Tuesday, June 11, 2024

6-5-24 Maria Magdalena by Eli Galla

6-5-24 Maria Magdalena by Eli Galla


My Dear Beloved Brothers & Sisters. It is I, Maria Magdalena. I am with you once again on this Beloved conference call.


Beloveds, there is so much love shining, and so much light coming into your Beloved Planet each & every moment now because yes, you have gone through these changes to bring in more Truth into your Beloved Planet with all of these plans set, to be fully optimized to bring about NERSARA on your Beloved Planet to enable you to be in the 5th Dimension once again. Because, yes, all of the old institutions, all of the corrupted ways of dealing with Humanity and doing business as usual are no longer acceptable.


What is going to be the norm on your Beloved Planet from now on is the transmission of the Declaration of Independence and the United States Constitution and all of these provisions and components of NESARA. They will become the new foundation of your reality. This Oneness, this joy, compassion, forgiveness & gratitude will entrench itself into the hearts & minds of all you Beloveds of Humanity because you have earned this moment in time where this transmission of these high frequencies of love & light into each & every heart, lift you up and empower you in a way you have not experienced before.


This is what you have waited for in coming onto this Planet at this time, Beloveds. This is what you have been calling forth, the raising of consciousness of the collective of Humanity, in such an integral & divine way that this compassion in each and every one of your hearts takes you into deeper levels of letting go and trusting your intuition and bringing about this connection heart to heart and soul to soul with others of like frequency & vibration on your Beloved Planet. We are shining our love & light into your hearts, Beloveds.


We see the energy streamers continuously from your Beloved Planet. We know that this means there are so many of you Beloved Beings expressing from your heart doing your meditations, saying your prayers, your intentional requirements, rising up in high frequency & vibration, transmitting the love & light that you are over & over again throughout Beloved Mother Gaia.


You are at this place Beloveds where more & more of Humanity is waking up, and you are readying yourself to experience this Event of the Truth. This Event will have no parallel because you are ready to bring in these high frequencies of love & light and radiate them all throughout your Beloved Planet. This enables you to fractalize and disincorporate this negative 3-D Matrix mind control programming, whereby all of these masters of illusion from these Satanic Cults. These black magicians will be recognized for who they really are and their ill intent & hatred of all of Humanity. They will be held accountable for their crimes against Humanity and/or for Treason. They will be sentenced, and those sentences will be carried out, and they will be removed from your Beloved Planet.


Yes, there are so many who think this process is going to take years, and years, and years, and that you will not be here to see the grace, harmony, and joy that fills the air and sparkles in the firmament of the atmosphere. As these changes are developing you are creating your new 5th Dimensional timeline.


But Beloveds, we say these plans have been put in place in divine rhythm, timing, & synchronization. In this Now moment you are going to see with ease & grace these changes unfolding in a very divine way, Beloveds. We love you ever so much, and now my Beloved Twin Soul Sananda is going to come in. Goodnite.

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