Thursday, January 4, 2018

Dec 26, 2017 – Sekhmet on Ashtar Legacy Call

Dear Beloved Ones, this is splendid, the last call of the year, the last time for our hearts to join together in communion in this feeling of oneness and togetherness with our Dear Beloved Sananda and the rest of the Mentors.

This is a time of warmth, of remembrance of who we truly are and why we are here at this time to carry forth our Missions, in realizing this transition into the higher dimensions and creating this Golden Age.  And what a marvelous opportunity we have with each other.  And as our Beloved Greeter said, “It is really not about the numbers.”  It’s about the Love and the Light that we generate and the oneness of our being.  And we’ve been doing this for many years together in our meditations. 

And now, if you could, think of it as us reaching an apex.  And so, in this meditation tonight, let us join our hands together, and yes, reach out to my bi-located paw.  I’m extending it to each of you.  And now feeling our hearts come together, and rising up, feeling the lightness with our intentions rising up to my ship.  And breathing into it with each breath, we go up higher and higher.  It’s no effort whatsoever at all. 
And now we’re approaching the bottom of my ship, the landing deck, and it is miraculously opening for us.  And coming up through that air lock, and walking all the way to our beloved elevators, the magical elevators that will let us enter with our circle intact, and coming through the doors.  And now popping up to that most beloved part of my ship, the Crystal Room.  And now opening the doors and walking through and feeling the energies of so many beings of the Light waiting for us.  And taking our places with them around the alter with our circle still intact.

And if you would feel the loving energies reaching out to you from in back, you may feel some of your ancestors.  You may even feel yourself from previous lifetimes and incarnations, and with the Mentors here opening our hearts in this Communion of Love.  And we have a most delightful Mission tonight.  It is one of these where we envision what it is we want to create with Nesara in the Golden Age after the announcements happen.  So, bringing in this LoveLight, feeling ourselves harmonize and become one with the high frequencies of the crystals.

Now these crystals allow us to go up into the highest of dimensions.  So, allow yourselves to feel this warmth and celebration of Oneness with all aspects of your Higher Selves and all aspects of the higher dimensions.  And with your breathing, continue to let go.

And now moving the energy around the circle, it is a most delightful feeling, Dear Ones, because the Mentors are here with us doing it with us at the same time.  And allowing ourselves to feel the Love that we have for ourselves, for our Missions, for our journey, for all the times that we’ve fought through challenges and all of the emotions that we’ve learned to deal with in this lifetime and our journey through it, focusing on what we do the day after the announcements and chilling our energy into the alter and this Beloved Crystal which acts as our beacon, our tractor beam, if you will, onto Beloved Planet Earth.

Now, all of us joining together and focusing our energies and envisioning all of the different projects, the feelings of joy and bliss and relaxation and focusing on helping ourselves and the planet to heal and others who haven’t yet been fully awakened and aren’t aware of these changes and what they mean.  We’re going to be the teachers, Dear Beloved Ones, and by being together on this meditation, we are taking responsibility for our visions and our creation of them.

And now opening up this top portal in my ship and having this energy, this Golden White Beam of the Christ Consciousness Energy emit through the top.  And now seeing it being focused on Mother Gaia.  And using this energy as a spiral to completely envelop the planet, going up and down, this Golden White Light pulsating all throughout the atmosphere, the surface and below the surface of Beloved Mother Gaia.

And feeling that joyous feeling of people coming together in their hearts and seeing them dance in joy when they realize that all of these issues with survival, with health and wellbeing, this is being taken care of.  And that their children will be allowed the type of freedom that they have only dreamed of, and they will also be free and rejuvenate their bodies.  And they will be healthy and vital all throughout the rest of their lives. 

And with this knowingness, we shine the Light on all of these players who are major players in the governments all throughout the planet.  And we shine the LoveLight into their hearts.  We shine the LoveLight into the hearts of all of the cabal, what you would call these thirteen banking families, the elites, encompassing the total breadth and width of their control and their mechanisms for control.  And giving them the opportunity once again to come to the Light by raising the level of the vibration with them one more time in the heart.

And nothing’s a lost cause, Dear Beloved Ones, because if you could use your imagination and see that some of their offspring didn’t go for the old ways, and that’s the reason why the Alliance, the Earth Alliance has come about, and the Resistance has made such a mark now.  And feeling this Love permeate all throughout the hearts of all of these players. 

And now there is one thing that I ask your help with and that is to shine this LoveLight on all of the children that have been affected by these heinous acts of ritual sacrifices and just being a target to supply these dark ones with their ability for immortality by feeding off of these innocents.  Shining the LoveLight on them and feeling their energies and assuring them that everything is perfect, that they have been rescued, that they are not forgotten, and that they will ascend. 
And now going to that one particular site underneath the Getty Museum because we see that there is so much going on there with these child trafficking rings, with the ones that have stockpiled things, and that they still exert a certain level of control.  So, from above the surface onto it and down below, feeling the spiral of our Golden White Light Christ Consciousness Energy purify and sanctify every subatomic particle of this area by going up and down in this spiral.

And feeling the children be free and their recognition of the Love and Light that they are no matter how they’ve been treated, letting them  go of all guilt and pain and suffering to rise up together, their spirits in solidarity with one another, up into the threshold of heaven and realizing their freedom.

And so it is, Dear Beloved Ones, we thank you from the bottom of our hearts, myself and all of the Mentors, for your participation tonight.
And so it is.

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