energies of Ascension on her Beloved Planet.


We are raising this energy to the surface of the Planet, up through our center below, up through the soles of our feet, & into our high heart center. Spiraling clockwise, from the center above, to the center below. It is with the power & speed of our thoughts that we are lifting up off of the surface of your Planet. Rapidly rising through the many layers of atmospheres & coming upon the periphery of your solar system, where there are multitudes of ships.


I am honing in on my Beloved ship, the Nibiru. I am opening up the landing deck in the belly of the ship, and we are rising right on up through, hovering in the airlock, while the landing deck closes beneath us. Now Beloveds, it is safe to touchdown.


We are making our way back to an open elevator. We are all getting in, and I am pushing the button to close the door, & pushing another button to take us on up every so rapidly through the many floors on the Nibiru. We are feeling the energies of all these Beloved Beings in this Oneness. All of us in mission together as we are Now gently coming to a stop.


I am pushing a button to open the door. We are greeted here by the Mentors, Angels & Ascended Masters, Commanders on the ships, Orbs who represent the bilocated consciousness of many Beloved Beings from many ships and many planets all over the Cosmos, and yes your Ancestors & perhaps you from a previous lifetime or two.


Now we are making our way through the crowd into the middle of this room. We are circling around our Altar, where our Master Crystal sets. As we form our circle, the Mentors form a circle around us. And Beloved Beings form their circles around the Mentors.


We are sending this love & light, from heart to heart, through our circle, through the Mentor’s circle, through the outer circles. Now we are spiraling clockwise, from the floor, to the walls, to the ceiling. We are absorbing these heightened, higher levels of consciousness represented in the consciousness of all of the Crystals, throughout all of the dimensions, from all over the Cosmos where these crystals have been assembled, and the consciousness of all the Beloved Beings either onsite, or bilocating to us, from their stars, or their planets, or their ships. We are feeling this Oneness, this love, compassion, joy in each & every Now moment with our breathing.


This is where Beloveds on this call we ask you to make your intentional requirements for what you would like to create with the energies of this meditation tonight in your own personal journeys. It could have to do with you feeling more love for yourself, so that you are continuously in this state of ease & grace, making choices that truly empower you, or it could be having more quality time with your loved ones, with your family, and being able to express the depths of your compassion, your Unconditional/Universal Love from your heart to theirs. Whatever it is Beloveds, shine your intentional requirements into the Master Crystal.


For all of us on this meditation tonight, we call forth the end of all evil on you Planet of the truth being revealed, & by those who have perpetrated those heinous acts of control, of war, of ritual Satanic sacrifices, of child & human trafficking, to be brought to justice; for all of the Truth to come out, for Humanity to realize that they have been tricked & conned into giving their power away at a crucial time, in your species evolution, in this 26,000 year timeline.


But this mass Event of the Truth will empower all of Humanity. Right now we are calling for more & more of Humanity to awaken, to feel this joy of being here in the Now moment, & to feel the power of love in each & every one of their hearts, to enable others to wake up, preparing all of Humanity, right now, for this Event of the Truth.


Shining our intentional requirements into the Master Crystal. Shooting all of these intentional requirements up through the tip of the master crystal, up through the opening in the ceiling of the Nibiru. Spiraling clockwise, descending down through the many layers of atmospheres and onto your Beloved Planet.


Encircling your Planet with these high frequencies of love & light, with these intentional requirements for all of Humanity to awaken. We are shining our love & light into the hearts & minds of all of Humanity, and we are calling forth them to remember who they truly are, and where they came from, and what it felt like, and why they are Here/Now for Ascension, for making this monumental change on Beloved Mother Gaia, for all of Humanity, that will resound in echoes of hallelujah all throughout your Beloved Universe. UASA, UASA; Already Happened, It’s Already Done.


We are shining our love & light on all of these places on the millions of Europe, where war is being fomented with the same lies, & tricks & deceptions. This Cabal does not ever tell the whole Truth. They are always hiding underneath their masks, always hiding their cards, and laying them down at the last moment. When it is too late for Humanity to rise up against them, but that is how it was, and now it will never be that way again Beloveds.


Because the shift in consciousness on your Beloved Planet. We are praying for it right now in our meditation. We intentionally require that all of the Beloved of Humanity wake up in high frequency & vibration, and turn their attention into their own hearts, into their own fields of energy to raise the level of the frequency & vibration of their thoughts, their feelings, allowing themselves, to feel this freedom, to feel this love & support coming at them, from all over the Cosmos at this time.


Beloveds you are in the window for Ascension. This is what is transpiring each time an increment of the Truth finds its way into your heart, into your minds. Beloveds we ask you to let go of your fear of these manipulations of the 3-D Matrix programming to make your feel alone, & separate, & unworthy.


Beloveds, fear is a lie. It always has been, and love is the Truth, with love & light, Unconditional/Universal that you are throughout the totality of the 4 bodies of your being. This is your core essence, Beloveds. We ask you at this time to shine it fearlessly, fiercely through all of the remining echoes, & manipulations, & illusions of this 3rd Dimensional Matrix.


Beloveds, when you come together over the Truth, you are an immutable force, a voice to be reckoned with. Because you are empowered by the love & light in your hearts, by the sound of Truth, by the knowingness, that we are all divine sovereign beings, & that everything on the material plane is an illusion. It has all been designed by us, Beloveds, to test us in this schoolhouse of duality. But these Satanic Cults of the Cabal sought to feed off of our energy, and to keep us locked down in lies, tricks, & deceptions continuously over & over again to keep us small, to keep us in want & need, and in fear.


And now that fear is evaporating, because more & more Beloveds on your Planet are awakening, and more & more of the Truth is coming out. We are shining, right now, our love & light on the Ukraine, on Afghanistan & Pakistan, these war torn places. We are shining our love & light on those who have been anointed, by the rulers of this Planet, as their spokespeople.


We are calling for them to espouse the Truth, to open up their hearts, to realize that the Cabal is ending, and they can do much good at this time, by letting go of their attachments to their narcissistic thoughts, and to their attachments to what they are holding onto in the material world, and allow themselves to feel the love & light that they are at this time. And to empower all of Humanity with the Truth.


We are shining continuously on the borders of all countries, to maintain integrity, to disable all of these cartels from making huge amounts of money with their drugs, child & human sex trafficking, with their armaments, with laundering all of their money through crypto currencies and what have you, through real estate transactions.


We are calling forth the dissolving of all these cartels with all the ways they been able to make themselves powerful, with the money that they have made in these very illegal ways. They have caused much harm throughout your Planet, maybe even more so than all of the wars at this time, and for the proliferation of this toxic Jab at this time, & any and all efforts to propagate other Jabs.


We are calling forth Humanity to not go for it any longer, to identify it as a lie, as something totally unnecessary, and to stand up and rise up together, as we are all readying ourselves for this divine transformation, for this Event of the Truth into the 5th Dimension and beyond.


We are calling for the liberation of all of Humanity, Victory of the Light over all of the Evil on your Planet. Because Beloveds, all of those members of the Satanic Cults, they have been conned too with lies, of thinking that they were elite, because they gave their souls away to Satan. And nothing could have been further away from the Truth, Beloveds. Anytime people get together, and they adopt a group mind, even it is based in lies, & deceptions. And not able to create the reality in the 5th Dimension, because they are just too addicted to their low vibrational ways.


So they learn to feed off of the energies of us, of Humanity. But they are the Ones, that will suffer the most, now that this shift is happening Beloveds. Because the evil that they have done through these thousands & thousands of years is being made known, and they will feel the full thrust of this, as this Event of the Truth transpires.


Right now we are calling forth all of the children into the middle of our circle. Shining our love & light into their hearts. We are calling forth them to know that they are loved & supported at this time of transformation, and that they are honored for coming in at this time. Because they are the Ones to carry forth the momentum of this great shift into the 5th Dimension forward, enabling future generations to be strong in the Truth and the empowerment of the Love & Light, that they are. UASA, UASA; Already Happened, It’s Already Done. UASA, UASA; Already Happened, It’s Already Done. UASA, UASA; Already Happened, It’s Already Done.


For all of you Beloveds on this call tonight, we love you ever so much. We honor you for all of your clearings & meditations, your energy work, all of your activations. All of the times that you speak the Truth from your heart. For your narratives about what you hold near & dear to you, what you resonate with as the Truth Beloveds, Namaste & Goodnite, and now Maria Magdalena will come in.

Friday, July 14, 2023

7-12-23 Sananda by Eli Galla

7-12-23 Sananda by Eli Galla


My Beloved Brothers and Sisters, it is I, Sananda. I am very happy to be with you tonight.


I am talking about your ability to reprogram, Beloveds. Because you will be tested and challenged in the coming days. Yes, all of your negative programming is based in these dynamics of fear and separation, which engender all of the low frequency and vibrations, such as jealousy, envy, doubt, blame, judgement, etc.


But it is your ability, Beloveds, to breathe into your high heart center, and to establish the power of the energies flowing through all of your main chakras, in the central column of energy. You have templates all throughout your energy body and energy field, and the more that you can empower this dynamic of the unified chakra, the more that you will energize these dynamics, to be constantly in Fifth Dimensional energies, in these high frequencies of love and light.


And for the assimilation and integrating of these higher light encodements, that are very powerfully coming in from the Galactic center onto your Beloved planet. Any time you are feeling on edge, and yes, you as many of the Beloveds on your Beloved planet, are feeling that there is an imminent overhaul of the old financial system, because it is bankrupt.


These central banks have been corrupted from the get-go, Beloveds. Now it is time for the sacred governance of humanity that is in alignment, with once again being in the Fifth Dimension, to revamp all of your institutions, which the banking industry plays a prime role in assuring humanity of prosperity and abundance, and being able to take care of their survival needs.


So much of what you have been imprinted by, and with these institutions, has been  based in tricks, lies, and deceptions, Beloveds. There has always been enough resources to go around, and the money in its true essence and form, is a representation of that planetary abundance.


This is being felt as this new banking system, of the Quantum financial system, takes hold once the old system goes down. This will enable you to bring down all of those who have committed crimes against humanity and to have them held accountable in military tribunals, so that the new systems of governance on your planet can come about, and shine so brilliantly all throughout your planet, but all throughout your universe, Beloveds.


This has been a stronghold of this satanic cabal, and they are the same players of the Orion wars. They are the same players that blew up Tiamat and Maldek, and now they are running out of geography, because they have been pigeonholed in their own creation, of their diabolical and heinous practices.


The truth is coming out, and the demand for justice is reaching that searing crescendo, that will enable these satanic cults, all of their black magic to be reversed, to be transmuted, all of the lock that these cabals have had with all of the institutions being rigged against humanity; the healthcare industry shortening the lifespan of humanity dropped dramatically.


All of that is ending, Beloveds, because you have volunteered to come here, to play out your parts, to raise the level of the frequency and vibration, and this is being felt in this Now Moment, all throughout your Beloved planet. We are with you, as the rough patches on the bridge into the Fifth Dimension will be felt.


Yes, it is the power of love that is your saving grace, and you being the compassionate observers of whenever you are feeling out of alignment with these high frequencies of love and light. Call us in to your meditations. We are here with you.


Now my Mary’s come into the middle of your circle. They are once again offering you the Kumara roses to take into your heart, as an emblem of our oneness in being in mission together, to defeat evil on your Beloved planet, Beloveds. We love you ever so much. Namaste and Goodnight.



7-12-23 Maria Magdalena by Eli Galla

7-12-23 Maria Magdalena by Eli Galla


Dear Beloved Brothers and Sisters, it is I, Maria Magdalena. I am very thrilled to be with you once again on this conference call.


Beloveds, yes, when we say so much is happening on your planet we are pointing to the plans for the empowerment and implementation of NESARA. These plans set the framework for your new Fifth Dimensional sovereign being of your new governance on this Fifth Dimensional timeline, Beloveds.


Look into the hearts and minds of each other now. as more and more of the truth comes out. This wave, this momentum of truth being felt in your hearts and minds is very dynamic, very powerful, and we ask you that even though there will be rough patches coming up on the road on this bridge to the Fifth Dimensional timeline. That Beloveds, everything is coming about. All of the plans have been put in place in divine rhythm, timing, and synchronization.


These plans are playing out whereby you will once again be in the Fifth Dimension. We ask you now instead of allowing yourself to be triggered with the fear and separation-based negative programming, to override it, by being heart centered, by allowing yourself to use your imagination of being in this Now Moment in the Fifth Dimension.


And what is going to work for you in this new phase of creating your government of creating institutions that are in these higher attributes of being in the Fifth Dimension of ease, and grace, and harmony, and joy, abundance, and prosperity, and clarity, mercy, and kindness, etc, Beloveds.


You have the power. You are seeing that power unfold in the increments of the truth coming out. You are seeing and feeling compassion, as you hear those stories of truth being presented to you on the big screen in movie theatres. The grassroots movement around this movie, The Sound of Freedom, truly was a turning point on your Beloved planet, because it forced that movie industry, to see and feel the power of people coming together, and demanding this movie come out. Everyone that had a prescreening of this movie was a diehard supporter of it.


Because they knew that this was a starting point for a very necessary discussion all over your Beloved planet about these missing children, about how the governments are able to fund their black ops programs. Beloveds, they have had an unfair advantage over humanity with their Fourth Dimensional black magic, satanic ritual practices, which were dependent on the sacrifices of children.


As heinous and diabolical, as it is, that they are not human. These people right at the top of this pyramid of the satanic cabal, they are hybrid reptilians, Beloveds. They were conned into giving their power away to this dynamic of satanism. They were promised that they would be immortal, and elite, and all powerful, and they have gone for it.


Now they are losing this planet, because humanity is once again finding the power of love open up those places of their DNA, that have been mutated, and new children have come in with some of those strands of DNA, that have been mutated for thousands of years, all of a sudden activated.


This dynamic is proceeding very swiftly and very powerful, so that soon you will have all of the strands of your DNA activated, come on line in all of the power centers in your chakras, in the right lobe of the receptor sites in your mind brain, that will allow you to step into once again having the facility with integrating higher aspects of your intuition, of time travel, and even instant manifestation, Beloveds.


We are so very happy that more and more of the truth is coming out, and yes, there is a demand for accountability now that wasn’t happening before, because too much of the truth was enshrouded in doubt of so many on your planet being brainwashed, by the mainstream media narrative.


Now that elicit narrative is fractalizing right before your very eyes. The ratings of these alphabet stations are plummeting, and the videos, that are made by the new TV stations online of the truther community are taking off.


Beloveds, we love you ever so much. We are with you every step of the way, and now my Beloved Twin Soul, Sananda, is going to come in. Namaste and Goodnight.

7-12-23 Mother Sekhmet by Eli Galla

7-12-23 Mother Sekhmet by Eli Galla


My Dear Beloved Brothers & Sisters, it is I, Sekhmet. I am very happy to be with you once on again on this conference call.


Beloveds yes, things on your Planet, as we keep on saying each & every week, that we are on this call, are transpiring on a very dynamic level. And now during the 4th of July. We have had this movie, The Sound Of Freedom released, and it has struck a chord, deep in the hearts & minds of many Beloved people.


It showed Hollywood just what a grassroots movement could do in the film industry, just like a grassroots movement was responsible for getting Trump into office. Who was decidedly an outsider, and not the favored candidate of his party, but he still won the nomination anyways.


Now you have the Main Stream Media finding fault with this movie, saying it’s a part of a conspiracy theory network of the Q Anon. But Beloveds, the feeling of that sound of Truth is the sound of freedom, and that is making itself known.


It is transpiring throughout the country, and this dynamic is also being felt all over the world. Because more & more of the Truth is being revealed, about how this Cabal makes its money, and the structure of these underworld cartels in controlling this Human, child sex trafficking network.


It is a worldwide network, Beloveds. And yes, that movie, The Sound Of Freedom, begs for those who are responsible for these acts, for these crimes against Humanity to be held accountable. That is what your narratives, Beloveds, have a very profound impact on those, who you come in contact with.


Because you will be finding that more & more of the people have to know more about what is truly going on. Not just in this very heinous practice of child sex trafficking, but with the financial industry, and with the fact that a lot of food sources are becoming very contaminated, and that more & more is coming out from qualified healthcare practitioners, and holistic practitioners about the serious nature of the Jab, that has been perpetrated on Humanity, even mandated to many people in many industries, to children in the schools etc.


You have so much happening within the institutions of your governments all through industry on your Beloved Planet. All of these things are working in concert with one another to hold onto the power dynamics of this cartel. Because as more & more of the Truth comes out they become very fractured in their ability to delineate authority, and to keep their same principles of control in place in this 3rd Dimensional Matrix.


The more the Truth comes out, the more that this 3rd Dimensional Matrix starts to fractalize & implode upon itself in such a way, that the old financial system is imploding upon itself. Because the Truth is that it is designed to fail with using debt slavery, as a way for these Royal Banking families to become oh so very powerful, that they could move onto the next phase of their plan, which seems to be transhumanism.


But that is not being allowed to happen, Beloveds. You are the reason why. All of you starseeds, that have volunteered to be here, have raised the level of the consciousness in the collective of Humanity to such a level of vibration that you are now in this first wave of integrating Ascension protocols.


This Event of the Truth will be the stepping stone, the bridge into being once again on the 5th Dimensional Timeline, Beloveds. This is happening. This is real. And whenever you can be in high frequency & vibration, you are disallowing the control systems of the 3rd Dimensional Matrix, and you are empowering the love dynamic of the 5th Dimension to spread throughout all of Humanity in a very integral & dynamic way, Beloveds.


Let us join together. Me bilocating my paw out to each & every one of you. And I ask you to reach around for someone else’s hand on this call, to form our circle with. We are sending the energy from heart to heart, from the left, to the right, around our circle. Allowing ourselves with our breathing to slow down & relax, and now combining our fields of energy into One. Spiraling, from the center above, to the center below, clockwise. Lifting ourselves up in frequency & vibration, & feeling this Oneness in this Here/Now moment.


We are calling in the rays of energy. We are calling in the Golden White Light of the Christ Consciousness energy, the Diamond Lights, the Platinum Ray of Lord Metatron, Arc Angel Michael & his legions of Angels using their blazing blue swords as lasers, Arc Angel Amethyst & the Angels of the Violet Flame, and St Germain & his Angels of the Violet Torch.


Now we are spiraling this energy from the center above, to our center below. Sending it from our high heart center, down through the soles of our feet, down through our center below, underneath the surface of the Planet, and into Beloved Mother Gaia’s Crystalline Core. Here it is, that we feel her energy, her love, her wisdom, her compassion, her commitment to all living beings on her Planet for Ascension to take place in this window of opportunity, Beloveds.


We send her our love, our light. We honor her for all she is, and all she does. We ask for her guidance as we go through these stages of integrating & assimilating Ascension Protocols, for us to be grounded into her energy, and feel this dynamic empowerment of Unconditional/Universal Love with each & every breath.


Now we are rising on up to the surface, up through our center below, through the soles of our feet, & into our high heart center, & spiraling clockwise from our center above, to our center below. Rising up in frequency & vibration, & lifting up off of the surface of your Planet.


And it is with the power & speed of our thoughts, that we are rising through the many layers of atmospheres, & coming upon the periphery of your solar system, where there are multitudes of ships. We are honing in on my Beloved ship, the Nibiru. I am opening up the landing deck in the belly of the ship. We are rising on up into the airlock, hovering there, while the landing deck closes beneath us.


Now Beloveds, it is safe to touchdown. We are making our way to an open elevator. We are all getting in, and now I am pushing the button to close the door, and another button to take us speeding right on up to the top floor of the Nibiru. Breathing into our high heart center & feeling this Oneness. This divine energy of being assembled once again on the Nibiru, and feeling her high vibrational energies. Now we are coming to a gentle stop.


I’m opening up the door. The Mentors are here to greet us, Angels & Ascended Masters, Commanders from the ships. Orbs who represent the bilocated consciousness of many Beloved Beings, from many ships & many planets all over the Cosmos, and your ancestors & perhaps you from a previous lifetime or two.


We are making our way now into the middle of this room, through the crowd. Coming upon the Altar, where our Master Crystal sets. Now we are forming our circle around the Altar. As we do this the Mentors form their circle around us. And the other Beloved Beings form their circles. We are sending this energy from the left to the right, from heart to heart, through our circle into the Mentor’s circle, into the outer circles.


We are spiraling clockwise, from the floor, to the walls, to the ceiling. Absorbing the consciousness of the higher inter-dimensional energies in all of the Crystals that comprise this Healing room, and the consciousness of all of the Beloveds Beings, of some who are onsite, and those who are bilocating to us from all over the Cosmos, Beloveds.


Feeling the highest frequencies of love & light. Feeling this Oneness heart to heart, & soul to soul, and being in mission together with each & everyone in this Now moment.


And this is where we ask you, Beloveds, on this call to make your intentional requirements for what you would like to create with the energies of this meditation tonight in your own personal journeys. It could have to do with you feeling this power of love reverberating through you, each & every moment of the day, helping you to open up your consciousness, connecting you up with the right lobe of your brain, letting go of all the negative preconceived conditioning, & allowing yourself to feel the power of love in your heart, and to be more & more in the Now moment, to utilize the power & the strength of love, & radiating into the collective consciousness to help many more Beloveds awaken, and beginning their Ascension process. Shining these intentional requirements, whatever they are into the Master Crystal.


And for all of us on this meditation tonight, we call forth more & more of the Truth to come out. We call forth the networking process of those Beloveds, who realize that it is us, who are winning back our freedoms, that it is the people coming together in the spirit of Unconditional/Universal Love, Compassion, Forgiveness, & Gratitude, that are empowering themselves to shine the light on the Truth, to shine the light into each other’s hearts, for power, for the strength of unity, for the power of love, to take hold on your Beloved Planet, to help more & more brothers awaken, to help you to prepare for this Event of the Truth, which will be a springboard into the 5th Dimension, Beloveds.


We are shining these intentional requirements into the Master Crystal, & shooting them up through its tip, up through the opening in the ceiling of the Nibiru. Clockwise spiraling, descending down through the many layers of atmospheres. Now coming upon your Beloved Planet Earth, encircling it. Sending this love & light into the hearts & minds of all of the Beloveds of Humanity.


We are calling forth them to open their hearts & minds to the Truth,  this feeling of Love, of Truth, of empowerment, of remembering who they truly are, why they are here, and what their mission is being here. And that we all come from the same place, that we are all conduits into the godhead. And it is in  that knowingness, that beingness of who we really are, that we radiate this love & light dynamically into the higher dimensions.


We are coalescing the past, present, & future timelines into this Now moment for the sake of our empowerment, for this fractalization, and this disincorporation of this 3rd Dimensional Matrix control system. Empowering ourselves to know, that all that we have created in the collective consciousness of this hologram is all an illusion. It is all part of learning life lessons, and that fear is a lie, Beloveds. And Love is the Truth. Love is our real divine, sacred nature.


When we are in this state of love, transmitting these high frequencies of love & light, we are indomitable Beloveds. We are the Ones, whom we have been waiting for. Now is the moment, when our window of opportunity for Ascension is upon us. Where these control systems that have enslaved us for Millennia upon Millennia, are taking a dive the more that the Truth comes out, the more powerless that this Cabal is, the more people are aware of the evil that can be done with Artificial Intelligence, with these underworld power sources, that are being fed by these child & Human trafficking networks, by these drug cartels, by the proliferation of war on your Beloved Planet.


Yes, Humanity is being pushed to the brink, to the edge, because the Truth needs to be felt in each & every one of your hearts. Humanity needs to come together in the Now moment over the power of that Truth. Because Love, Truth, Freedom, & Justice work together with Universal Laws to empower Humanity, to learn your life lessons, & to accelerate Ascension on your Beloved Planet.


Your progress of spiritual evolution has been held back from you, by the tricks, lies, & deceptions, by the mutations of DNA, by these Satanic factions of the Cabal. Now they do not have a leader. They are very disjointed in their approach. They are not making adjustments, and they are walking into the traps of the Earth Alliance.


We are shining our love & light all over your Beloved Planet, into the hearts & minds of whom we are calling the Peace Keepers. These Beloved Beings, who have rescued children from underground tunnels & bases, deep underground, who have put their lives on the line to rescue these Beloveds, in any way that they possibly can, to pretend to be their lead Satanic Cabal, but all the while they were just setting up these pedophiles to take them down. Replaying their own game against them.


And their motivations were inspired by this feeling of Love, by this feeling of Oneness, and projecting it all throughout the collective consciousness. Beloveds, this is what it takes for Humanity to come together and to rearrange your priorities, and to know that there is more than enough resources and money to go around.


What truly matters is propagating this power of Love, and protecting the children, protecting the DNA, the ability to procreate, to make Humanity strong once again in their sovereignty, utilizing your free will, utilizing all of the gifts & talents that you have developed in these many, many lifetimes, that you have been reincarnating on this 26,000 year timeline, and all of the timeline that came before it, on not just this Planet, but on other planets also, Beloveds.


It is this power of Love that reverberates through the core essence of your being, these high frequencies of Love & Light. You are here to make this dynamic difference, because as Humanity rises up into the 5th Dimension & beyond. You are creating a culture, whereby you will seal off Humanity from the ill intent and effects & the evil of Satanism. You will create new sacred, divine governance on this 5th Dimensional timeline, to empower Humanity once again, to develop its gifts & talents exponentially, to become a part of the Galactic & Inter-Galactic Federations, and Humanity will sit on councils, & become part of the Inter-Galactic communities.


Beloveds, it is the power of love, that keeps you strong, that empowers hope and the dream of Ascension on your Beloved Planet. Each time that you breathe into your high heart center, and make your intentional requirements for the Victory of Light over evil on your Beloved Planet. You are fulfilling your parameters of your mission as the Ground Crew. UASA, UASA; Already Happened, It’s Already Done. UASA, UASA; Already Happened, It’s Already Done. UASA, UASA; Already Happened, It’s Already Done.


Now we are calling in the Beloved children into the center of our Beloved Circle. We are shining the Love & Light into each and every one of their hearts. We are honoring them for being here at this time, for playing out all of their soul contracts, for holding so much of the energy of Unconditional/Universal Love, to empower Ascension in this window of opportunity in this harvesting of souls, Beloveds.


They are the Ones, who are carrying the torch forward, through future generations, to empower Humanity as a 5th Dimensional sovereign race once again. We love them ever so much, & all of you Beloved Beings on this call. We honor you, we thank you for all you do, for all you are. We love you ever so much. Namaste & Goodnite, and now Maria Magdalena will come in.