Saturday, December 23, 2023

12-20-23 Maria Magdalena by Eli Galla

12-20-23 Maria Magdalena by Eli Galla


My Dear Beloved Brothers & Sisters it is I, Maria Magdalena. I’m very happy to be here once again on this call.


Beloveds, tonight I’m asking you to breathe into your high heart center, and to feel this power of love, to be in the Now moment. And to imagine that in all of your incarnations in the past, present, & future of all of the times that you felt this love, & enlarged it, and radiated it, & multiplied it exponentially within the totality of your being, & radiating it throughout all of Creation, that it comes into this Now moment, & it sets you free.


It sets you into this place, of understanding, of clarity, of knowingness, of acceptance & allowance for your eternal, divine sovereign interdimensional nature, and for the infinite energy, that you have available to you to create reality. And yes, it is your choice. It is always utilizing these universal laws, and the power of choice to create a reality that transmits the Truth of the inspiration of unconditional/universal love being the engine of all of Creation, being what unites all of Creation with each & every heartbeat, each & every moment throughout eternity, Beloveds.


No matter what transpires, it cannot ever separate, or lessen the power of love, & the knowingness that everything is One. One Creation, One consciousness, and that the more we allow ourselves to be in this center of consciousness, to be connected within our high heart center, the more we will enable ourselves to be able to feel this power of love, and radiate it forth, to be in ease & grace, & harmony, & joy, to create our reality based in all of these higher attributes, to propagate this feeling of Oneness, with all we come in contact with.


And yes, you are right on the edge, on the cusp of once again being on the 5th Dimension. And on this new 5th Dimensional timeline, where all of this experiential knowledge that you have garnered, from playing out scenarios having to do with the manipulation of energy, by this Cabal to keep you locked down in this dense duality of the 3rd Dimensional timeline. All of that experiential knowledge is going to be released in the Now moment, while you are in the 5th Dimension, to form you new societies with, to propagate and procreate the race onward through the 5th Dimension. Our hearts are gladdened, and we feel the fullness of Truth, & joy, & abundance shining forth within this 5th Dimensional timeline, Beloveds.


This was the way it was originally planned the first time you went around the wheel, but now you are doing it in such a way that it will be solidified, whereby you will not allow, you will see all of the markers, when they come in, and you will immediately cast them out of your 5th Dimensional reality. They will have no chance to take over your reality, as they did in this last 26,000 year timeline.


Beloveds our hearts are gladdened, when we see these energy streamers radiating & shooting forth from your Beloved Planet, throughout the periphery of your Planet. At our vantage points on the ships, we know what level of consciousness you are at. We see how you have changed, & continue to rise up in frequency & vibration.


We honor you. We love you ever so much. Namaste & now my twin soul Sananda is going to come in.

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