Thursday, September 26, 2019

9-25-19 Sananda by Eli Galla

9-25-19 Sananda by Eli Galla

Dear Beloved Brothers and Sisters,

It is I, Sananda. I am so very happy to be with you on this call. Ah, yes, the energies are of great magnitude, and strength, and power. And yes, this didn’t happen overnight. 

This took many, many years of you working on yourself, of doing the meditations, of you coming together, and voicing your Intentional Requirements, with the purpose of being in alignment, with achieving your Missions. And yes, the Mission has been, since you came into this Beloved Lifetime, to ascend.

But, ah yes, all of you Beloved Beings are being allowed to ascend in such Style and Grace as we, the Company of Heaven, have never seen before, because of the Company of Heaven’s Divine Decree, that everyone on your Beloved Planet, who chooses Ascension, which is essentially within the four bodies of your being, to achieve Full Consciousness, within this lifetime. So that is a gift you have worked for, to create in many, many lifetimes in this period of what we call Duality Life Cycle, which has been basically this last 13,000 years.

Ah yes, let us join together once more, me bi-locating my hand out to each and every one of you, and reaching out to someone else on the call, and forming our circle. And breathing into our Heart Center, sending it around, out the palm of the left hand, around the circle, into the palm of the right hand, breathing into your Heart Centers.

And now, we’re going to take a little journey. So, with the Power and the Speed of our Thoughts, once again, rising up off of your Beloved Planet, allowing ourselves, with the Power and the Speed of our Thoughts, to rise on up into the layers of the atmospheres, up into the layers of the ships, and coming upon Ashtar’s ship, the New Jerusalem. And yes, entering his Beloved Belly of his Ship, his landing deck, and rising up in the airlock, and hovering there, as the landing deck closes beneath us.

And now it’s safe to walk on back to an elevator, that opens for us. And we don’t have such a long way to go. We get in all at the same time, keeping our circle intact, and closing the door, and rising on up, pressing the button. And we’re only going up one floor, and now the door opens, and we get out. And we’re walking down this hall. We take our first right, and we enter this meeting room on Ashtar’s ship.

And we are welcomed by so many Beloveds. And we go right up to Ashtar and Athena and hold their hands and include them in our Beloved Circle. And in the outer circles, your ancestors are here, some of them just recently departed from this present lifetime that you came into, and yes, all of the Beloved Beings who have crossed over, while you have still been incarnated on Mother Gaia.

And breathing into your hearts, sending the energies around the circle, back into your heart, and to all of the outer circles, that have assembled here. And yes, we are breathing into our combined energies, forming an energy field, and spiraling this energy up, down, and around and through. And we ask that you open your heart in the Now Moment to become receptors of the Divine Energies, that we are shining into your hearts, all of us Mentors, at this time.

We are gifting you with these very high-vibe energy frequencies, to heal all polarities, having to do with relationships, having to do with negative programming, that has been attacking you, and causing you doubts and worry.  It’s the same dynamics that have caused so many Beloveds, on your planet, to be infected by negative entities, parasites, and negative implants.

And we are shining this LoveLight into your heart, to make you more and more resistant, and to allow you to rise on up in ever-higher vibration, and integrating these high-level vibrations of Forgiveness, and Gratitude, and Unconditional/Universal Love and Compassion. And yes, this Golden White Light of the Christ Consciousness Energy is integral, in this equation of integrating these high-vibe energies, which you are, at the core essence of your being, in Oneness with that part of you that is the Godhead.

So, we are enabling you to feel into your Akashic Records. And breathing into them, into your DNA, allowing your LoveLight to shine on these codes of transformation, of understanding, and yes, of activation in the right lobe of your brain, and all of the energy templates in your energy fields, and your energy body, that haven’t quite come online yet. So, breathing into these energies, and feeling the Oneness of the Love and Light, that we are. 

Because, Beloveds, there is no separation. That has been a part of the Cabal’s lies, that they have fed you, in perpetrating their survival dynamics upon you on their planet. We are in Oneness of the Divine Love and Light that we are. 

And we are so very happy that you have joined us tonight. And you could come back, and do this meditation, and feel this connection with your DNA, and your Akashic Records, anytime you would like to. And Ashtar welcomes you every night as well as Sekhmet to be on those ships to do the dream-state work, Beloveds. Namaste and good night.

9-25-19 Mary Magdalena by Eli Galla

9-25-19 Mary Magdalena by Eli Galla

Dear Beloved Brothers and Sisters,

It is I, Maria Magdalena, coming to you tonight with so much happiness in my heart for this meditation, that you have just done with our Mother Sekhmet. 

Ah yes, it brings great Joy to all of us Mentors, to see and feel the Love, which you express in these meditations. They allow you to rise to such high vibration, and shine your LoveLight all throughout the planet into the Collective Consciousness, where these seeds of your Intentional Requirements, words by Mother Sekhmet, will grow. And they will take shape in a very harmonious way, as they have been doing for these many years, that she has been transmitting these meditations with all of you on your Beloved Planet. 

Ah, yes, the change of your seasons, and your Equinox bringing in balanced energies which allow you to have the Power of voicing and expressing heart-centered Intentional Requirements, to create the realities, that you desire.  And you are coming upon the end of this Beloved Year. 

And we read into your hearts, that so many of you would love to see certain things happen, before the end of this year. And we feel the same way too, Beloveds. And the way that we get this done is just being One with each other on our Missions, to raise the level of the vibration, and state our Intentional Requirements, whether alone or in groups, doing the work on ourselves, to take out the negative programming. It is all doable, Beloveds. And it is the main focus of your Mission, in being here, on your Beloved Planet, at this time.

Because all of you Beloved Beings, who have awakened, know what the prize is.  So, as Ashtar would always say, and still does to us, “Keep your eyes on the prize”, by just allowing yourself to be in the flow of these high-vibe energies to raise the level of this Collective Consciousness into the 5th Dimension.

Ah yes, we love you so very much. Thank you, for allowing us to come in tonight. Namaste, Dear Beloved Brothers and Sisters. And yes, call on us any time, that you want to feel our love, do meditations, prayers, and exercises with us, and feel the Love and Light, that we all are together. Good night.

9-25-19 Mother Sekhmet by Eli Galla

9-25-19 Mother Sekhmet by Eli Galla

Dear Beloved Brothers and Sisters,

Good evening. Once again, we are so very glad to be with you tonight on this call. It is really such an auspicious time for us to come together. 

And yes, these energies from the Equinox, they’re there, but they’re also combined with the energies coming into your planet, all this photon energy, and different energies, that are not so high vibe. But the thing is that the Light is being shined on the same-old, same-old forms of manipulation that go on in the media, and within institutions, how they try to make things so very complicated to keep the leverage of all situations in their favor. 

Well, this is what the media is doing right now. And we don’t see it working anymore, because more and more of you, Beloved Lightworkers, are tuning into the Internet for an idea of what is really going on, say from what your President is calling citizen journalists. And these people are totally dedicated to the Truth.

Now the Truth takes on many different forms, we would say, there’s many different perspectives to cognize the Truth with and from. So again, we always ask you, even if we don’t say it all of the time, for you to use your discernment in all of my messages, and all of what you gather from the Internet. Because yes, all of you want to know what is really going on, so you can focus on those specific areas where you see the most good being done, to raise the level of the vibration even higher, than it has ever been before.
So that, yes, we can finally achieve that saturation point, by doing our meditations into the 5th Dimension, because we see that is the point that everything starts to shift into place the way that Saint Germaine, and all of the Ashtar Command, along with all of the ground forces, that comprise the Alliance, and underneath your Beloved Planet also. So yes, we are very much enthused.

And let us join together me bi-locating my paw with each and every one of you, and you reaching out your other hand to somebody else on the call. And breathing into your Heart Center, sending it around the circle, by sending it out the palm of your left hand, around the circle and into the palm of your right hand. 

And allowing ourselves to be Here Now, to slow down, and to find ourselves in Divine Rhythm, and Timing, and Synchronization, as we access the Power and the Speed of our Thoughts, by breathing into the Heart Center, and allowing ourselves to rise on up off of the surface of your Beloved Planet, rising on up into the layers of the atmospheres, up through the layers of the ships, and coming upon my ship, the Nibiru.

And opening up the belly of the ship, which is the landing deck. And all of us fitting through it now, and hovering in the airlock, while the landing deck closes beneath us. And now we can touch down, and walk on back to one of the elevators that is open for us. And getting all in without having to break up our circle. It is very accommodating you know. It is very symbiotic, this elevator. And closing the doors, pushing the button and rising on up, all the way to the top of my ship, whereby the Crystal Healing Room is, and opening up the door.

And yes, there’s so many Beloveds, all of the Mentors, many different Commanders, Archangels, Ascended Masters and your ancestors and, of course, perhaps you in a past lifetime or two. And so, walking on over into the middle of the Crystal Healing Room, where our Altar is, and where the Master Crystal sets upon it. And forming our circle, and feeling all of this Beloved Energy, the Grace, Ease, Joy, Beauty, and Bliss of being in higher vibrations.
And sending our LoveLight from the Heart Center around the circle, and to the outer circles. And now spiraling it from the floor, to the walls, to the ceiling, combining our energies to rise on up and spiral up, down, and around and through, to multiply these energies through the dynamics of this gyroscope effect, which is much like the torus, where the energy comes back into the middle or the Heart Center, if you will. And then it spreads out through the bottoms of your feet and accesses your crown again.

Well, picture it happening to our combined energies, in our expanded energy field this way. And just breathing into it, and letting go to the rhythm, timing, and synchronicity of these high-vibe energies, Because, ah yes, this is where we want to be using our hearts, as an elevator to climb up ever higher, to access and activate that part of us, which is the Godhead. 
And now we ask all of you Beloveds on the call to direct your Intentional Requirements into the crystal, for what you would like to create, from this meditation tonight, for your own selves, whether it be financial, more spiritual connection, greater capacity to be intuitive, or to have unlimited prosperity and abundance. Just breathing into this Master Crystal from the Heart Center.
And we require, that we bring in this dynamic of Peace, of allowing all of the Beloved Beings on your planet, to let go of being afraid, by accessing their Heart Centers, and breathing into them. And allowing themselves to know the Power of being Here Now, which is the antithesis of what their imprints have told them. Their imprints have been for the fight or flight syndrome.  Well, this won’t do in the 5th Dimension, now will it? Being Here Now and being heart centered are very powerful dynamics which, if everyone on your Beloved Planet adopted in this Now Moment, would completely simplify the matter of us rising on up into the 5th Dimension.

And so, shining our Intentional Requirements for Peace, to permeate everyone’s hearts, the Collective Consciousness of everyone on your Beloved Planet, and all of the Kingdoms too. And shining it into the Master Crystal. And from the tip of the Master Crystal, shooting it up through the opening in the ceiling of the Nibiru. And spiraling it down, onto your Beloved Planet, and doing the same thing with the energy, acquiring this gyroscopic torus effect, up, down, around and through, right to the heart of Mother Gaia’s crystalline core.
And finding our rhythm, timing, and synchronization to broadcast these Intentional Requirements of Peace, Understanding, Joy, Bliss, Harmony, letting go of all of the negative programming, all of the erroneous negative programs, that try to convince us that the mind is the most powerful part of our being. Well, it’s just the opposite actually, and to give permission to all of the Beloved Beings on your planet to be heart centered, in this Now Moment. And this is where you all access, and activate the Divine Grace of the Love and Light that you are, being an integral part of the Godhead.

So just breathing into our Heart Centers, and transmitting with this spiral into the hearts of all of the Beloved Beings on your planet. And allowing ourselves to transmit these feelings of Ease, Grace, and Joy to all of the Beloved Hearts.

Ah yes, let us go over to Washington, D. C., because we feel that there’s really something that has been in the works for a long time. And well, it’s a few different things actually. Some of them are the declassification of various papers, that have been kept from the public, by the manipulation of the Cabal. But, because of Executive Orders, now they’re in a position to be released, because of ongoing investigations, having to do with these documents, and also some of this is related to the Epstein case. And some of it has to do with Uranium One and a lot of different issues, that show that some of your top members of Congress, and the Senate were complicit in various forms of corruption. 

Well yes, they have those sealed indictments in their names, but we see that this dynamic of having the Truth made manifest will lead to a very smooth transition period, which the Alliance has been moving very harmoniously to create, so that there won’t be panic within the United States, and the rest of the planet for the Truth, for disclosure coming out in full swing. Because yes, this is what we have wanted all along, this essentially, defeats the Cabal in a very real systematic way, which we have been designing their demise for such a long time now.

So just breathing into the hearts of all of the Beloved Beings who are the bad actors, or some people call them the Deep State. Well, we call them the Cabal a lot. And shining this LoveLight into their hearts, giving them nothing to feed off of. But giving them the Divine Opportunity to know who they really are, by coming into the Light. 

Because yes, they have been the victims of this Satanic Overload of lies and deceptions too. You see, nobody gets spared by this negative programming. It’s all for the purpose, the complicit purpose, we would say, of affecting everyone to be happy and satisfied with being less than they are. And convincing them that they’re actually more powerful by being in allegiance with Satan. But it’s not the Truth. So, you don’t even have to try to wrap your mind around that one.

So, breathing into the Heart Center and feeling Unconditional/Universal Love, Compassion, Forgiveness, and Gratitude, and now, allowing ourselves to go down into Mexico into the elevators. Because, yes, we know what is here in this underground network system of tunnels, that lead to all of these different underground bases. But as we have been saying, that there’s also a lot of hiding places down here where these power sources of the winged dragons-- Ah, they’ve been here for a long, long, long time, and they’ve sort of settled in.
But you know, things are on edge for them, because we have been penetrating their layers consciously, energetically. And when a certain level of vibration happens on your Beloved Planet, then they won’t be able to exist there anymore either, as with the Cabal, and all of its minions, and the AI itself.

So up, down and around and through, spinning horizontally in a spiral through all of these secret passageways, these hidey holes, underground bases where extreme amounts of sequestered wealth, art treasures, advanced technologies, the spas, that they do their ritual sacrifices in, and all of the Beloved Beings, who have agreed to be taken down there as slaves, to be fed upon, to be taking care of these installations. We say to them that,

“We love you so very much.  We are so honored and inspired, by all you have done in these lifetimes, where you’ve played through your Soul Contracts, and cast so much Light on what is really going on.”

And to all of the Beloved Beings on this call, we say Namaste. We love you so very much and good night.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

9-18-19 Sananda by Eli Galla

9-18-19 Sananda by Eli Galla

My Dear Beloved Brothers and Sisters,

It is I, Sananda. I too am so very happy to be on this call. It is a privilege for us to come together in our Communion of our Hearts with one another. 

And yes, the changes that you have been through, in this time of your earth calendar, in this Beloved Year of 2019, we would say that they have been awesome. And that the raising of the level of your vibration, by the energies coming in, and you raising the level of your own personal vibrations, going through all of your different tests and challenges, becoming more firmly centered within your knowingness, and trusting and expanding your own gifts and talents. Yes, it’s an ongoing process.

We can see that you have made progress, that your conscious awareness has been nurtured by your Intentional Requirements, by all of the gifts and talents that you have been experiencing and expanding within the core of your being. And that is centered within your hearts, within your Thymus Gland and, yes, it is your Sacred Heart. It is your place of awareness, of purification, of connection with your Godhead.
And let us join together, forming our circle, once again. And me bi-locating my hand to each and every one of you, and you reaching for someone else’s hand on this call. Breathing in the Heart Center, allowing ourselves to feel the Love and the Light, of this Golden White Light of Christ Consciousness, that we all engender, and that purifies us to the core of our DNA, of our genetic programming. And shining this LoveLight from our hearts, from the palm of the left hand into the palm of right hand, all around the circle. And breathing into our hearts and expanding our energy field collectively, creating our center above, and our center below, and radiating this energy all over, encompassing your Beloved Mother Gaia.
And yes, spiraling this energy from the center above to the center below, affecting all of the atoms, the photons, shining it out to the hearts of all the Beloved Beings, shining it into their DNA, into their genetic programming, removing anything less than Love from their conscious awareness, from their genetic programming. And transmuting all of these low vibrations into the highest frequencies of Love and Light, and returning to them the Power and the impact of their original DNA encoding, which you may call your Adam Kadmon blueprint, genetic blueprint.

Shining from the center above, to the center below, of our energy field, encompassing your Beloved Planet. Holding the Love and the Light for each of the Beloved Beings, for all of the Kingdoms, the Animal, Mineral, and Plant, all of the subspecies, and the species of your planet, all of the hybrids. And yes, you could call yourself a hybrid race of humans also. And it is wondrous who you really are.

And yes, soon there will be Full Disclosure. We see it, we feel it, over on our side of the veil up on the ships. And just breathing into the Heart Center and making our conscious requirements for the Truth to manifest on your Beloved Planet, to feel the Joy, the Happiness of each and every heart, knowing they are One. Knowing that the survival dynamics, which have separated you, and caused competition, and confusion, and all of these lower vibrational attributes now will be unnecessary, as you rise on up into the 5th Dimension.
And advanced technologies will ensure that you are nurtured and loved, once again being in the 5th Dimension. And enabling your Ascension Processes to move with so much Speed and Grace, and Harmony and Wisdom.

We love you so very much, and as my Maria and Mother Sekhmet always say, all you have to do is call to us, breathe into your heart, and we are there in loving Oneness with you.

Namaste and good night, Beloveds.

9-18-19 Maria Magdalena by Eli Galla

9-18-19 Maria Magdalena by Eli Galla

Dear Beloved Brothers and Sisters,

It is I, Maria Magdalena. I come to you tonight very happy, because the energies are conducive to celebration, where we are over on our ships, observing your Beloved Planet, and feeling, ah yes, it is the end of one season on your Beloved Planet, turning into the next. 

And yes, you are going through some Divine Changes, not only in your weather, but within your hearts, within your awareness, within the raising of the level of the vibration, which you have been empowering yourselves with your Beloved Meditation tonight. And we are so happy for this because, yes, when you come together in groups like this, and do your own meditations—

And yes, there are very many group meditations available to you on a daily basis, to raise the level of the vibration. And some of them have audio recordings, that allow you to go raise the level of your vibration the same way, and envision, and call for a raise in the level of consciousness, and purify your Beloved Planet so that the changes manifest in the rhythm, timing and synchronization that the Divine Order will create.

Ah yes, it has been an ongoing process, but we are so happy to be with you tonight in this Now Moment, to send you our Love, to tell you that we are always with you. All you have to do is to breathe into your heart, and call us forth, and we are there, so happy to commune with you once more, as we are doing now.
Ah yes, it is a Divine Gift for you to be in this Ascension lifetime, although your tests and challenges sometimes may seem so overwhelming. But, Beloveds, you have come so far, and everything that you have done in the perfection of who you are, as part of the Godhead, yes, it is real, and it is growing and expanding into the consciousness of the Beloved Collective, that it is imperative, that we all raise so that these changes proceed exponentially to accelerate your anchoring in of the 5th Dimension, and also preparing you for accelerating your Ascension Process.

And so, it is, Beloveds. We love you so very much. And now Sananda is going to come in.

Namaste and good night.

9-18-19 Mother Sekhmet by Eli Galla

9-18-19 Mother Sekhmet by Eli Galla

My Dear Beloved Brothers and Sisters,

Good evening to you all. I’m so happy to be on this call tonight. And, ah yes, there is so much that continues to flow onto your planet, so many of the energies, so many of the Beloved, Divine Beings, who have been in slumber for these many eons, playing out their life lessons, and how have been allowing themselves to be mind-controlled, and to continue on, in their safe spaces of slumber.

Well now, we see that it’s not very easy for so many of them, who have been active, who have been loving and responsible beings, to neglect that there are many changes going on the face of your planet. And there are many changes of perception that accompany that, those realizations.

Because in the mainstream media, the polarization has never been so divisive.  Has it not? You have one side saying the direct opposite of what the other side is saying. And one side saying what they have produced, and the other side saying, well, they’re all a bunch of criminals and they need to be taken out of office. So, we find a bit of humor in this, because it is so blatant.  And that it requires all of us to just take a deep breath, and to let go, and to tap into our inner awareness. Does it not?

We have all of the answers within us, and hooking up and having balance between the four bodies of our being. And breathing into our Heart Centers, and being in a heart-centered lifestyle will help us in many Divine Ways, to go through all of these tests and challenges, that continue to be a daily part of our lives.
So, finding these little pockets of Joy and Bliss with each other within the arts, within nature, within our Beloved Children and Grandchildren, well, that’s a really creative way to go. Don’t you think? Instead of letting the mechanisms, and devices, and targeting systems of the AI, nudge you with their fear, with their little hooks and triggers.

We always say to you, that everything is in Divine Timing. Everything is in Divine Order. And Love, well, that’s the highest and most important vibrational asset and force that you have available to you. And yes, your Mission basically is to raise the level of Love and Light, to raise the level of conscious awareness within the Collective Consciousness.

And let us join together, me bi-locating my paw once again, you reaching out your hand to somebody else on this call. And breathing into your Heart Center, allowing yourself to let go with your breathing, sending it from your Heart Center, out through the palm of your left hand, around the circle into the palm of your right hand. And with the rhythm of your breathing, allowing yourself to access the Power, and the Speed of your Thoughts, to rise on up, off the surface of your Beloved Planet, to rise on up, in the layers of atmospheres, and now to the layers of ships, coming to my ship, the Nibiru.

And yes, I’m opening up the landing deck. We’re rising right on up through, hovering in the airlock, while the landing deck closes beneath us. And walking on back to an elevator that opens for us. And we’re stepping in without having to break up our circle. And we’re pushing the button. And we're rising on up, through all of the different floors, to the top floor, this Beloved Crystal, Healing Room. The doors now are opening, and we are walking through.

And so many Beloved Beings, once again, are here in a very merry mood to welcome us. And yes, some of them may be your ancestors, and perhaps you in a lifetime or two in your past. And maybe you can feel the hair on the back of your neck stick up, and give you a rather nice sensation of a chill. And maybe there’s a song that really means something to you, that is playing in your head and resonating within your heart, as we all walk on over into the middle of the room, acknowledging the presence of the Mentors and all of the Beloved Commanders, angels and Ascended Masters, besides your Beloved Ancestors. And ringing around our Beloved Crystalline Altar, where the Master Crystal sets.

And breathing into our hearts, forming our circle, sending it around to our inner circle. And the Mentors have assembled in the circle just outside of us. And sending it around, through the other outer circles, and all up, down, and around and through from the floor to the walls to the ceiling. And this is our combined energy field. And so, breathing into it, feeling this gyroscopic effect resonate and raise the level of the vibration up, down, and around and through. 

And picturing a torus, and how the energy multiples so Divinely, from many, many different angles. You have the energy going straight down into the middle into our Master Crystal, and spreading out to the sides, while going to the center below, and back up to the center above, from all different angles. And feeling this rhythm take over our Beloved Room, and resonant within the Master Crystal. And sending our LoveLight into the Master Crystal. 

And we ask you to make your Intentional Requirements for what you want to create for yourselves, each and every one of you, in this Beloved Meditation tonight, whether it be financial, personal, having to do with your family, with your jobs, or wanting to feel more Bliss and Harmony within your own four bodies of your being, or being able to have the time to let go in nature and go on hikes. 

And now, we call for, with our Intentional Requirements, for all of the Beloved Beings on Mother Gaia, for them to feel Peace and Harmony, and to know that deep inside of their conscious awareness, in their unconsciousness and subconsciousness, that at the core essence of their being, that they are Light and Love. And yes, for them to awaken Courage within their Heart Centers, and to breathe into it, and to know that everything is in Divine Order, everything is in Divine Timing. And that yes, they are capable of acquiring and feeling and breathing into this Peace that passes all understanding.

And it’s from this point of awareness, that everything else will be made known to them, about who they really are, and why they are really here. And what their own personal purpose, and ways to express who they really are in this lifetime, will be made available to them, if they haven’t known about their purpose unfolding at this time already.

And now, shining our LoveLight all together into the Master Crystal, shooting it up through the tip, through the opening in my Beloved Nibiru. And then spiraling it down, with the Power and the Speed of our Thoughts, onto your Beloved Planet. Up, down, and around and through, penetrating the crystalline core of Mother Gaia. Feeling this Divine Flow of Energy radiate into the hearts of all of the Beloved Beings on your planet. 

Opening up their Heart Centers, their third eyes, getting into their unconsciousness, in their dream states, and planting these seeds of Peace, Harmony, Justice, Compassion, for honoring each and every person’s Free Will, on your Beloved Planet. And yes, honoring their own Courage for being Heart Centered, for expressing their Truth, and being the Love and Light that they are. 

And shining this Golden White Light of the Christ Consciousness Energy, into all of the Beloved Kingdoms on Mother Gaia, continuing to spiral this energy all through your Beloved Planet, penetrating the genetic codes in everyone’s DNA to let them jettison the matrix from their Beloved Beings. 

All of the negative programming, all of the devices, that have harnessed dark energies to keep them in the 3rd Dimension, and prevent them from waking up, we say now be gone! Now is the time to open up full awareness, and raise the level of the Collective Consciousness on Mother Gaia. And so, it is!

And now, let us go across to Beloved Mexico and down into the elevators. And going all the way down, opening up the doors. And from this point, shining our LoveLights in a spiral horizontally, through this tunnel system, up, down, and around and through from coast to coast, starting from Mexico, through the United States, and in, and around and through Canada. And yes, we’re going into the bases, to all of the nooks and crannies, in the tunnel system, where these dragons, which are the power sources of the AI, where they have been hiding. And some of them have embedded themselves very deep within the earth.

And shining this Golden White Light onto them. Spiraling their energy fields, up, down, and around and through counterclockwise, to remove their power, to remove, and sever the connection of them to the AI. And we make the Intentional Requirement, that all connection of the AI, to their power sources now be made inoperable, by altering the programing, by removing these codes and these algorithms, by shining our LoveLights deeply within these programs, that affect the genetics of all of the Beloved Beings who have been targeted on your Beloved Planet. 

And we intentionally require, to raise the level of the Collective Consciousness higher and higher, from now on, throughout all of eternity, to wake up and be flawless receptors of the Love and Light, which raises the level of vibration, enabling all of the Beloved Beings on your planet to rise up into the higher dimensions. 

And shining this LoveLight into all of the bases all of the secret hiding places, the spas, the places where the ritual sacrifices are, and creating this dynamic of awareness, by shining this LoveLight into all of these places, that have hidden the ulterior motives, the deep dubious programs that the AI has passed forth, and leveraged over your Beloved Planet. And we say that now those days are finished. The Truth is being exposed, and the Power of the Love and Light is breaking through, and shining all over your Beloved Planet, in this Now Moment.

And we say to all of the Beloved Beings, who have honored their Soul Contracts, and have been service to these very dark forces, these minions of the AI,

“We are so very happy for you, because your time is upon you for Liberation, for Ascension. And we love you so very much. We honor you for the sacrifices you have made.”

And to all of the Beloved Beings on this call, we love you so very much also.  Your dedication to your Missions is truly inspiring.
And we say to you, Namaste and good night.

Friday, September 13, 2019

9-11-19 Sananda by Eli Galla


9-11-19 Sananda by Eli Galla

Dear Beloved Brothers and Sisters,

It is I, Sananda. And yes, I come to you in the joy of this feeling, of heart to heart and soul to soul, feeling reverent remembrance of these Beloved Beings who gave up their lives so that all of these years could pass by.

And this is something that is indelibly etched on the consciousness of all of the Beloved Beings, not only in your United States of America, but all throughout your Beloved Planet. Because so many brave beings have come forth to argue the scientific facts of that day. And we don’t have to get into the particulars of that. You all know the story very well, and even the reasons why this was done.

And the outcome was very plain to see, that people were clamoring for war when the false narrative was espoused over the mainstream media, hour after hour, endlessly for months and months. And that is the way, that this device of the Cabal works, it’s brainwashing effects, it’s mind-control aspects, to drive it deep into your psyche, into your emotional fields, where so much fear can be felt, if you let it.

And we know, that the way to counteract this is to breathe into our hearts and let go in the Now Moment, and feel the Grace and the Beauty of the Truth of our being, being incarnated into this hologram. Because yes, this is all an illusion, and you come here to learn these lessons for your spiritual evolution.

So, let us join our hands once again, me bi-locating my hand out to each and every one of you. And joining together with somebody else with your other hand on this call. And breathing into the Heart Center and sending it around the circle into the palm of the right hand, breathing into the heart and calling in these high-vibrational feelings of Love, Compassion, Forgiveness and Gratitude. 

Because yes, Beloved Beings, we have so much to be grateful for. We have the strength of our Unity. We have the Truth in this Now Moment of coming together, to be who we really are, to be One with each other in this meditation, and sending it around the circle.

And now creating this combined energy field, and feeling this gyroscopic effect, up, down, and around and through. And feel our energy expand, as we send it around the circle, over and over again, up, down, and around and through this Beloved Energy Field, from the center below, to the center above. And feeling our hearts meld into one another with the spirit of this Golden White Light of the Christ Consciousness Energy.

And harmonizing with these Universal Laws, that all emanate from the Law of One, such as the Law of Cause and Effect, the Law of Multiplication, the Law of Gratitude, Love, Mercy, the Law of Truth. And they all support this dynamic that we all sprouted forth from the Center of all Consciousness, from that which we call Prime Creator, or Creator Source.

And ah, yes, let us raise ourselves off of the surface of your Beloved Plant, and go through this conduit, through your Solar Sun, through your Central Sun, through your Galactic Center. And going to this place of the Andara Crystals, these healing waters, and allowing ourselves to get in these pools, sitting down with our legs outstretched, the water up to our chest, and still in our circle. 

And we love the way that this pool conforms to the shape of our circle, and all of the Beloved Lotus Blossoms that line the banks of these pools. And the smell is so very fragrant, and very sweet. And why shouldn’t it be this way, when we join together in that place of Truth, Harmony, Bliss, Devotion, listening to the hearts of one another, being in the rhythm of each other’s heartbeat?

And now we call for our own individual healings, every place in the body that is not vibrating in harmony with the DNA, with your energy templates. And we’re shining the LoveLight of these crystal, angelic healing waters. 

And yes, the angels are with us doing their energetic adjustments to all of the Beloved Beings, as I am too, to bring more strength and harmony into your vibration, at this very pivotal time, for bringing in more of the LoveLight onto your Beloved Planet. 

And breathing into your hearts and sending it around the circle, feeling these Andara Crystal Energies, and their Strength and Compassion, and their Wisdom throughout the corridors of time where they have traversed, and brought in all of these higher dimensions all throughout Creation, and have assimilated these high-vibe energies. And now they are a Record Keeper of all of those travels, of all of those universes, that they have integrated the energies of. 

Breathing into the Heart Center with the Intentional Requirements of forgiving yourself, forgiving all of the times, that you judged yourself and others, that you judged your choices. Ah, there is no wrong choice, that you could make, because everything is in Divine Order, and everything is in Divine Timing. God is like that. 

This, the center of it all, that all of Conscious Creation emanates from. And it is ongoing. It is never done. It sprouts forth in this Now Moment, its Power, its Majesty, its Glory, and its Beauty. And we ask you to breathe it in, and make it active within every cell of your DNA, every cell of your Beloved Beings all throughout your energy body, your energy fields, and the four bodies of your being.

We thank you so much for your effort and participation, not just on this Beloved Call and this meditation with you all tonight, but all of your prayers, meditations, and exercises. We love you so very much. 

And as my Beloved Maria said, please call us in, any time, that you want us to shine our LoveLights with you, to do meditations with you, to raise the level of the vibration, just to love you and nurture you in the Now Moment.

Namaste, Dear Beloved Brothers and Sisters and good night.


9-11-19 Maria Magdalena by Eli Galla

9-11-19 Maria Magdalena by Eli Galla

Dear Beloved Brothers and Sisters,

It is I, Maria Magdalena or Mary Magdalene.  Take your pick. 

I am so very happy to be with you here tonight in loving celebration of the anniversary of this Beloved Day. And wow, what a meditation Mother Sekhmet did tonight! And I feel the energy of it lifting us all up, in this Now Moment, and bringing us together, heart to heart. Because so many people gave up their lives on that day, many, many more than are mentioned in the official reports. And over the course of time, many others died from the residual effects of the pollution that was perpetrated on that day.

Ah yes, and so many families lost their Beloved Beings that went there on that Beloved Day, thinking that it was just another day, business as usual.  And then as you would say, “All hell broke loose.” And it strengthened the resolve, not just the people in the United States of America, but people all over the world to this type of assault on their freedom. 

And yes, the Truth is awaiting its release. The full disclosure of so many things is upon you. But of course, as the Alliance has made it very well known, these members of the cabal have to be taken into custody, into places, where they will have military tribunals set up to mete out their responsibility for these very heinous acts, that they pulled together and perpetrated upon, not just the people in the United States, but all over the world. Because if it could happen in one city, then it could happen anywhere on your Beloved Planet. 

And over the course of these eighteen years, many false flag events have happened on the planet. And now is the time, when the level of your vibration is lifting up and enabling the consciousness to rise in your Collective (Consciousness). And that is what we are endeavoring to do with you, to bring all of these plans to this place, whereby there will be a synchronization, between all of the moving parts of the plans of the Alliance, to come together, to affect these Beloved Outcomes. 

And yes, what is at stake is your Freedom, is you being able to know and be the Love and Light that you are in the 5th Dimension and beyond, and partake in your Mass Ascensions.

And yes, Beloveds, we are always here with you any time you want us to come in and love and nurture you, and do meditations with you, to raise the level of the vibration in your hearts, all over your Beloved Planet, all over Creation. 

We love you so very much. Namaste and good night. 

And now Sananda will come in.

9-11-19 Mother Sekhmet by Eli Galla

Dear Beloved Brothers and Sisters,

Ah, yes, the 18th anniversary of this infamous day where the cabal pulled off a power play. But they had to really lie a lot in order to do that. And now, things are not so rosy, are they, for them? Because the Truth is coming out about all sorts of things, that they have perpetrated in this time period from then, when they were feeling their power, as it were, by getting away with carrying off this ruse and costing many human lives to be taken needlessly. 

And so now, the Truth, by way of this current administration, and the Alliance with all of its plans, you can rest assured, that this is one of the main things that will be addressed, when these changes come about in real time. Because yes, it’s one thing to have pockets of people that support one another in finding out what the Truth was, and coming up with plausible explanations for it. But it’s quite another for these beings that were responsible for perpetrating this ruse, to be taken to internment camps, and to be held in military tribunals, to be answerable for their crimes. And this is what we would like to address tonight.

Because eighteen years, that is quite a long time for them to live in this shadow of a story, that doesn’t make any sense whatsoever, when you scientifically examine it. And still, because of the energy dynamics the way that the AI have your institutions set up-- And yes, one of the main institutions is the mainstream media. And look what they have been able to do. And even furthermore, look at what they still attempt to do, that is not the Truth about trying to impeach a sitting President, who we don’t see, who did absolutely anything wrong.

So, we’re just like you, the Compassionate Observer, in allowing these things to play through. But it’s through raising the level of the vibration in a harmonious way in the Ease and Grace of the Knowingness, that this is all a hologram. Therefore, it’s all an illusion. And it’s up to us to shine that Golden White Light of the Truth of the Christ Consciousness to heal these polarities, that still exist from these actions so that the Truth can be manifested, and that it will resonate in the beauty of showing each and every person, that opens their hearts to the Truth the magnificence of it, how it brings about such grand healing on your Beloved Planet. 

So now, I’m bi-locating my paw to you, and with your other hand, we ask you to reach for somebody else’s hand on this call, so we can form our circle. And sending our LoveLight, from our Heart Centers out to the palm of our left hand, around the circle, into the palm of the right hand, and into our hearts once again, and breathing into it.
And letting go in this Now Moment of all worry and doubts, all polarities of the 3rd Dimension, allowing ourselves, with the Power and the Speed of our Thoughts, to rise on up off of the surface of your Beloved Planet, into the atmospheres of the layers of the ships, that take us to my Beloved Ship, the Nibiru. And opening up the landing deck right now.

And we’re getting in all at the same time. We’re hovering in the airlock, and it’s closing beneath us, this landing deck. And now it’s safe to touch down, and we’re walking on back to the elevator, that is open for us. And we’re all getting in at the same time. It has this trick of enlarging itself for us.  And that is splendid. Then we get in, and we push the button to close the door, and we’re rising on up, very quickly, all the way up, from the bottom to the top of my Beloved Ship. And now, we’re opening up the door.

And we’re feeling the merriment of all of the Beloved Ascended Masters, the Commanders, all of the Mentors and your ancestors, perhaps you in a lifetime or two in the past. And walking on over into the middle of the room and forming our circle around the Altar where the Master Crystal sets, breathing into the Heart Center, while the outer circles form around us, the Mentors right around us, and Commanders, angels and Ascended Masters, your ancestors.

And sending it around from the left, to the right once again, raising the level of the vibration, feeling the purity and the strength of your Intentional Requirements for Peace on this Beloved Day, and for the Truth coming out. And showing each and every Beloved Person, that is open to the Truth, the miraculous healing quality that it has.
Because when people understand what really went on, and who was doing it, and what they had to gain from it, and the way that they pulled it off, and the way that they dishonored all of the Beloved People who gave up their lives on that day, and the relatives who lost people, fathers and sons and mothers and fathers. Well, that tends to bring people together in this dynamic of the Truth, and that is a very powerful and strong dynamic, because then the structures of this false reality, perpetrated by the AI, with their institutions, and their false set of survival dynamics will not endure, because people will get to the heart of the matter. And the deeper meaning will be made manifest. 

And all of the Beloved Beings, who open their hearts, will connect up the dots in a way that is most beneficial to them. And yes, the changes will come. The plans that have been made by the Alliance will harmonize with the consciousness of your Collective on your Beloved Planet. 
So, sending it around the circle, to the outer circles, from the floor, to the walls, to the ceiling in this combined energy field. And feeling this gyroscopic effect of these high vibrations of the Love and Light that we are, up, down, and around and through, breathing into our Heart Centers, raising the level of the vibration. Feeling this Golden White Light of the Christ Consciousness Energy coming in in a most Divine Way.

And now, once again we ask for each of you on this call, and the ones hearing it, or reading the transcripts later on, to make your Intentional Requirements for what you would like to create from doing this meditation tonight. And yes, it could be financial. It could be spiritual, like having more of a connection with us, and your I Am Presence, in the Now Moment, and gaining answers to the questions, that you will ask of these beings of the Light.

And just breathing into your Heart Center, and sending your Intentional Requirements into the Master Crystal. And of course, for this meditation that all of us are going to be doing tonight, our focus is upon Peace on your Beloved Planet. Because yes, that is one of the grand prerequisites for you fully enabling yourselves, and the planet, to be in the 5th Dimension.

And we require that the Truth in all of its Beauty and Glory come out and inspire all of the Beloved Beings on your planet, and particularly those Beloved Star Children, that are still having all of their energies come in, at their tender ages, to inspire them in many cases, to step up, and to speak their Truth from their hearts. And even if it is things, that they can’t prove, such as what ships they came from, and what planets they came from. But they have these conscious memories of that. And isn’t that wonderful?

And of course, they come in with more strands of their DNA than we did. And yes, that includes me too, when I was on your Beloved Planet, because I had to change my rewiring in a most Divine Way, by learning the dynamics, which all of your have been rewired in your DNA. And ah yes, this challenge is still ongoing. But with these high vibrations, coming into your Beloved Planet, more and more progress is being made, each and every day, to return you to your original DNA blueprints. And yes, that will be a Divine Time for all of the Beloved Beings on your planet.
So now, shining our LoveLights into the Master Crystal, and shooting it out from its tip, through the opening of the Nibiru in the ceiling. And spiraling it down onto your Beloved Planet. Going up, down, and around and through, from the atmospheres, to the surface, underneath the surface, breathing into it. Affecting all of the photons, the subatomic particles, all of the DNA of the Beloved Beings, the Kingdoms on your Beloved Planet, and Mother Gaia herself. 

Opening up your hearts in this Now Moment and shining out this LoveLight and spreading it forth, in the Grace and Passion of allowing ourselves to be in this Now Moment, and to feel these high vibrations of the Liberation of your Beloved Planet. And yes, the Liberations of your Souls, on what has been a prison planet. And that’s not good enough now, is it? And that’s why we’re here to make these changes for the Liberation of Mother Gaia, and all of the Beloved Beings on your planet, in this Now Moment. 

And breathing into it, feeling this gyroscopic effect, up, down and around and through, all through the planet, all through the Beloved Beings on your planet, heart to heart, and soul to soul, connecting each and every one of them in this crystalline grid of the LoveLight.

And now, let us proceed across the big pond here over to Ground Zero, eighteen years later. And let us go into that Now Moment, on that very touching, mournful day, where we would say that the wool was pulled over the eyes, of the mainstream beings, in your Beloved United States of America, and so many other parts of the world too. Of course, with the help of the mainstream media espousing its agreed-upon narrative, for what was supposed to be going down, that enkindled these flames of war.
And we don’t have to tell you that war is a bigtime money-making racket, now do we?  But the lives of the Beloved Beings, that were lost on this day are priceless. And we salute each and every one of them, for taking it upon themselves, to make this day a part of their Soul Contracts, and their journey in that lifetime. Because yes, that took courage to stand their ground, and fight for survival, with every shred of their Power, and help others to rise on up together, and not be overtaken by the fear. 

And we know that so many Beloved Beings stood straight and tall and firm in the Love and the Light, that they were, and shined that out to all of the other Beloved Beings, who were having their lives taken from them on this day. And also, the ones who came down with many serious health problems after ingesting the poisons, that were perpetrated on Ground Zero, on that day.

We love you all so very much. We have been touched by your compassion over these years, and the Love that pours through from all parts of the world, and particularly from the family members, who lost Beloved Beings in this catastrophe. And we say that the time of the Truth, of why this happened, and who benefited from it, is high upon us.
We thank you all so much for being a part of this meditation tonight. We love you so very much. 

Namaste and good night.

Thursday, September 5, 2019

9-4-19 Sananda by Eli Galla

9-4-19 Sananda by Eli Galla

My Dear Beloved Brothers and Sisters,

It is I, Sananda. Once again it is my profound pleasure to be with you on your conference call.

Ah yes, Beloved Brothers and Sisters, this energy, that you feel in your hearts, in this Now Moment, this is the Truth of who you really are, connected with one another, connected with us upon the ships, doing this meditation with you together. 

You could think of the whole conference call as one big meditation, because even when we are just channeling with you, we raise the level of the vibration for you to experience yourself, within the realm of our higher-dimensional reflections, and bringing in our LoveLight together, at the same time, to raise the level of your vibration also, and of that of your planet.

Because yes, it all comes back to raising the level of consciousness in the Collective. And so, you could think of that, as a Divine Place of Unconsciousness. And when it reaches a certain level of self-awareness, it will transmit into spreading this feeling, this level of vibration all throughout each and every one of your hearts, and into the consciousness of all of the kingdoms, and all of the subatomic particles and photons, on your planet, to raise you once again into the 5th Dimension and beyond.

And we are so very happy that we have come to this place, where we could see this happening over on our side of the veil. And we say, that you are on the cusp of being able to bring this into your conscious, physical states of awareness and being. And when you do, yes, you will feel such bliss in a very centered and harmonious way, because you will feel the Oneness of being able to transmit and receive, heart to heart, with all of the Beloved Beings on your planet.

All of the resistance, all of the negative programming, the negative energies, that have been set up inside of your bodies, within the four bodies of your being, mutating your DNA, they will be gone. And you will be free within the four bodies of your being. You will shine your LoveLight into the Heart Centers, of each and every one of you, across space and time, across the hearts, and the psyches of all of the Beloved Beings on your planet.

And let us join together, me bi-locating my hand out to each and every one of you. And with your other hand, reaching for somebody else on your conference call. Ah, and shining this LoveLight, from your heart, around the circle, from the palm of your left hand, back into the palm of your right hand, into your Heart Center. And allowing this Golden White Light of the Christ Consciousness Energy, to raise the level of your vibration, in a very exponential way now.
And feeling our combined energy field pulsate rhythmically, in Divine Timing, and Rhythm, and Synchronicity, sending it around the circle, and up, down, and around and through, the width, and the breadth of our combined energy field in our circle. And feeling this gyroscopic effect.

So, in other words, we are enacting a Unified Chakra with all of our hearts and minds, focused on this Universal Love and Light, of the Golden White Light of the Christ Consciousness Energy, that we are coming together without any barriers, without any resistance. And feeling the bliss of letting go, to these very high vibrations, and taking ourselves up through the portal of your Solar Sun, through the Central Sun, up through the Galactic Center now. 

And coming into this place of the Andara Crystal Energy where your crystal healing pools of the Andara waters are. And yes, we’re going to bathe ourselves, walking into these pools, and sitting with our legs upstretched, and the water coming up to our chests. 

And breathing into it, and allowing for the healing of anything less than Love, within the four bodies of your being, any memories that tend to scare you, and frighten you, and hold trauma, and hold power over you. We let them dissipate and wash themselves clean and disintegrate photon by photon, subatomic particle by subatomic particle. 

We disassemble all of the bad feelings, all of the negative programming, all of the lies and entanglements karmically, the bottlenecks, the bruised egos, and spirits. And we bring in this harmonious flow of the LoveLight, heart to heart, soul to soul, over all of Creation, with the higher interdimensional beings, who are focusing their LoveLight on you, for your Ascension.
And they feel as if you are all of their children, and they want you so very much to have the best, to have your Ascension, to have your Liberation, after all you’ve been through in these many, many lifetimes of testing this density of duality on your Beloved Planet.

Yes, my Beloveds, you have been doing the work for more than just this lifetime. And you have been ever so diligent. And we have ever so much Love, and Compassion, for you, and your situation. And we say to you, take heart, Beloveds, because you are almost there. It’s just a matter of raising the level of the vibration. And we cannot predict, when this is going to be in your physical Earth time. We just know that the level of your vibration continues to rise each and every day. And we feel, and see, this Divine Harmony happening.

So, breathing into the Heart Center and holding hands in our circle, while we are feeling the Grace and the Joy, of being in these healing waters. And feeling the warmth of our spirits, love and nurture one another. And feeling no separation, but the Unity of our hearts and souls, the brilliance of our Light shared together.

We love you so very much, Brothers and Sisters. We thank you so much for being a part of this meditation. And yes, you can come back here any time, that you would like, and call us in to do this meditation, or listen to it on the recording. 

Namaste, Dear Beloveds, and good night.

9-4-19 Maria Magdalena by Eli Galla

9-4-19 Maria Magdalena by Eli Galla

Dear Beloved Brothers and Sisters,

It is I, Maria Magdalena. I am once again so very privileged and happy to be with you on this call. 

And yes, our hearts are overflowing with the Love and Light, shining it onto you, after you’re doing this meditation, with Beloved Mother Sekhmet, to call forth the changes, which we see, that we have all been working for, for the Liberation of each and every one of your Souls, by way of being heart centered, and coming together and working on yourselves, and doing the meditations, over the course of these many years. And going through all of the different tests and challenges, that have been set up for you in this Beloved Lifetime.
And of course, you as Lightworkers agreed to take on so much of the responsibility of moving the energy up into higher vibrations, on your Beloved Planet, and into awakening, in the beginning, on the First Wave.  And yes, the Harmonic Convergence was quite a long time ago, in Earth Year 1987.
And all through these many years, you have prospered, you have grown. You have nurtured yourself, and nurtured one another, with the Truth of your meditations, of your experiences in the higher dimensions. And the realization, that you were the co-Creators of your reality, and that Love is the strongest force, the highest vibration available to you. And that you have been able to do such miraculous good, for yourselves, and for each other, and for all of the Beloved Beings on your planet, by raising the level of your Collective Consciousness. 

And yes, you have to, umm, weather the storm, of being told lies and having deceptions perpetrated upon you. But we say to you, we have backed you up.  We shine our LoveLight on you, from the ships, when you call us into your hearts to be with you, to give you the Truth, the Illumination of the Love and Light of who you really are. 

We are so privileged to be doing this Mission with you. Because yes, we have already reached our Ascension, us Beloved Mentors, and you are in the thick of it, we would say. And we cheer you on each and every moment, to have another brilliant, shining, illustrious day, because you deserve to feel the Love and Light that you are, the grace and beauty of the Truth of who you really are.

And we are here with you all of the time, loving and supporting you. So please call us in anytime you would love to feel our Love, our Compassion, and Celebration with you, for who you are, and the great work that you are doing on your Beloved Planet.

Namaste, Dear Beloved Brothers and Sisters and good night. And now Sananda will come in.