Friday, March 2, 2018

2-28-2018, Mother Sekhmet by Eli Galla

Dear Beloved Ones, 

Good Evening, I hear that there has been a question for me.  And would you care to restate that question again?

Q. (DJ) Yes.  Mother Sekhmet, I wanted to know if it is necessary to do ancestry work because in my family, I have my grandmother, my sister, my daughter and now a granddaughter with very similar mental illness.  And it does seem to be ancestral, so I wanted to know, is it necessary to work with the ancestors to clear this?  

A.  Well, what we’re seeing, DJ, is that we can have Eli test on a person-by-person basis going back, oh, we think it’s four generations about in your family and see what some of those connecting-path lifetimes might have been with some members in you family now and the members that are over on the other side. And it’s also a matter of by us doing the work on the members of your family that we’ve been doing for the last couple of months, that we’ve taken out some very troublesome, we would say, bottlenecks of the energy in the family dynamic there. And that’s what you’re basically alluding to when you’re talking about the ancestry work within your family, DJ, that this is sure lessons that have come up within your family and that they need to be addressed, but again, we will have Eli take a look at that the next time that we’re doing any sessions with you or members of your family, and address that and see if there’s any past lifetimes that come up with these members in your family. But we’re not seeing that too many more bottlenecks exist in the people we’ve already worked on though.  So, I hope that answers your question, DJ.

Q. (DJ) OK, I just would like to get a little more clarity because I really appreciate the bottleneck that was taken out. That involves the lifetime of the man I married, and certainly that was a fact -- my daughter’s and my granddaughter’s. But the ancestral line I’m referring to actually comes from my mother’s family.

A.  Ah, yes. And maybe we haven’t done as much work on that side of the family as we have done with the man who was the father to your children. So that bears some looking into in more depth for sure.  And thanks for bringing this to our attention because now, yes, it brings more clarity to the situation because you think that both of these sides in the family are inter-related for the karma that has come up. And we see that as being true to some degree also. So, yes, we’ll go ahead when we’re working on you next to address these polarities.  

And if there’s not anything else further, we’re going to go ahead and start with the beginning of the meditation here.  Okay? 

Q  (DJ) I thank you very much.  And I thank everyone else for their patience for allowing me to ask that question and get an answer, as I hope they also benefitted. Thank you, Mother Sekhmet and Eli.

A.  You’re very welcome. 
Ah, so taking a deep breath into the Heart Center, Beloved Ones.  And is there anyone else with a question while we’re at it?  I’ll give you a few seconds here. Maybe you’re thinking of something because in these calls, we’ve covered quite a lot of different things and talking about the clearings and with what we’ve been doing in the meditations. So, if there’s anything that sparks some recognition of a question within you, please feel free to go ahead and ask it at this point. Okay?

Ah, so nothing’s coming up. And tonight with the energies being what they are, and our willingness to forge on ahead with raising the level of our vibration and that of our Beloved Mother Gaia at this time, it is important to recognize that there are still some strongholds of energy that, even though the Alliance with what we’ve been observing from our ships and within the Collective Consciousness, the way that the level of the vibration has been rising, that there’s still some gaps, some polarities that are having to be dealt with. Now these dark forces, they’ve had such a strong tight hold on your consciousness from the day you were born.  And what all of you have been having to go through in these present lifetimes is a relearning process by working on yourselves. 

And really, for the most part, this started in that very magical year when the Harmonic Convergence came in, in the Lion’s month of the Year of 1987, if memory serves me well. And from that point onward, it was a graduated upsurge in the level of the consciousness and the energy and the dominance of the Love and Light on your planet. And yes, there were some attacks by the dark forces, but they lead us up to that marker year of 2012.  And this is when, Dear Beloved Ones, the universe heeded us, and things started to go into overdrive, if you will.  

And so now we’re working in the sixth year here, and we believe that Magic is afoot. And the belief, the knowingness of the Love and Light that we are is permeating the planet, and more and more Beloved Brothers and Sisters are having what you’ve all had, those “ah-hah” moments, those periods of realization where things start to come together, and you connect up the dots for yourself. And you’re able to change the internal dialogue into one that is centered more in the Here Now than to what has happened to you in the past and the negative things that you were dealing with in your family dynamics and these feelings of negative dendrites being perpetrated upon you. 
And for some of us, there’s certain traumas that kept on coming up in our energy field, those traumas were located in the back lattice there. And that’s the crux of our clearing work, to be clearing all of those polarities with our meditations, with our clearings, with our focused intent of moving the energy every day in our daily routines and the level of our interactions with one another. And just focusing on living Heart-centered lifestyles to raise the level of that vibration and emitting and radiating these high vibrational energies of the 5th dimension and beyond.

And this is the way, Dear Beloved Ones, that we plant seeds, and these seeds can be felt and start to bloom and be nurtured at all different times for all different people that we come in contact with. So we would just like to reiterate that once again. And even some and in some of the most, what you would call, heavy and hard-to-be-around interactions that you’ve had with some people in your lifetime, Dear Beloved Ones, the times that you have been able to be positive and shine forth your Light, those are the times that you were planting these seeds. And at the time of this Solar Cosmic Blast, that is the time that they can be felt. And the nutrients of the LoveLight will feed those seeds and nurture that awareness there of the Love and Light that these people are. 

So, again let us come together in our Hearts and join hands with me bilocating a paw to each one of you and bringing into the Heart Center and rising up, up to the ship here, one more time with the speed of thought, with the harmony that we feel in these higher vibrations of the Oneness that we all are, joining together at Heart level. And approaching the opening in my ship, popping through the airlock. Now on the landing deck here, hovering above it, and walking back to our bank of elevators with one of these doors opening up wide. And fully intact our Circle, walking back and jetting right up to our Beloved Crystal Room and greeted by so many smiles and warm loving hearts as we pop through the doors. There are the Mentors, our ancestors, all different beings of the LoveLight from all over the ships -- quite a full house tonight. And that’s wonderful!  

And so let us ring around our Beloved Alter and put forth with our breathing, bringing ourselves in harmony with the vibrations of this here Dear Beloved Crystal Room. And feeling the Mentors’ ring around us, the ancestors and all of the other Beings of the LoveLight, ring around them and shining this LoveLight in a spiral all the way from the floor up throughout the walls, the ceiling, up and down a few times, feeling the vibrations in all the different crystals.  There’s a lot of different variations of vibration to be felt. And it’s all amazingly wonderful and colored with so many frequencies of the LoveLight, Dear Beloved Ones, the LoveLight that we all emanate from, Pure Consciousness.  

And feeling this One Light supersede our intent for the manifestation of this glorious event on your Dear Beloved Planet, the sentient being, Mother Gaia.  And as you know, Dear Beloved Ones, this has been an ongoing work with so many different passages and chapters in our continuing work. But each time we come together and draw and little closer in the culmination of these events and bringing in harmony, all of the different components working to make these intentions of the announcements come together, we draw ourselves closer, we become stronger and more energized in this LoveLight that is the Oneness of who we all are.  

So, focusing this LoveLight, sending it around our Circle and into the outer Circles here, spiraling once again up, and down, through the length and breadth of our Crystal Room, and feeling our intentions, our visions for these announcements to come fully alive in this Now Moment. And shining that vision, that power of our imagination and envisioning that moment into our Beloved Tractor Beam Crystal here. And now shining it forth through the top of the Nibiru and seeing through the windows, it cascading down and following it with our consciousness right down to your Beloved Planet.

And once again spiraling it from the atmosphere and all the way to the surface and down through every atom of Dear Beloved Mother Gaia with the glorious unfolding of the magic of being in these high vibrations and our visions for announcement. And carrying ourselves up into the higher vibrations of the 5th dimension one more time, from now on throughout all of eternity, Dear Beloved Ones.  

This is our point of graduation and in this Now Moment, we’re making this our intention to making it a living reality up in the higher dimensions, so it can filter in to the material plane. And believe me, it is already unfolding and the more LoveLight that we shine on it, the more we expedite it all throughout your Beloved Planet. 

And still spiraling this Beloved Golden White LoveLight of the Christ Consciousness all up, around, and down and through the length and breath of the Beloved Mother Gaia and into the Hearts of all of the Beloved Humans, throughout all of the kingdoms, throughout every particle of matter on your Beloved Planet because, Dear Beloved Ones, it’s all One! It all emanated from the same consciousness as we all did! 

And, yes, we’d like to go over to North America here, one more time, and visit this underground complex where there’s still some glitches going on. You know you’ve got these dark forces. You know, either call them like black ops or mercenaries, but there’s a lot of armaments and fire power in some of these underground installations that can be activated up to the surface. And some of them are very highly technologically advanced. So, Dear Beloved Ones, it suits our purpose. 

And you know we can do this. We can raise the level of the vibration even down underneath the surface of Beloved Mother Gaia to disable these armaments and also to shine so much LoveLight on the Dear Beloved Children and slaves that are being kept down there that they will not readily be easily available to be driven into fear and lower vibrations.

And they, they can hear us, and they can feel. And many of these children came in with absolutely no karma, Dear Beloved Ones. And I don’t know if you’ve really considered what that means. But it means, from our vantage point, that they are very attuned to the higher vibrations that are coming in at this time. They just need a little loving support to bolster that awareness.  

So, let us once again see this confluence of the Golden White Light as this huge spiral covering all of Northern America from the surface way up from where all of the Dear Beloved Ships are and absorbing their intent to go on Mission with us, Dear Beloved Ones.  You’ve got so many forces of the LoveLight of the Ashtar Command up there.  And spiraling this energy from the atmosphere down into the surface and down into this tunnel complex. We hear the number 256, if you get into specific installations here. And the honeycombs that all contribute to the interlocking powers of the dark forces in these underground bases.

And now once again shining the LoveLight through this network by spiraling these energies a few times up and down through the length and the breadth of the atmosphere, to the surface and underneath the ground. And feeling the vibration of this LoveLight expand all through the network of the tunnels, Dear Beloved Ones, reaching the hearts of all of these Beloved Beings mired in the darkness. And we’re giving them the opportunity to wake up and resonate with these higher vibrations here, to feel the Love that’s being shined forth into their Heart Centers. 

And now let us say this Prayer for the children there and some of the Beloved Spirits that are trapped in this darkness that has held them on this planet instead of allowing them to walk across, what we call, the Bridge of Flowers, so they could be taken by their I Am Presence, their Guides and their Angels across the dimensions up into the other side, back home. Just sending them this LoveLight one more time. And feeling their smile of recognition on this night and feeling the happiness of their realization that they’re finally free, as all of us shall have that realization in the manifestation of what we’re working for with these announcements unfolding and the event unfolding with the Solar Blast, Dear Beloved Ones.

So once again, from the bottom of our hearts, we thank you for joining together with us in this sacred meditation and celebration of the LoveLight that we are.

Namaste, Dear Beloved Brothers and Sisters. Good Night.

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