Sunday, June 23, 2024

6-19-24 Sananda by Eli Galla

6-19-24 Sananda by Eli Galla


My Dear Beloved Brother & Sisters, it is I, Sananda. I am very happy to be on this conference call tonight.


Beloveds, yes, you know that there are times when all of the changes you are feeling in your reality become very heavy and overwhelming to you. It is then, Beloveds, we urge you to breathe into your high heart centers. It is then that we urge you to feel and to call us in, and stabilize balance within the 4 bodies of your being.


You do not have to go for any of these lower vibrations. You never did. It is just a matter of managing your feelings, thoughts, words, & actions. So that you make choices that align with the Truth of who you really are, Beloveds. We continuously have focused with you on reprogramming because the way that you have been programmed has been a setup for you to be controlled by this 3-D Matrix.


It is this negative fear & separation-based mind control programming that has tricked you into only being on the 3rd Dimension, & into thinking that duality is the natural state of being of your existence. This is such a gross lie, Beloveds. You are of the highest frequencies of love & light. Look at the way that your DNA was designed for you to have all these experiences on this Beloved Planet.


But this Cabal, through these thousands of years has found ways to mutate your DNA, to take control of your reality. But now Beloveds, with you as the ground crew we have taken it back, and yes, all of the control systems of Humanity are falling apart. The banking system is falling apart. The lies that they have perpetrated upon Humanity with the institution of their mainstream media, mass mind control propaganda machine is becoming so very transparent.


But it took very many Beloved Beings to put their lives on the line to disseminate the Truth, to use the Internet, to use the printed word, to educate the masses, about what was really going on. Now so many Beloved Beings are tuned into the videos and podcasts, of this Truther community. This is helping you to understand where you are each & every day in the struggle to win back your sovereignty and that of Beloved Mother Gaia, to win back the sovereignty over your DNA.


This Cabal has done everything that it could think of to dumb you down to create such fear with the Jab and the false viruses, the man-made diseases. But so many came forth to tell the Truth. Now it has been 4 years later and you see how these things have played out. So many Beloved lives have been taken because they acquiesced to the mandates of the Cabal’s healthcare system.


But this is enabling Humanity to come together in a place of compassion for one another, to disseminate the Truth, and to stand up to these scoundrels, to these tyrants that want the Earth for themselves, to destroy it. The Councils of Heaven won’t allow that to happen, and that is the reason why all of you Beloveds, because of your love for Gaia, volunteered to be here at this time to win back the 5th Dimension and never again have any evil on your Planet to separate the power of love within all of your hearts & minds ever again.


Beloveds, my Marys come into the middle of your circle. They offer you the Kumara roses, with their sound, color, & light frequencies. Take as many as you want, Beloveds. They are a symbol of our union together to defeat the forces of evil on your Beloved Planet. Radiantly shine the love & light that you are, Beloveds.


We love you ever so much. Namaste and Goodnite.

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