7-12-23 Sananda by Eli Galla
My Beloved Brothers and Sisters, it is I, Sananda. I am very
happy to be with you tonight.
I am talking about your ability to reprogram, Beloveds. Because
you will be tested and challenged in the coming days. Yes, all of your negative
programming is based in these dynamics of fear and separation, which engender
all of the low frequency and vibrations, such as jealousy, envy, doubt, blame,
judgement, etc.
But it is your ability, Beloveds, to breathe into your high
heart center, and to establish the power of the energies flowing through all of
your main chakras, in the central column of energy. You have templates all
throughout your energy body and energy field, and the more that you can empower
this dynamic of the unified chakra, the more that you will energize these
dynamics, to be constantly in Fifth Dimensional energies, in these high
frequencies of love and light.
And for the assimilation and integrating of these higher
light encodements, that are very powerfully coming in from the Galactic center
onto your Beloved planet. Any time you are feeling on edge, and yes, you as
many of the Beloveds on your Beloved planet, are feeling that there is an
imminent overhaul of the old financial system, because it is bankrupt.
These central banks have been corrupted from the get-go,
Beloveds. Now it is time for the sacred governance of humanity that is in
alignment, with once again being in the Fifth Dimension, to revamp all of your
institutions, which the banking industry plays a prime role in assuring
humanity of prosperity and abundance, and being able to take care of their
survival needs.
So much of what you have been imprinted by, and with these institutions,
has been based in tricks, lies, and deceptions, Beloveds. There has
always been enough resources to go around, and the money in its true essence
and form, is a representation of that planetary abundance.
This is being felt as this new banking system, of the Quantum
financial system, takes hold once the old system goes down. This will enable
you to bring down all of those who have committed crimes against humanity and
to have them held accountable in military tribunals, so that the new systems of
governance on your planet can come about, and shine so brilliantly all
throughout your planet, but all throughout your universe, Beloveds.
This has been a stronghold of this satanic cabal, and they
are the same players of the Orion wars. They are the same players that blew up Tiamat
and Maldek, and now they are running out of geography, because they have been
pigeonholed in their own creation, of their diabolical and heinous practices.
The truth is coming out, and the demand for justice is
reaching that searing crescendo, that will enable these satanic cults, all of
their black magic to be reversed, to be transmuted, all of the lock that these
cabals have had with all of the institutions being rigged against humanity; the
healthcare industry shortening the lifespan of humanity dropped dramatically.
All of that is ending, Beloveds, because you have volunteered
to come here, to play out your parts, to raise the level of the frequency and
vibration, and this is being felt in this Now Moment, all throughout your Beloved
planet. We are with you, as the rough patches on the bridge into the Fifth
Dimension will be felt.
Yes, it is the power of love that is your saving grace, and
you being the compassionate observers of whenever you are feeling out of
alignment with these high frequencies of love and light. Call us in to your
meditations. We are here with you.
Now my Mary’s come into the middle of your circle. They are
once again offering you the Kumara roses to take into your heart, as an emblem
of our oneness in being in mission together, to defeat evil on your Beloved
planet, Beloveds. We love you ever so much. Namaste and Goodnight.
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