Monday, June 3, 2024

5-29-24 Sananda by Eli Galla

5-29-24 Sananda by Eli Galla


My Dear Beloved Brothers & Sisters, it is I, Sananda. I am very happy to be on this conference call, once again, with all of you tonight.


Beloveds, yes, as we move through this dance of empowering Ascension, thus bringing out more & more of the Truth. Seeing all of these events unfold. The confrontations of war-mongering, the court cases coming to completion, and more information coming in about the Cabal, and how they have rigged elections with the help of these cartels, the cartels doing child and human trafficking. 

There are so many rumors, but we ask you not to go for those rumors, and we don’t say anything negative about you wanting to know, what is going on and when it has been going on. That is perfectly natural, but we ask you not to get caught up in the drama of it. And for you to realize that you have the power within yourself, to create the rhythm, timing, and synchronization on your Beloved Planet, by coming together, yes, in mass meditations and your own solitary meditations.


But they are not really so solitary, are they? Because you are continuously working with us, your I AM Presence and Guidance Team. You are calling forth your intentional requirements & what you want to create for yourself and all of Humanity. Beloveds, there is no separation. There never has been. There never will be.


You are all One consciousness and in these moments of bringing about all of the Truth on your Beloved Planet in this Event of the Truth. This will enable you to win back the power of being in the 5th Dimension, once again. Yes, it is only fitting and right, that all of the strands of your DNA be activated, and all of the power centers within the 4 bodies of your being, particularly in the right lobe of your mind/brain be activated in such a way that you are feeling these spiritual upgrades of being in ease, & joy, & harmony, & bliss, & mercy, & kindness, etc.


You have earned the ability to drive out this Cabal, to liberate yourself in the highest frequencies of love & light, and to take this divine initiative of creating new societies. Yes, we are here for the duration of your Ascension process, to be your guides & teachers to help you integrate these later stages of bringing about Ascension en masse.


Yes, we have been through it, but nothing like what is happening now because we see with these upgrades that you have already gone through, the eclipses this year and you are coming upon a solstice in about a month, and that is going to be very powerful Beloveds. So we ask you to keep on focusing on your mission in being the ground crew, which is to continuously rise up in frequency & vibration and radiate these high frequencies of love & light, to raise the level of the collective consciousness.


Beloveds, my Marys are coming into the middle of your circle. They offer you these Kumara roses. They are high expressions of color, sound, and light in the highest frequencies of love, compassion, forgiveness, & gratitude. They are a symbol of us being together with you to achieve Ascension en masse on this Beloved Planet.


We honor you Beloveds for all you are, all you do, and will continue to do to bring about the completion of Ascension en masse on your Beloved Planet. Namaste Beloveds and so long for now.

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