9-25-19 Mother Sekhmet by Eli Galla
Dear Beloved Brothers and Sisters,
Good evening. Once again, we are so very glad to be
with you tonight on this call. It is really such an auspicious time for us to
come together.
And yes, these energies from the Equinox, they’re
there, but they’re also combined with the energies coming into your planet, all
this photon energy, and different energies, that are not so high vibe. But the
thing is that the Light is being shined on the same-old, same-old forms of
manipulation that go on in the media, and within institutions, how they try to
make things so very complicated to keep the leverage of all situations in their
Well, this is what the media is doing right now. And
we don’t see it working anymore, because more and more of you, Beloved
Lightworkers, are tuning into the Internet for an idea of what is really going
on, say from what your President is calling citizen journalists. And these
people are totally dedicated to the Truth.
Now the Truth takes on many different forms, we
would say, there’s many different perspectives to cognize the Truth with and
from. So again, we always ask you, even if we don’t say it all of the time, for
you to use your discernment in all of my messages, and all of what you gather
from the Internet. Because yes, all of you want to know what is really going on,
so you can focus on those specific areas where you see the most good being done,
to raise the level of the vibration even higher, than it has ever been before.
So that, yes, we can finally achieve that saturation
point, by doing our meditations into the 5th Dimension, because we
see that is the point that everything starts to shift into place the way that
Saint Germaine, and all of the Ashtar Command, along with all of the ground
forces, that comprise the Alliance, and underneath your Beloved Planet also. So
yes, we are very much enthused.
And let us join together me bi-locating my paw with
each and every one of you, and you reaching out your other hand to somebody
else on the call. And breathing into your Heart Center, sending it around the
circle, by sending it out the palm of your left hand, around the circle and
into the palm of your right hand.
And allowing ourselves to be Here Now, to slow down,
and to find ourselves in Divine Rhythm, and Timing, and Synchronization, as we
access the Power and the Speed of our Thoughts, by breathing into the Heart
Center, and allowing ourselves to rise on up off of the surface of your Beloved
Planet, rising on up into the layers of the atmospheres, up through the layers
of the ships, and coming upon my ship, the Nibiru.
And opening up the belly of the ship, which is the landing
deck. And all of us fitting through it now, and hovering in the airlock, while
the landing deck closes beneath us. And now we can touch down, and walk on back
to one of the elevators that is open for us. And getting all in without having
to break up our circle. It is very accommodating you know. It is very
symbiotic, this elevator. And closing the doors, pushing the button and rising
on up, all the way to the top of my ship, whereby the Crystal Healing Room is,
and opening up the door.
And yes, there’s so many Beloveds, all of the
Mentors, many different Commanders, Archangels, Ascended Masters and your
ancestors and, of course, perhaps you in a past lifetime or two. And so,
walking on over into the middle of the Crystal Healing Room, where our Altar is,
and where the Master Crystal sets upon it. And forming our circle, and feeling
all of this Beloved Energy, the Grace, Ease, Joy, Beauty, and Bliss of being in
higher vibrations.
And sending our LoveLight from the Heart Center
around the circle, and to the outer circles. And now spiraling it from the
floor, to the walls, to the ceiling, combining our energies to rise on up and
spiral up, down, and around and through, to multiply these energies through the
dynamics of this gyroscope effect, which is much like the torus, where the
energy comes back into the middle or the Heart Center, if you will. And then it
spreads out through the bottoms of your feet and accesses your crown again.
Well, picture it happening to our combined energies,
in our expanded energy field this way. And just breathing into it, and letting
go to the rhythm, timing, and synchronicity of these high-vibe energies, Because,
ah yes, this is where we want to be using our hearts, as an elevator to climb
up ever higher, to access and activate that part of us, which is the
And now we ask all of you Beloveds on the call to
direct your Intentional Requirements into the crystal, for what you would like
to create, from this meditation tonight, for your own selves, whether it be
financial, more spiritual connection, greater capacity to be intuitive, or to
have unlimited prosperity and abundance. Just breathing into this Master
Crystal from the Heart Center.
And we require, that we bring in this dynamic of
Peace, of allowing all of the Beloved Beings on your planet, to let go of being
afraid, by accessing their Heart Centers, and breathing into them. And allowing
themselves to know the Power of being Here Now, which is the antithesis of what
their imprints have told them. Their imprints have been for the fight or flight
syndrome. Well, this won’t do in the 5th
Dimension, now will it? Being Here Now and being heart centered are very
powerful dynamics which, if everyone on your Beloved Planet adopted in this Now
Moment, would completely simplify the matter of us rising on up into the 5th
And so, shining our Intentional Requirements for
Peace, to permeate everyone’s hearts, the Collective Consciousness of everyone
on your Beloved Planet, and all of the Kingdoms too. And shining it into the Master
Crystal. And from the tip of the Master Crystal, shooting it up through the
opening in the ceiling of the Nibiru. And spiraling it down, onto your Beloved
Planet, and doing the same thing with the energy, acquiring this gyroscopic
torus effect, up, down, around and through, right to the heart of Mother Gaia’s
crystalline core.
And finding our rhythm, timing, and synchronization
to broadcast these Intentional Requirements of Peace, Understanding, Joy,
Bliss, Harmony, letting go of all of the negative programming, all of the
erroneous negative programs, that try to convince us that the mind is the most
powerful part of our being. Well, it’s just the opposite actually, and to give
permission to all of the Beloved Beings on your planet to be heart centered, in
this Now Moment. And this is where you all access, and activate the Divine
Grace of the Love and Light that you are, being an integral part of the
So just breathing into our Heart Centers, and
transmitting with this spiral into the hearts of all of the Beloved Beings on
your planet. And allowing ourselves to transmit these feelings of Ease, Grace,
and Joy to all of the Beloved Hearts.
Ah yes, let us go over to Washington, D. C., because
we feel that there’s really something that has been in the works for a long
time. And well, it’s a few different things actually. Some of them are the
declassification of various papers, that have been kept from the public, by the
manipulation of the Cabal. But, because of Executive Orders, now they’re in a
position to be released, because of ongoing investigations, having to do with
these documents, and also some of this is related to the Epstein case. And some
of it has to do with Uranium One and a lot of different issues, that show that
some of your top members of Congress, and the Senate were complicit in various
forms of corruption.
Well yes, they have those sealed indictments in
their names, but we see that this dynamic of having the Truth made manifest will
lead to a very smooth transition period, which the Alliance has been moving
very harmoniously to create, so that there won’t be panic within the United
States, and the rest of the planet for the Truth, for disclosure coming out in
full swing. Because yes, this is what we have wanted all along, this
essentially, defeats the Cabal in a very real systematic way, which we have
been designing their demise for such a long time now.
So just breathing into the hearts of all of the
Beloved Beings who are the bad actors, or some people call them the Deep State.
Well, we call them the Cabal a lot. And shining this LoveLight into their
hearts, giving them nothing to feed off of. But giving them the Divine
Opportunity to know who they really are, by coming into the Light.
Because yes, they have been the victims of this
Satanic Overload of lies and deceptions too. You see, nobody gets spared by
this negative programming. It’s all for the purpose, the complicit purpose, we
would say, of affecting everyone to be happy and satisfied with being less than
they are. And convincing them that they’re actually more powerful by being in
allegiance with Satan. But it’s not the Truth. So, you don’t even have to try
to wrap your mind around that one.
So, breathing into the Heart Center and feeling Unconditional/Universal
Love, Compassion, Forgiveness, and Gratitude, and now, allowing ourselves to go
down into Mexico into the elevators. Because, yes, we know what is here in this
underground network system of tunnels, that lead to all of these different
underground bases. But as we have been saying, that there’s also a lot of
hiding places down here where these power sources of the winged dragons-- Ah,
they’ve been here for a long, long, long time, and they’ve sort of settled in.
But you know, things are on edge for them, because
we have been penetrating their layers consciously, energetically. And when a
certain level of vibration happens on your Beloved Planet, then they won’t be
able to exist there anymore either, as with the Cabal, and all of its minions,
and the AI itself.
So up, down and around and through, spinning
horizontally in a spiral through all of these secret passageways, these hidey
holes, underground bases where extreme amounts of sequestered wealth, art
treasures, advanced technologies, the spas, that they do their ritual
sacrifices in, and all of the Beloved Beings, who have agreed to be taken down
there as slaves, to be fed upon, to be taking care of these installations. We
say to them that,
“We love you so very much. We are so honored and inspired, by all you
have done in these lifetimes, where you’ve played through your Soul Contracts,
and cast so much Light on what is really going on.”
And to all of the Beloved Beings on this call, we say
Namaste. We love you so very much and good night.
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