Saturday, January 6, 2018

Mother Sekhmet 12-27-2017

Dear Beloved Ones, Good Evening. We feel your hearts in Communion with one another and ourselves. All of the Mentors here to do another celebration of joining our energies together in our Mission for the enfolding of this Golden Age on this Beloved Planet.  And as you know, it’s not just this planet, but it’s all of creation that is sitting in wonder and observing the moves that are going on right now, minute to minute, heartbeat to heartbeat, and seeing us nearing the finish line.  

And we know that you’re in need of some inspiration from time to time.  And yes, we cherish these times that we come together and that we could share with you from our hearts to yours, because it is such a benevolent and joyous circumstance for us to be able to do a meditation with you. And right now, at this time, we’re feeling that the more we can do this, the more that we can raise these very high vibrations to bring about this push-through, if you will, into all of these changes manifesting in your physical reality.

And Most Beloveds, wouldn’t it be wondrous and joyous for you all to see this Emergency Broadcast System going bonkers on your mainstream media?  And telling all of the truth, uncensored, non-sanitized, but with Love and Compassion for all that you’ve been through in this long ride of these last thirteen thousand some years of enduring all of the ups and downs of duality.

 So now, let us join our hands together and once again I’m bi-locating my paw with all of you.  And breathing into the heart and using our breath to jettison us up and lifting off into these higher vibrations, going up and up and feeling the wonder of it.  And letting go of all of these constraints of the physical reality, and feeling the etheric in the higher dimensions take over as we approach the bottom of my ship, the Nibiru. And opening up the landing deck here and popping up and through the air lock, all intact together, still joined hand to hand, paw to hands, and now making our way to the elevators and allowing ourselves to go right through and up and up and up. It’s a most marvelous feeling in this crystal ship, is it not? 

Now, coming out through the elevator and joining the Mentors and assembling around the Altar once more.  And just breathing into the energy of the Crystal Room and all of the crystals assembled all throughout the room and the Altar also. And allowing ourselves to feel any of your guides and teams and ancestors. Perhaps they’re giving you a little nudge or giving you a fragrance, maybe even a little song there to let you know that they’re right with you.  And feeling the joy of the Mentors being all joined together with us in the hearts. 

Dear Beloved Ones, it’s another opportunity to raise the level of the vibrations by breathing into the heart and bringing in this Golden White Light of the Christ Consciousness Energy and allowing ourselves to go up into the higher dimensions here supporting one another in the Love and Light that we are.  And feeling the oneness of all of us together joining on this Mission of liberation for all the beings of the Light.  Working for the Light and just feeling ourselves, this warmth, this joy, this remembrance of who we truly are, all of the time being one with our I AM Presence, with that part of us that is the Godhead. 

And now, feeling the resonance once more of the crystals as they provide an extra surge of energy to take us up higher to expand the consciousness as we are now focused above the Altar and shining down on this crystal.  And placing our intentions for the liberation to come about, the announcements for NESARA, the complete freedom of allowing people not to have to do work that they don’t want to do.  But to be in their passion, to be unafraid to be the truth of who they are, to explore their feelings and to nurture their talents and gifts with one another and not have to play these survival games that have become very narrow and limiting, and really taking away the energy from who we are now that we know how we’ve been manipulated. 

And now focusing on the crystal and this beam of the Golden White Light of the Christ Consciousness and feeling it shine up and through the opening in my ship. And seeing through all of the crystal windows here, completely transparent, of course. And shining down on our Beloved Blue Orb of Mother Gaia. 

And feeling the energy of forgiveness for all of those that would still enslave us.  Feeling the wonder and joy of the magnanimous energies that we’re bringing to the planet and spiraling it down, over in this Golden White Light, blanketing of energy in the highest of frequencies, spiraling it up and over, down, around and through from the atmosphere to the surface, underneath the surface affecting the subatomic particles in most wondrous ways. And allowing Mother Gaia to build bridges to Heaven now through the crystalline grid, at this time a most miraculous change on this planet.  

And perhaps you can see the wonder of all of the brightness of these energies on Mother Earth right now and why we are in such a joyous frame of mind and expression with you all as this beloved year of most dramatic changes is coming to a close. And it’s guaranteed to go out with a bang.  We can rest assured on that. 

And we’re doing our part here by focusing our LoveLights right now on these tectonic plates in the Pacific Ocean, if you will, ‘cause we’re getting that they can use a little soothing out right now.  And so, we’re spiraling our Golden White Light of the Christ Consciousness Energy from the atmosphere to the surface and down through the tectonic plates, all the way down into Gaia’s Crystal Core and going into the subatomic particles.  And shining this LoveLight to expand the particles that would be contracting, and providing this Elixir of the LoveLight to them to make these changes most harmonious by letting this energy flow instead of creating any explosions, if you will. 

Now we’re coming back up to the surface and we’re going to this most marvelous place of the Vatican.  And since this Dear Beloved One, this new Pope has been in his tenure, a lot of truth has been coming out.  But he’s like a lot of these other leaders, limited in the range and scope of what he can reveal. But now it’s changing, and we’re going to give him a little push and a little support tonight because he knows the secrets of the Vatican. He knows all of the dark, deeply guarded secrets of factions that aren’t supposed to exist and non-human forms of life that are being sequestered down there also.  And now he knows that it’s time for all of that to be revealed. 

And it may surprise you to understand that we’re getting the feeling that this Pope, he wants all of the truth to come out. He doesn’t want it to be partial.  He wants it to be full and complete. He’s been around our viewers many times now in these last few years, and he’s seen enough of suffering and misery and poverty and war. And he knows deep in his heart, it doesn’t have to exist at all now, now with the energies coming into the Beloved Planet.
So, feeling solidarity in the LoveLight that we all are and shining it from the atmosphere to the surface and deep down below in the catacombs there of the Vatican, and shining the LoveLight on all the satanic symbols in the courtyards. And shining the LoveLight on the secrets of these symbols and the secrets of the ancient texts and the closely-guarded secrets in the libraries. They are soon to be unearthed and exposed unlocking so much energy and raising the level of the vibrations just by doing that, Dear Beloved Ones. 
And this is all to help facilitate NESARA, and you can bet your bottom dollar on that, Dear Beloved Ones.  The more secrets that are let go of, the more people that are called to task and shown that they’re not fooling anyone, that we know. And the people that have been doing the research with them for us, they have uncovered the truth and they are coming together. And they’re doing their parts along with us opening these conduits of energy in the higher dimensions for them to make this reality flow harmoniously in this Now Moment.
And now, we’d like to jump over the pond here and go to Washington, D.C. one more time.  And from the highest of dimensions to shine this LoveLight on all of these buildings that contain the inner workings of government, all of these underground passages and bases that are hiding the secrets that the cabal never wanted us to know.  But the time is passed for that.  Most of these secrets have been found out, exposed by insiders who have fearlessly come forth.  Especially in these last five years, that our Golden Age Dynamics have been really unleashed and come together in our meditation of Oneness for these announcements to liberate us into the Golden Age.

So now, if you will, will you picture all of these five hundred or so politicians.  And shine the LoveLight into their hearts and also including all of the people over in the White House, the President, his advisors, the Cabinet, going over to the Pentagon, all of the people in the positive military shining the LoveLight into their hearts.  Going on to the CIA, where the darkness runs rampant in many factions that still believe they’re in control, shining the LoveLight into their hearts, from these highest of frequencies, these highest of dimensions, that this tractor beam from my ship is bringing in. 

And you can rest assured that we’re giving them some pause here -- no pun intended -- for realizing that they won’t be supported by their overlords and masters.  They’re just pawns in the game basically as much as it hurts for them to admit that because they always thought that they were on the top cutting edge of the manipulations against the masses and being the top controllers.  But now they’re having second thoughts with seeing the way that this stack of Yertles is starting to destabilize and fall in on itself, and allowing ourselves to feel joy for raising the level of the vibration here, Beloved Ones. 
And let’s scoot on over to the West Coast one more time because that bastion of most heinous acts is still operating much to our woe in knowing that some Beloved Children are still being affected by the actions of these very dark players. And the moves have been made, and they are escalating to completely dematerialize the networks of child trafficking, of supplying the cabal with this food, if you will. That’s what they think of it as. They don’t think of it as souls and hearts and DNA, but we do, of course.
And shining the LoveLight on all of the Dear Beloved Children who are there right now, and the ones that have given up their lives.  And their spirits are with those that are still going through these tests to complete their Life Contracts here, as hard as it may be for us to realize the huge sacrifices that they have made for our liberation. 
And now, allowing ourselves to feel this place of completion, Mission well done, Dear Beloved Ones!  We so love you and appreciate you and respect you for all that you do.  To us that is not any sort of cliché whatsoever.  We see all that you do.  We feel it.  We feel your LoveLights sparkling and shining.  And we are in awe and marvel of you, Dear Beloved Ones. Please keep your inspiration, and keep your eyes on the prize.


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