Saturday, July 8, 2023

7-5-23 Sananda by Eli Galla

7-5-23 Sananda by Eli Galla


My Dear Beloved Brothers and Sisters, it is I Sananda. I am very happy and honored to be with you once again tonight on your conference call.


Beloveds, yes, with the truth being made known about child trafficking, in such an illustrated and deep manner. And the mantra that this movie espouses, saying that our children are not for sale. Beloveds, do not be tempted to go into anger into any of the lower vibrations.


Now is the time for the compassion, that you feel in your hearts for all of these Beloved, young children, who have been taken away from their parents, who have been enslaved, who have been treated less than human as food. Beloveds, this is the opportunity as Maria has said, this is the tipping point, because it is empowering and enabling the love and light that all of humanity is, at the core essence of your being.


This is a fight for the survival of the DNA of humanity. There is no separation, Beloveds, between these Beloved children, and preserving the integrity of humanity’s DNA. They are one and the same. Now the law has been written that anyone who commits a crime against humanity, that all of their material possessions will be taken away from them.


And they will go off to these military tribunals, and this is not like a regular court, Beloveds. Justice is swift. The truth is made known in a wholesale way. There is no negotiating, Beloveds. At this point, all of these members of the cabal have ample opportunity to go for the light, and they rejected it, thinking that once again that they would be victorious, that they were elite, and that they could get away with anything, because they have bought off all of the judges, the legislators, all of the heads of state, the CEOs of industry, and all of the institutions,


But Beloveds, when humanity awakens, and the cry for justice reaches this crescendo, that we are envisioning it will in the coming days, that tipping point will empower this shift into the light, as has never been seen before on your Beloved planet, and this will enable this Event of the Truth, that we have been preparing you for, not just on this call, Beloveds. But through all of the channels, through all of the energy work, all of the soul retrievals, past life regressions.


The transmission on your Beloved planet has never been more empowered and stronger, because of these higher light encodements coming in. So many Beloved starseeds are manifesting their gifts and talents in such a divine way, holding so much of the energy, and raising up the frequency and vibration, raising the collective consciousness of humanity, that has allowed this Event of the Truth to come forward, that has empowered this tipping point of truth on your Beloved planet, for so many Beloveds, to get involved.


Because if you do not have your children safe, then you do not have anything. You are doomed to be enslaved, and with these open borders in the United States, the southern part. You are tottering and teetering on that fine line of losing your nation, of losing the power of your original United States Constitution.


We do not see that happening, because we see so many of you Beloveds rising up in frequency and vibration, and demanding justice. All along we knew that this is what it would take, to stun humanity in such a way that they would come together, with the revealing of how they have been enslaved, and with this Event of the Truth. This will be shown to all of, and all of its aspects, all will be shown about your true history, and how this cabal has enslaved you for thousands and thousands of years, Beloveds.


My Mary’s come into the middle of your circle. They are offering the Kumara roses for you to take into your hearts as an emblem of our oneness, in being in mission together, to bring about ascension in mass on your Beloved planet, so that humanity regains her sovereignty, and their freewill, and being in a Fifth Dimensional culture, Beloveds. We honor you. We love you ever so much. Namaste and Goodnight.

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