Saturday, July 29, 2023

7-26-23 Maria Magdalena by Eli Galla

7-26-23 Maria Magdalena by Eli Galla


My Dear Beloved Brothers and Sisters, it is I, Maria Magdalena. I come into the middle of your circle tonight shining our love and light, all of us mentors, into your sacred hearts.


Yes, Beloveds, your hearts are sacred. They are becoming activated more and more with these higher light encodements coming in over and over again, and yes, you are being confronted with tests and challenges every day, as your old systems of finance, and government, and education, religion, and mainstream media all whither up and fractalize, and fly off away into the ethers, Beloveds.


Because what matters now is the empowerment of the truth in your heart of this feeling of love, and your understanding, your awareness of how powerful that is, and that you have the ability to be this radiant shining beacon of love and light into all of the hearts and minds of humanity, radiating into all of the kingdoms of Gaia all over your Beloved planet, to allow yourselves to feel this oneness, and to radiantly shine these high frequencies of love and light, that you have been assimilating and integrating from these higher light encodements, that have been streaming into your Beloved planet for quite some time now.


Their advancement into your reality has been raised along with these solar flares coming in from your Beloved Solar sun. There is no turning back, Beloveds. All of the plans that implement NESARA are going ahead. This Fifth Dimensional chess game is down to its last few moves.


Beloveds, the joy that we feel in our observation decks on the ships, we really are really not able to do justice to this feeling of Unconditional/Universal love, that we feel for you, and for all of creation at this time, Beloveds. Because the power of love is taking its course in your hearts and minds, and capturing the imagination of humanity about the level of corruption, that you have all been subjected to. You are starting to feel this shift, whereby so many of you are calling out for justice to be made the most important thing in the agendas of all of the leaders, on all of your Beloved planet.


So that all of these cartels can be broken apart, and all of the miscreants, who have committed the crimes against humanity, can be held accountable and taken off of your Beloved planet. Yes, that is the plan, Beloveds. For so long this cabal has been able to utilize their own free will to create this Third Dimensional matrix negative programming to give themselves the unfair advantage of being able to lie, and trick, and cheat you over and over again.


But you came here. You volunteered to be here on this mission with us, to wake up humanity, Beloveds. This is what has happened, because more and more Beloved beings on your planet are getting it. They are adding up two and two, and they are seeing the same patterns in the mainstream media, of the politicians, and their talking points, and the same old rhetoric whereby nothing has changed or will change until all of the truth is made known.


Then justice will be served in these military tribunals, and the purge of evil will transpire in a very timely manner, whereby it is not the feeling of hatred that will be dominant. It is the feeling of compassion in all of your hearts and minds, because you will see that all of these satanic cults, these beings have been conned by this evil to think, that they were better off, that they were better, more elite, and that they could get away with whatever they wanted. It was all a lie, Beloveds.


So, we come to you today shining our love and light into your hearts and saying we are with you, as these final moves on the chessboard are made, Beloveds. We love you ever so much. Namaste and Goodnight. And now my Beloved Twin Soul, Sananda, is going to come in.

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