Thursday, September 5, 2019

9-4-19 Sananda by Eli Galla

9-4-19 Sananda by Eli Galla

My Dear Beloved Brothers and Sisters,

It is I, Sananda. Once again it is my profound pleasure to be with you on your conference call.

Ah yes, Beloved Brothers and Sisters, this energy, that you feel in your hearts, in this Now Moment, this is the Truth of who you really are, connected with one another, connected with us upon the ships, doing this meditation with you together. 

You could think of the whole conference call as one big meditation, because even when we are just channeling with you, we raise the level of the vibration for you to experience yourself, within the realm of our higher-dimensional reflections, and bringing in our LoveLight together, at the same time, to raise the level of your vibration also, and of that of your planet.

Because yes, it all comes back to raising the level of consciousness in the Collective. And so, you could think of that, as a Divine Place of Unconsciousness. And when it reaches a certain level of self-awareness, it will transmit into spreading this feeling, this level of vibration all throughout each and every one of your hearts, and into the consciousness of all of the kingdoms, and all of the subatomic particles and photons, on your planet, to raise you once again into the 5th Dimension and beyond.

And we are so very happy that we have come to this place, where we could see this happening over on our side of the veil. And we say, that you are on the cusp of being able to bring this into your conscious, physical states of awareness and being. And when you do, yes, you will feel such bliss in a very centered and harmonious way, because you will feel the Oneness of being able to transmit and receive, heart to heart, with all of the Beloved Beings on your planet.

All of the resistance, all of the negative programming, the negative energies, that have been set up inside of your bodies, within the four bodies of your being, mutating your DNA, they will be gone. And you will be free within the four bodies of your being. You will shine your LoveLight into the Heart Centers, of each and every one of you, across space and time, across the hearts, and the psyches of all of the Beloved Beings on your planet.

And let us join together, me bi-locating my hand out to each and every one of you. And with your other hand, reaching for somebody else on your conference call. Ah, and shining this LoveLight, from your heart, around the circle, from the palm of your left hand, back into the palm of your right hand, into your Heart Center. And allowing this Golden White Light of the Christ Consciousness Energy, to raise the level of your vibration, in a very exponential way now.
And feeling our combined energy field pulsate rhythmically, in Divine Timing, and Rhythm, and Synchronicity, sending it around the circle, and up, down, and around and through, the width, and the breadth of our combined energy field in our circle. And feeling this gyroscopic effect.

So, in other words, we are enacting a Unified Chakra with all of our hearts and minds, focused on this Universal Love and Light, of the Golden White Light of the Christ Consciousness Energy, that we are coming together without any barriers, without any resistance. And feeling the bliss of letting go, to these very high vibrations, and taking ourselves up through the portal of your Solar Sun, through the Central Sun, up through the Galactic Center now. 

And coming into this place of the Andara Crystal Energy where your crystal healing pools of the Andara waters are. And yes, we’re going to bathe ourselves, walking into these pools, and sitting with our legs upstretched, and the water coming up to our chests. 

And breathing into it, and allowing for the healing of anything less than Love, within the four bodies of your being, any memories that tend to scare you, and frighten you, and hold trauma, and hold power over you. We let them dissipate and wash themselves clean and disintegrate photon by photon, subatomic particle by subatomic particle. 

We disassemble all of the bad feelings, all of the negative programming, all of the lies and entanglements karmically, the bottlenecks, the bruised egos, and spirits. And we bring in this harmonious flow of the LoveLight, heart to heart, soul to soul, over all of Creation, with the higher interdimensional beings, who are focusing their LoveLight on you, for your Ascension.
And they feel as if you are all of their children, and they want you so very much to have the best, to have your Ascension, to have your Liberation, after all you’ve been through in these many, many lifetimes of testing this density of duality on your Beloved Planet.

Yes, my Beloveds, you have been doing the work for more than just this lifetime. And you have been ever so diligent. And we have ever so much Love, and Compassion, for you, and your situation. And we say to you, take heart, Beloveds, because you are almost there. It’s just a matter of raising the level of the vibration. And we cannot predict, when this is going to be in your physical Earth time. We just know that the level of your vibration continues to rise each and every day. And we feel, and see, this Divine Harmony happening.

So, breathing into the Heart Center and holding hands in our circle, while we are feeling the Grace and the Joy, of being in these healing waters. And feeling the warmth of our spirits, love and nurture one another. And feeling no separation, but the Unity of our hearts and souls, the brilliance of our Light shared together.

We love you so very much, Brothers and Sisters. We thank you so much for being a part of this meditation. And yes, you can come back here any time, that you would like, and call us in to do this meditation, or listen to it on the recording. 

Namaste, Dear Beloveds, and good night.

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