Thursday, January 4, 2018

Mother Sekhmet 12/21/2017 – Channeled by Eli Galla

Dear Beloved Ones, So nice for all of you to join us tonight in this Communion of the Heart at this very sacred time, just a few days before the celebration of one of the biggest holidays of the year, a time of caring and sharing from the heart.  And it’s a splendid time to do a meditation to bring in Nesara. 

 A lot of us have been doing this work for a very long time, and some of you may be quite new to doing it.  But all of us have a certain understanding that the Earth and all of its people really need to heal. And now is the time for us to rise up out of the darkness and separation from our connection to our Godself to a place of connection with Spirit, with our I AM Presence, with that part of us that is the Godhead or the Godself.  And this is our vehicle.

So now, I ask all of you to reach out and grab a paw and to come together in a circle.  And tonight, we have quite a few people, so let’s get this show on the road!  And if you can think it, you can do it!  

So, we set our intentions for going up to my ship, by breathing into our hearts and jettisoning ourself up from our places up into the higher dimensions and into the atmosphere and way above the Earth.  And breathing all the time because ain’t it grand to be all together and joined in the heart with one another? 

And now we’re approaching the bottom of my ship which is the landing deck here.  And it’s opening up for us and we’re popping through right now.  And we’re staying in our circle and we’re connected.  And we’re going right back to the bank of elevators here in our Crystal Ship.  And you just breathe into that energy and allow yourself to feel the glory of all of that Love and Light coming into your heart now and the magic of my ship that allows us to all go in a circle into the elevator at the same time. 

And now going right up to the top floor, which is the Crystal Room.  And now opening up the doors and coming out and seeing all the beloved faces of our Mentors and our Family here and your ancestors and people that want -- beings of Love and Light -- that want to be a part of this meditation with us, because they know our focus and our intentions.  And we are all One about bringing this together, not just for Planet Earth but basically for all of creation to raise the level of the vibration for us all.  

Now forming the circle around the Alter here, and we can see the crystals, and one of them in particular is very large.  I call it our Tractor Beam Crystal.  We’re going to open up our hearts here and bring in more and more of this LoveLight, joined by our Mentors and your ancestors and all of your Guides and your I AM Presences, just breathing into your heart and feeling this Golden White Energy circulate all around the circle sending it out to your left arm and into the right and feeling it multiply, over and over again.   And feeling the Love and the compassion, the appreciation of being joined together and remembering who you truly are, feeling the oneness of our being,  this Unity Consciousness. 
And it’s our vision, Dear Beloved Ones, for what Nesara can bring to all of us on this planet, to make it so that the Love will multiply and provide us with many different scenarios to express our gifts and our talents and connect with so many loving beings in harmony and in oneness.  
And right now I’d like to bring in one of our Dear Beloved Mentors, Archangel Michael, with his blazing Blue Sword of the Truth, and he told me, he said “Sekhmet I feel that we need to implement a Protocol on this meditation because there’s some people on the planet who would deprive us of the Whole Truth at this most miraculous time, for their nefarious under-handed designs.  And that doesn’t have to be, because the more that we set in the Love and the Light, the more the Truth shall come forth accurately. And there won’t be any reason for anyone on the planet to be afraid or ever to be in a state of confusion with the level of the vibration feeling so wonderous.” 

So Archangel Michael is with us, and he is blessing us with his Sword of Truth as he goes around the circle, and in the Crown and in the Third Eye, the Heart, all of the Major Chakras, the Solar Plexus, the Sacral, the Root, connecting us in the chakras in the bottoms of our feet for connection in grounding.  And thank you so much, Dear Beloved One.  The power of the Truth is astounding. 
Now focusing our intentions for freedom, for justice, for transparency, no secrets, no being dragged down into the lower vibrations ever again, focusing on this Crystal and feeling and being the Love we are.  And shining it into it.  And now seeing it activated and opening up the top of this ship.  And all around there are windows, and we see this beam of the Golden White Light being focused right on Mother Earth. 
And we send it down now as a spiral, as a sphere of this Golden White Light of the Christ Consciousness Energy and feeling it pulse all through, in a spiral up and down the breadth and the width of our Beloved Blue Orb.  And just breathing into it, Dear Beloved Ones. 
And now let us focus on some of the places that are still of the darkness at this time.  And one that we keep on coming back to is in this part of the Eastern Seaboard of the United States, this place that they call Long Island, right next to New York City, across a channel of water.  And feeling this spiral now become smaller, but from the atmosphere down to the surface and underneath the surface, penetrating it with these high frequencies of Love and Light, and feeling these waves of this Golden White Light of the Christ Consciousness Energy absorbing and transmuting the darkness there, the evil intent, the negative programming, the negative entities, if you will, that have been feeding off of us, off of our fear and separation and guilt and all of these lower vibrations. 

And now is the time to free ourselves from this connection and to connect the Godself down into these areas with this Golden White Light, penetrating all of the negative programs of the AI, all of the bombs that have been kept secret in the upper reaches of the Fourth Dimension there.  Remember Dear Beloved Ones, the Love and Light that we are in the Fifth Dimension and beyond, this connection in our Heart Center is always the most powerful and important Healing Force in the Universe.  

And now, we’re going to feel ourselves going to the West Coast here and outside of the City of Angels in a place that is called the Getty Museum, and underneath it, very many underground chambers and tunnels where a lot of devious deeds have been done for a long time.  But you know what?  They can’t hide from us anymore!  The Light has become too powerful and too expansive, and the power of the Internet has all directed us here.  And this is where one of the main targets recently for breaking up these rings that have been used to support the Cabal and their very devious and heinous deeds of preserving their power by using all of these beings in very unholy ways.  

So now from the atmosphere through the surface of the Getty Museum and into the underground caverns, a spiral going up and down of this Golden White Light.  And allowing ourselves to continuously expand into the environment with it and preserve our Oneness in our Circle, the integrity of our being, by feeling the Truth of the Love and Light that we are and allowing us power to liberate these energies that would hold us captive otherwise.  

And now we’re going to make a little trek across town here to what some people call Hollywood or Tinsel Town ‘cause this place has held a lot of darkness over the years too.  And the culture there, what goes on in code and in tongue and check, that does not serve the highest purposes of the Love and Light that we are.  And we feel tonight that this place could use some more Love and Light and above all, the Truth, for the Truth to come out.  

So again, from way up in the atmosphere from our ship all the way down into the surface and below the surface, our Golden White Spiral going up and down, going down into the subatomic particles and freeing up all of these lower vibrations and bathing them with the Truth of the Essence of who we all are, which is our Unconditional, Universal Love in the highest frequencies. 
And there, Dear Beloved Ones, mission well done!  We feel so much love for you!  Our communion has been splendid, and we wait for these times to share from our hearts to yours. 

Namaste, Dear Beloved Ones, and Merry Christmas!  

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