Monday, January 8, 2018

Sekhmet January 4, 2018

Dear Beloved Ones, So nice that you could be here all together joining our hearts in Communion with one another to bring in some more energy in the direction of bringing us to this Golden Age. Because, Dear Beloved Ones, this is our Mission. 

And all of us have been linked together, have made the conscious commitment that we’d like to see this for ourselves and for our families, but for everybody on the planet. And the Mentors, this is our Mission. This is the Mission of the Ashtar Command. And we’re here to aide you in any way that we can. 

And by me doing these meditations and coming through in this way, it is a pleasure for me. And you know, the Mentors are One with us whenever we come together in any size Communion of the Heart. Our Mission never changes and even when the announcements happen, we’ll still be together in Mission to integrate these energies all over the planet with all of humanity. 

But also, this is just the starting point for the Universe and beyond, Dear Beloved Ones. You could think of yourselves coming into this planet at this time to do this Ascension Process in a way that it’s never been done before, as a catalyst for Divine Change all across the Cosmos.  

And so that’s my little intro to get us started and to going up on my ship here. And join your hands together.  And join your hearts together in the highest frequencies of Love and Light as my paw multi-locates with all of you. And now, just breathing into it and releasing ourselves from the limitations of being in the physical 3D reality and rising up. And higher and higher we go. Feeling the ease and grace at which we are going up. 

And seeing the underbelly of my ship and “open,” says me.  The landing deck is opening for us, and we’re popping through with our circle intact through the air locks.  And we’re all together, still in our circle. And we’re walking back toward the elevators here and going in with our circle into the elevators. And, wow, we really had fast service here.  

And now jetting up to the top room, the Beloved Crystal Room, where we have a lot of people waiting for us.  Here now, we’re coming out and we’re sensing them. We’re seeing, we’re feeling all their energies, the Mentors, your ancestors, some of which are you from past incarnations even, if you could understand that a little bit, and just surrounding the Alter here, still in our circle, and allowing yourself really to relax and to bring in this energy of the Crystal Room. 

And all of the Mentors who are so very happy for you to be here because, Dear Beloved Ones, we all love you. We all know who you are. We know your commitment. We know all of the different lifetimes and the tests that you’ve been through, not only in this lifetime but all through. 

Nothing is held back from us, and that’s what you can look forward to as an Ascended Master. So, believe me, all of what you’re going through, very soon you will know it was all well worth it. And I hope that inspires you just a little bit.So, bring in this Golden White Light. And we’re harmonizing with the vibration of the crystals, and not just the ones on the Alter here, a really large one, but all through this room. It’s all made out of crystals and not just one type either. There’s a lot of different vibrations and frequencies within these crystals. And just by letting go, Dear Beloved Ones, and feeling the Golden White Light, you can let yourself go up and through the different dimensions here. 

And just breathing into it and rising up. And within your heart going to that place of remembrance of who you really are, all of the time, that connection with your I AM Presence.  It’s a marvelous thing. It really helps put into perspective your lifetime in a physical human body, does it not?  

And now focusing our intention.  And again, we’re going to have our Beloved Partner, one of our Mentors, Archangel Michael, come in with his Blazing Blue Sword because we really see that the Truth needs to come out.  And no, not this partial disclosure that a lot of the countries in like the G7 want. No, that can’t happen.  We’ve got to get in full swing with this Ascension Protocol, Dear Beloved Ones.  And you know, there’s nothing that you all can’t handle ‘cause we’re right there to support all of you, even the ones that haven’t woken up yet. 

Don’t worry, we can handle it.  We’ve been doing this for a long time now.  We’ve had plenty of experience, even back in the days of Egypt. So, Dear Beloved Ones, focusing our Love and our Light on this huge crystal right on the Alter, and sending it through the top of the ceiling here in my ship, this Golden White Light. And we see it being broadcast, going down in a spiral there, right onto our Beloved Mother Earth, Gaia.  And now spiraling all over the planet, and feeling it go up and down from the atmosphere onto the surface and then all through to the Crystalline Core, feeling it pulsating on the micro level through the subatomic particles, through all the cells of all the living beings there, plant, animal, mineral, human.  

And feeling the level of the vibration rise up now all over the planet. It’s a joyful feeling because there, Beloved Ones, the level of the vibration on the planet has never been this high before, not that any of us can remember it to be so. And it’s because of our intentions and our commitment and our work that have been helping along with all of the other Lightworkers playing their parts and definitely all of the Beings of Light on the ships contributing also and all of the Spirits over on the other side who are working with their families that are still down on the planet. 

And maybe you’ve heard something about this place called Disneyland where they had a power outage a little while ago, maybe like last week. And yes, that is a nefarious underground bastion for the dark energies there and human trafficking and particularly the pedophilia type. And as heinous as this is, this is one of the things that is being exposed right now. And by us shining the LoveLight, it’s only going to accelerate this process of these people being brought to task, and for operations to completely stop once and for all, and the liberation of these Dear Beloved Ones. 

We can feel a lot of their energies etherically still being rooted here. So now we are shining the LoveLight all up and down and through from the atmosphere to the surface, to below the surface in a spiral going up and down and pulsating and connecting with their hearts and also with all of the hearts of the dark players who have endeavored to enslave them. This is a key component of Nesara, Dear Beloved Ones.

And Archangel Michael here is turning his Beloved Blazing Blue Sword into a Blue Laser. And he’s making like Obi-Wan Kenobi, and going down in there and going into all the subatomic particles and spiraling out anything less than Love.  All of the deceit and secrets, exposing them, all of those rituals and secret ceremonies to enshrine these dark players in immortality.  

Well, we’re all immortal. We’re all eternal.  But they just are really attached to having it a certain way.  And we don’t think that’s much fun unless everybody can be a part of it, as equals, you know. That’s just the nature of Love. 

So, just breathing into that realization of the liberation of the children here. And we’re inviting these children, these Dear Beloved Ones, to rise up with us and for them to know -- the ones that are etherically too afraid to transition -- we’re saying to them, “We’re here with you.  We support you. We love you.  We know what you’ve been through, and now it’s time for you to go through your process and be totally liberated from these past lives and to work from the other side with us, and feel the Love and Joy with your connection to your Higher Selves.” 

And to the ones still embodied, we’re saying, “We see you, and it’s just a matter of time before the Truth comes out and you are liberated also. So, do not despair.” 

And now we’re going over to another part, this Getty Museum that still has some activity going on over there.  
And we’re doing the same thing. And Archangel Michael is more than happy to go over there with us and do his Blazing Blue Laser. And for us just to keep on breathing into it and breathing, bringing this Golden White Light, our LoveLight, spiraling all from this atmosphere to the surface to beneath the surface. And feeling the joy of letting go to these higher frequencies of Love and Light. 

And these Dear Beloved Beings, feeling what it is to be free, free of all the worries and fears and separations and to feel the oneness with their I AM Presence, to feel the oneness with Creator Source, with that part of them that is the Godhead. And Dear Beloved Ones, this is really what Nesara is about. It’s our liberation. It’s our spring broad into completing our Ascension Protocol on this Beloved Planet.  

So, Beloved Ones, that was splendid. Can you feel the energies let go right now?  We thank you from the bottoms of our hearts here, all of the Mentors, for your continued participation, and we bid you goodnight. 


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