Monday, December 18, 2023

12-13-23 Maria Magdalena by Eli Galla

12-13-23 Maria Magdalena by Eli Galla


My Dear Beloved Brothers & Sisters, it is I, Maria Magdalena. I am very happy to be with you once again on this call.


Beloveds, yes, the light is shining. We are shining it into your hearts. And the energy streamers on your Planet are miraculously brilliant, with many colors streaming in. And many frequencies of love & light being activated on your Planet at this time, to enable you, and to breath into your heart, and when you make your intentional requirement to be in the 5th Dimension, to with ease & grace rise on up into the 5th Dimension & beyond, This is where your power is Beloveds.


And yes, you are the warriors of the light. You are the way showers, paving the way for those who will awaken during this Event of the Truth. Beloveds, the choices that you make within the course of each & every day can propel you further & further into the light at this time. The vibrations & frequencies, that are coming into your Beloved Planet, via these higher light encodements have never been so powerful.


You are truly manifesting the power of love in your meditations to bring about Ascension en masse on your Beloved Planet, and we ask you to think of all that you do in the conscious physical awakened states of being, as a meditation, and to see the cohesiveness of your emotions, your thoughts, your words, and the spiritual insights that seemingly drift into your consciousness from out of the blue, Beloveds.


This process has enabled you to be in this first wave of integrating Ascension protocols. Now everything is speeding up, & your hearts are opening, and your energy fields are expanding. And you are feeling the power of the Truth unfold in the narratives of this Truther community. And this is why it is so important for each & every one of you, to empower yourself with your own personal narrative, based on what you resonate with as the Truth.


All of your negative programming has been fear & separation based, but the programming that is necessary for you to be in the 5th Dimension is all love & light based, Beloveds, Where you free your imaginations, & you live outside of the envelope, the narrow little box, that this 3-D Matrix Mind control programming has built for you, as your safe space prison.


Beloveds, yes, there will be tests that are still about to come. But Beloveds, there is no room for fear. Because all of the plans to implement NESARA are in place, and the compassion emanating from the councils of Heaven to all of us that are part of this meditation, to bring about Ascension en masse on your Beloved Planet are filled with so much love & joy. That you being in these high frequencies of love & light, as these changes go down ensure that you are supported by the universe, And that the happy blessings, of having these new systems of government, of finance, education, prosperity, & abundance. And reinvigorating Mother Gaia, as the Garden of Eden that it was always meant to be Beloveds.


You will create these new societies, and you will find in this unity consciousness increased mobility for the expression of your hearts & souls, in such a wonderous way. We are with you Beloveds, every step of the way. We love you more than words can possibly express. Beloveds, Namaste and so long for now. And Now my Twin Soul Sananda is going to come in.

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