Friday, September 13, 2019

9-11-19 Sananda by Eli Galla


9-11-19 Sananda by Eli Galla

Dear Beloved Brothers and Sisters,

It is I, Sananda. And yes, I come to you in the joy of this feeling, of heart to heart and soul to soul, feeling reverent remembrance of these Beloved Beings who gave up their lives so that all of these years could pass by.

And this is something that is indelibly etched on the consciousness of all of the Beloved Beings, not only in your United States of America, but all throughout your Beloved Planet. Because so many brave beings have come forth to argue the scientific facts of that day. And we don’t have to get into the particulars of that. You all know the story very well, and even the reasons why this was done.

And the outcome was very plain to see, that people were clamoring for war when the false narrative was espoused over the mainstream media, hour after hour, endlessly for months and months. And that is the way, that this device of the Cabal works, it’s brainwashing effects, it’s mind-control aspects, to drive it deep into your psyche, into your emotional fields, where so much fear can be felt, if you let it.

And we know, that the way to counteract this is to breathe into our hearts and let go in the Now Moment, and feel the Grace and the Beauty of the Truth of our being, being incarnated into this hologram. Because yes, this is all an illusion, and you come here to learn these lessons for your spiritual evolution.

So, let us join our hands once again, me bi-locating my hand out to each and every one of you. And joining together with somebody else with your other hand on this call. And breathing into the Heart Center and sending it around the circle into the palm of the right hand, breathing into the heart and calling in these high-vibrational feelings of Love, Compassion, Forgiveness and Gratitude. 

Because yes, Beloved Beings, we have so much to be grateful for. We have the strength of our Unity. We have the Truth in this Now Moment of coming together, to be who we really are, to be One with each other in this meditation, and sending it around the circle.

And now creating this combined energy field, and feeling this gyroscopic effect, up, down, and around and through. And feel our energy expand, as we send it around the circle, over and over again, up, down, and around and through this Beloved Energy Field, from the center below, to the center above. And feeling our hearts meld into one another with the spirit of this Golden White Light of the Christ Consciousness Energy.

And harmonizing with these Universal Laws, that all emanate from the Law of One, such as the Law of Cause and Effect, the Law of Multiplication, the Law of Gratitude, Love, Mercy, the Law of Truth. And they all support this dynamic that we all sprouted forth from the Center of all Consciousness, from that which we call Prime Creator, or Creator Source.

And ah, yes, let us raise ourselves off of the surface of your Beloved Plant, and go through this conduit, through your Solar Sun, through your Central Sun, through your Galactic Center. And going to this place of the Andara Crystals, these healing waters, and allowing ourselves to get in these pools, sitting down with our legs outstretched, the water up to our chest, and still in our circle. 

And we love the way that this pool conforms to the shape of our circle, and all of the Beloved Lotus Blossoms that line the banks of these pools. And the smell is so very fragrant, and very sweet. And why shouldn’t it be this way, when we join together in that place of Truth, Harmony, Bliss, Devotion, listening to the hearts of one another, being in the rhythm of each other’s heartbeat?

And now we call for our own individual healings, every place in the body that is not vibrating in harmony with the DNA, with your energy templates. And we’re shining the LoveLight of these crystal, angelic healing waters. 

And yes, the angels are with us doing their energetic adjustments to all of the Beloved Beings, as I am too, to bring more strength and harmony into your vibration, at this very pivotal time, for bringing in more of the LoveLight onto your Beloved Planet. 

And breathing into your hearts and sending it around the circle, feeling these Andara Crystal Energies, and their Strength and Compassion, and their Wisdom throughout the corridors of time where they have traversed, and brought in all of these higher dimensions all throughout Creation, and have assimilated these high-vibe energies. And now they are a Record Keeper of all of those travels, of all of those universes, that they have integrated the energies of. 

Breathing into the Heart Center with the Intentional Requirements of forgiving yourself, forgiving all of the times, that you judged yourself and others, that you judged your choices. Ah, there is no wrong choice, that you could make, because everything is in Divine Order, and everything is in Divine Timing. God is like that. 

This, the center of it all, that all of Conscious Creation emanates from. And it is ongoing. It is never done. It sprouts forth in this Now Moment, its Power, its Majesty, its Glory, and its Beauty. And we ask you to breathe it in, and make it active within every cell of your DNA, every cell of your Beloved Beings all throughout your energy body, your energy fields, and the four bodies of your being.

We thank you so much for your effort and participation, not just on this Beloved Call and this meditation with you all tonight, but all of your prayers, meditations, and exercises. We love you so very much. 

And as my Beloved Maria said, please call us in, any time, that you want us to shine our LoveLights with you, to do meditations with you, to raise the level of the vibration, just to love you and nurture you in the Now Moment.

Namaste, Dear Beloved Brothers and Sisters and good night.


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