Thursday, December 5, 2019

12-4-19 Mother Sekhmet by Eli Galla

12-4-19 Mother Sekhmet by Eli Galla

My Beloved Brothers and Sisters,

Good evening to one and all, and all of you that may hear the recording later on, or read the transcripts. Once again it is our profound pleasure to be with you on this call tonight. And yes, we would say things are popping! Things are shaking ever more so, than they even were the last time that we got together.

You know, Congress is a branch of your government. And, well, it seems that they are consumed with showmanship right now. And I can understand that. You know, I like to put on a show myself, and to just flow with the energy. But, you know, what is really effective is not playing what you would call politics with the Truth. Because the Truth is a feeling. It’s a palpable feeling, tangible, that you can feel within the four bodies of your being.

And we ask you never to forget this, because more than anything else, the media, these politicians, they want to spin you out of being able to feel the Truth. They want you to go into your mind, and rationalize, and believe their rationalizations and feed their egos by feeding your own ego, and allowing yourself to get trapped in these thoughts, that aren’t based in the Truth. 

Truth is beauty, Beloveds. And you are all in this condition of being human on this 3rd, well now it’s not 3rd Dimensional, but there’s still a state of duality that exists, that your media and all the institutions want you to believe is the only dimension. And that is the 3rd Dimension. And that is the State of Duality. Well, you know that you can access the 5th Dimension anytime, that you want to breathe and get heart centered, or allow yourself to be in nature, and to feel the Divine Energies of that Beloved Kingdom of your planet. And yes, it is wonderful! 

Well, we bring all of this up because, yes, you are moving toward another significant gateway. And it will also be the time of a Full Moon on your planet, so the energy is building up once again. And you see by this play acting, that is going on with impeachment, that, you know, there’s a lot going on right now. But we ask you to use your imaginations as to what can happen when the Truth starts to come out, and the dynamic of that being a watershed event. In other words, the dam is about the burst, we would say. And in so many significant ways, this will help to raise the level of the vibration, even more so, on your Beloved Planet.

And yes, you are getting aided by Creator Source, and this energy coming in through the Galactic Center, through the Central Sun, through the gateway, the portal in your sun. And for us, it’s such a beautiful light show. And it has engendered so much change within the four bodies of your being, but also within Mother Gaia and all of her kingdoms.

Now, let us come together, me bi-locating my paw with each and every one of you, and you reaching out your other hand, to somebody else on this call to form our circle. Breathing into our Heart Centers, and sending this energy, through the palm of the left hand, around our Beloved Circle, and into the palm of the right hand. And just breathing into it and allowing yourself to relax, to feel good, Beloveds, to feel Bliss and Joy, of once again harmonizing your energy with the whole of us over on the other side, and all of the Beings on this call and even the others who will join this call and even the others who will join this call, via the recording and the transcription. Everyone is here.

And now with the Power and Speed of our Thoughts, rising on up, off of the Beloved Surface of your planet, and up into the atmospheres, the layers of atmospheres, that we jet right through. And coming into the layers, coming to my ship, the Nibiru, whose landing deck I am opening. And now we’re popping right on through that, still in our circle, as we wait for the belly of the ship to close, while hovering in this airlock.
And yes, now we can touch down. And we’re walking straight on back to an elevator that has opened up for us. And we are now, all getting into this elevator, connected, still together. And now we close the door, we push the button, and we’re rising right on up very quickly, to the top floor, to the penthouse. And opening up the doors now, coming to a stop. And walking right on through, and feeling all of the energies of all the Beloved Beings, who have already assembled here awaiting us, awaiting our arrival. And yes, all of the Mentors, the Commanders on the ships, other Ascended Masters and Angels, and your Beloved Ancestors, and, of course, maybe you in a lifetime or two from the past. And walking on over to the middle of our Beloved Room to the Crystal Altar where our Master Crystal sets.

And assembling this circle once again. And sending the energies, from the left, to the right, and to the outer circles. And feeling this LoveLight shine all throughout the room, combining our energies together. And really, all we have to do, is just keep allowing the rhythm of our breathing, to go along with the flow of this energy. And emanating it outward from the floor, to the walls, to the ceiling, forming our energy field, combined with one another’s energies.  And because we are combining with the energies of this Beloved Room, we are experiencing all of the dimensions of reality, and harmonizing with them with our breathing. Ah yes, and just breathing into it, allowing ourselves to be One with this Divine Flow of this Christ Consciousness Energy.
And this is the part, where we ask you to think of all of your Intentional Requirements, for what you want to create out of the meditation, and us being all together here tonight. Ah yes, it could be financial, it could have to do with relationships, or being more in tune with you own vibration, or that of being able to connect with your I AM Presence and receive messages.

And for us, for the intent that we want to bring into fruition with this meditation tonight, we want to allow ourselves to really breathe into this feeling of Joy, of Peace, of Understanding, of Knowing that all we have to do is to be aligned with our Heart Centers, and to shine forth the expression and to articulate it, this feeling of Oneness. Because, Beloveds, right now whenever you do that, even if the Beloved People who you are corresponding with, if they don’t believe, or understand some of the concepts, that you are emanating forth, they still are taking this energy into their upgraded systems, which have become very much crystalline based. Yes, you’ve all been rewired over the so-many years of experiencing this shift in your reality, from the time of the Harmonic Convergence. And then passing the markers some seven years ago for Ascension.

So, yes Beloveds, it’s all in play for you, and for you to be able to take these Light Codes into your being, and to understand how to use them in a way to create this reality, that you would like to see in the 5th Dimension, not just for yourselves, Beloveds, but for all of the Beloved Beings, and for Mother Gaia on this planet. This is our Divine Opportunity. We are learning, myself included, of course, because this dynamic that you have entered into fully, your accelerated Ascension Process is in full swing. And it’s never happened like this before on any planet, whereby you are becoming fully conscious, while still embodied in your physical incarnation. 

So, Beloveds, shining our Intentions for waking up your Beloved Planet with the Truth, and with this high-vibe Golden White Light of the Christ Consciousness Energy, shining it forth into the Master Crystal. And now shooting it up through the tip, and through the opening in the ceiling of the Nibiru. And cascading it down in a spiral onto Beloved Mother Gaia, and going up, down and around and through the middle of the planet, this crystal core of Mother Gaia. And allowing ourselves to be in this rhythm of spiraling this energy into all of the subatomic particles; all of the photons penetrating the core of Mother Gaia, her consciousness, and raising it with our combined energies in the spirit of Love and Light, that we all are, combined together this very night, on this meditation, to bring even more of this Love and Light into the hearts and minds of all of the Beloved Beings on your Planet, all of the kingdoms, all of the environments, that are so rapturously beautiful of Mother Nature.
And ah yes, this feeling of Peace, of Contentment, allowing it to grow in the Collective Consciousness. And knowing the reasons all of you have come forth into this lifetime are being handled, are being set forth in a Divine Rhythm, Timing, and Synchronization in this Divine Order. And it is so very beautiful for us to see it expand more and more so, to see all of the plans, that have been put into place start to take hold. Because you are seeing things pop up in your mainstream news that you haven’t seen before, in a way, that you haven’t experienced before.
Because you are coming into this place of raising the level of your consciousness collectively, and pretty soon this dynamic is going to prepare your Beloved Planet for the Full Disclosure of all that is being kept hidden from you these many, many years; and all of the dirty tricks, lies and deceptions that this Artificial Intelligence, and its minions, have perpetrated against the Spirit of your Sovereignty. 

So, Beloveds, spiraling this energy into the hearts and consciousness of your Beloved Planet, all of the Beloved Beings, multiplying its energies, allowing this transmission of each and every one of you being an integral part of the Godhead, to take hold. For each of the Beloveds on your planet, to know that there’s nothing to be afraid of, that they’ve given permission, by them being here, in this incarnation, in this Now Moment, for the changes that we have all been working for, since your Fall into Duality, and into the lower dimensions where you were cut off and made into amnesiacs. And it has been, we would say, a rocky road to get back to that place of being able to understand and know your connection with one another, your Beloved Planet, into realizing the Love and Light, that you are as part of the Godhead. 

And so, let us make our little journey into the elevators down in Mexico.  Because once again, we want to put out these high vibrations of our LoveLight, of this Golden White Light of the Christ Consciousness Energy, so all of the Beloveds down there, and even the dark, oh, Reptilians that are still hiding, that haven’t been rooted out yet, for them to feel. Because, yes, we are all One, we all emanated from this Divine Consciousness, the Seat of Consciousness, we would say, of Creator Source. And no matter how many beings, who put their Faith and their Trust in the Artificial Intelligence, and their front person who we call Satan, but they call in many different names. They always want to make things as confusing as possible, now, don’t they?

Well, there’s nothing confusing about shining forth this Golden White Light, going up, down, and around and through from Mexico, from coast to coast, through the United States, into Canada, and back down again, in the width and length of your Beloved Continent, raising the level of the vibration, by allowing yourself to feel the Love and Light that you are. And yes, when you open up and spin all of your chakras, this allows you to be shining forth your transmission of the Christ Consciousness Energy, and you become a shining beacon of it. And yes, it affects the whole of Creation. And it is grand, and it is wonderful! 

And shining this forth to all of the Beloved Beings, who have been fulfilling their Soul Contracts, while they have been enslaved by this Cabal, by having to feel all of these low-vibrational energies, and constantly battling against the dynamics of fear, of separation, and all of the lies and deceptions. 

“Dear Beloved Beings, no matter what physical age you are, we love you so very dearly. And your time is at hand for rising on up, and transitioning your current circumstances. And some of you will be jettisoned forth to the surface once again. Some of you will transition to the other side. But this is your time of being able to really experience who you really are, and to know that you have done such a wonderful job. And we only have the highest and deepest respect and such Love that we cannot even express, and put it into words, Beloveds. We honor you. We love you so very much.” 

And to all of the Beloved Beings on this call, and who will join in later, we love you. And we are here anytime, that you just want to call us in and feel our energy, or feel our Love and Support, or meditate with us, and connect up with those higher aspects of your being.

Namaste, Beloved Beings, and good night.

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