Thursday, September 19, 2019

9-18-19 Mother Sekhmet by Eli Galla

9-18-19 Mother Sekhmet by Eli Galla

My Dear Beloved Brothers and Sisters,

Good evening to you all. I’m so happy to be on this call tonight. And, ah yes, there is so much that continues to flow onto your planet, so many of the energies, so many of the Beloved, Divine Beings, who have been in slumber for these many eons, playing out their life lessons, and how have been allowing themselves to be mind-controlled, and to continue on, in their safe spaces of slumber.

Well now, we see that it’s not very easy for so many of them, who have been active, who have been loving and responsible beings, to neglect that there are many changes going on the face of your planet. And there are many changes of perception that accompany that, those realizations.

Because in the mainstream media, the polarization has never been so divisive.  Has it not? You have one side saying the direct opposite of what the other side is saying. And one side saying what they have produced, and the other side saying, well, they’re all a bunch of criminals and they need to be taken out of office. So, we find a bit of humor in this, because it is so blatant.  And that it requires all of us to just take a deep breath, and to let go, and to tap into our inner awareness. Does it not?

We have all of the answers within us, and hooking up and having balance between the four bodies of our being. And breathing into our Heart Centers, and being in a heart-centered lifestyle will help us in many Divine Ways, to go through all of these tests and challenges, that continue to be a daily part of our lives.
So, finding these little pockets of Joy and Bliss with each other within the arts, within nature, within our Beloved Children and Grandchildren, well, that’s a really creative way to go. Don’t you think? Instead of letting the mechanisms, and devices, and targeting systems of the AI, nudge you with their fear, with their little hooks and triggers.

We always say to you, that everything is in Divine Timing. Everything is in Divine Order. And Love, well, that’s the highest and most important vibrational asset and force that you have available to you. And yes, your Mission basically is to raise the level of Love and Light, to raise the level of conscious awareness within the Collective Consciousness.

And let us join together, me bi-locating my paw once again, you reaching out your hand to somebody else on this call. And breathing into your Heart Center, allowing yourself to let go with your breathing, sending it from your Heart Center, out through the palm of your left hand, around the circle into the palm of your right hand. And with the rhythm of your breathing, allowing yourself to access the Power, and the Speed of your Thoughts, to rise on up, off the surface of your Beloved Planet, to rise on up, in the layers of atmospheres, and now to the layers of ships, coming to my ship, the Nibiru.

And yes, I’m opening up the landing deck. We’re rising right on up through, hovering in the airlock, while the landing deck closes beneath us. And walking on back to an elevator that opens for us. And we’re stepping in without having to break up our circle. And we’re pushing the button. And we're rising on up, through all of the different floors, to the top floor, this Beloved Crystal, Healing Room. The doors now are opening, and we are walking through.

And so many Beloved Beings, once again, are here in a very merry mood to welcome us. And yes, some of them may be your ancestors, and perhaps you in a lifetime or two in your past. And maybe you can feel the hair on the back of your neck stick up, and give you a rather nice sensation of a chill. And maybe there’s a song that really means something to you, that is playing in your head and resonating within your heart, as we all walk on over into the middle of the room, acknowledging the presence of the Mentors and all of the Beloved Commanders, angels and Ascended Masters, besides your Beloved Ancestors. And ringing around our Beloved Crystalline Altar, where the Master Crystal sets.

And breathing into our hearts, forming our circle, sending it around to our inner circle. And the Mentors have assembled in the circle just outside of us. And sending it around, through the other outer circles, and all up, down, and around and through from the floor to the walls to the ceiling. And this is our combined energy field. And so, breathing into it, feeling this gyroscopic effect resonate and raise the level of the vibration up, down, and around and through. 

And picturing a torus, and how the energy multiples so Divinely, from many, many different angles. You have the energy going straight down into the middle into our Master Crystal, and spreading out to the sides, while going to the center below, and back up to the center above, from all different angles. And feeling this rhythm take over our Beloved Room, and resonant within the Master Crystal. And sending our LoveLight into the Master Crystal. 

And we ask you to make your Intentional Requirements for what you want to create for yourselves, each and every one of you, in this Beloved Meditation tonight, whether it be financial, personal, having to do with your family, with your jobs, or wanting to feel more Bliss and Harmony within your own four bodies of your being, or being able to have the time to let go in nature and go on hikes. 

And now, we call for, with our Intentional Requirements, for all of the Beloved Beings on Mother Gaia, for them to feel Peace and Harmony, and to know that deep inside of their conscious awareness, in their unconsciousness and subconsciousness, that at the core essence of their being, that they are Light and Love. And yes, for them to awaken Courage within their Heart Centers, and to breathe into it, and to know that everything is in Divine Order, everything is in Divine Timing. And that yes, they are capable of acquiring and feeling and breathing into this Peace that passes all understanding.

And it’s from this point of awareness, that everything else will be made known to them, about who they really are, and why they are really here. And what their own personal purpose, and ways to express who they really are in this lifetime, will be made available to them, if they haven’t known about their purpose unfolding at this time already.

And now, shining our LoveLight all together into the Master Crystal, shooting it up through the tip, through the opening in my Beloved Nibiru. And then spiraling it down, with the Power and the Speed of our Thoughts, onto your Beloved Planet. Up, down, and around and through, penetrating the crystalline core of Mother Gaia. Feeling this Divine Flow of Energy radiate into the hearts of all of the Beloved Beings on your planet. 

Opening up their Heart Centers, their third eyes, getting into their unconsciousness, in their dream states, and planting these seeds of Peace, Harmony, Justice, Compassion, for honoring each and every person’s Free Will, on your Beloved Planet. And yes, honoring their own Courage for being Heart Centered, for expressing their Truth, and being the Love and Light that they are. 

And shining this Golden White Light of the Christ Consciousness Energy, into all of the Beloved Kingdoms on Mother Gaia, continuing to spiral this energy all through your Beloved Planet, penetrating the genetic codes in everyone’s DNA to let them jettison the matrix from their Beloved Beings. 

All of the negative programming, all of the devices, that have harnessed dark energies to keep them in the 3rd Dimension, and prevent them from waking up, we say now be gone! Now is the time to open up full awareness, and raise the level of the Collective Consciousness on Mother Gaia. And so, it is!

And now, let us go across to Beloved Mexico and down into the elevators. And going all the way down, opening up the doors. And from this point, shining our LoveLights in a spiral horizontally, through this tunnel system, up, down, and around and through from coast to coast, starting from Mexico, through the United States, and in, and around and through Canada. And yes, we’re going into the bases, to all of the nooks and crannies, in the tunnel system, where these dragons, which are the power sources of the AI, where they have been hiding. And some of them have embedded themselves very deep within the earth.

And shining this Golden White Light onto them. Spiraling their energy fields, up, down, and around and through counterclockwise, to remove their power, to remove, and sever the connection of them to the AI. And we make the Intentional Requirement, that all connection of the AI, to their power sources now be made inoperable, by altering the programing, by removing these codes and these algorithms, by shining our LoveLights deeply within these programs, that affect the genetics of all of the Beloved Beings who have been targeted on your Beloved Planet. 

And we intentionally require, to raise the level of the Collective Consciousness higher and higher, from now on, throughout all of eternity, to wake up and be flawless receptors of the Love and Light, which raises the level of vibration, enabling all of the Beloved Beings on your planet to rise up into the higher dimensions. 

And shining this LoveLight into all of the bases all of the secret hiding places, the spas, the places where the ritual sacrifices are, and creating this dynamic of awareness, by shining this LoveLight into all of these places, that have hidden the ulterior motives, the deep dubious programs that the AI has passed forth, and leveraged over your Beloved Planet. And we say that now those days are finished. The Truth is being exposed, and the Power of the Love and Light is breaking through, and shining all over your Beloved Planet, in this Now Moment.

And we say to all of the Beloved Beings, who have honored their Soul Contracts, and have been service to these very dark forces, these minions of the AI,

“We are so very happy for you, because your time is upon you for Liberation, for Ascension. And we love you so very much. We honor you for the sacrifices you have made.”

And to all of the Beloved Beings on this call, we love you so very much also.  Your dedication to your Missions is truly inspiring.
And we say to you, Namaste and good night.

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