Sunday, December 10, 2023

12-6-23 Sananda by Eli Galla

12-6-23 Sananda by Eli Galla


My Dear Beloved Brothers & Sisters, it is I, Sananda. I am very happy to be on this call with you once again.


Beloveds, you are going to act as magnets for many Beloved People, who do not understand what is going on at this time. Because they will feel your vibration, and they will gravitate toward you. Beloveds, and yes, it takes courage to initiate with people, that have little or no understanding of the symbology of metaphysics. Because it is so much different than the way they have been imprinted to think and to react to situations. So when this happens, we ask you to have them focus on this breathing, and go deeply into the feelings of unconditional/universal love.


Unconditional Love is something that every parent can understand, and be with their breathing, allowing themselves to get into a rhythm, that enables them to go deeper & deeper into being in the now moment. Letting go of all tension & stress, all worry & doubt. And to enable them to rise up in frequency & vibration.


Yes, your tone of voice is a honing system. It is a beacon shining brightly into their hearts, and you make a connection with them, by telling them what is going on, and emphasizing that they are not alone, and that the power of love is the strongest force in all of Creation. Now is our time to join together as One unit dedicated to the liberation of Beloved Mother Gaia, from the forces of evil.


You are going to be told a cavalcade of lies that try to deceive you into giving your power away one more time. But this time it is final, when you give your power away. So we know that what will transpire, are events that will clearly show you how to bring back all of your power, by being heart centered, by being in the Now moment, & expressing your love for yourself to everyone else, who you come in contact with. The wheels are turning Beloveds. We can’t give you an exact date for when these changes begin to happen oh so rapidly, that will shift Humanity into the 5th Dimension, but it is there, all of the plans of NESARA are there.


We see that people are now using that word that has never been used before. And even a Governor made an announcement about these NESARA/GESARA Cards. So that has got to tell you, that it is being broadcast into the collective consciousness, and that people are ready to hear about this New financial System, that will liberate them from this rat race of survival, that has been perpetrated upon them by this Cabal.


Beloveds, the power of choice will never be as important as it is right now. Each of you, and each of the Beloveds of your Planet will see that it takes preparation, and it takes intentional requirements to make choices that are truly in your highest and best interest.


Yes, the Truther Community has been doing boatloads of research to assemble the templates to let you assimilate the Truth or different scenarios that may have been the Truth, but that are all more rational & logical than what you have been given by this Cabal so far, and this is enabling this Event of the Truth to play out, because it will be presented to you in such a way that it will be irrefutable. All of the different components of this Truth will align you with the power of Love, being in the Now moment, and you will see how you were deceived into giving your power away.


Beloveds, my Mary’s come into the middle of your circle. They are offering you these Kumara roses, take as many as you like into your hearts. They are an emblem, a symbol of us. Of our love as One force of light to propagate this transition, this shift into the 5th Dimension on your Beloved Planet.


We are with you every step of the way. We love you ever so much Beloveds. Namaste and goodnight.

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