11-11-20 Mother Sekhmet by Eli Galla
My Dear Beloved Brothers and Sisters,
It is I, Sekhmet. I come in tonight into our Beloved
Circle, in the healing of our hearts and our minds, to raise the level of the vibration,
once again, in our Communion of the Hearts, as we come together in this Beloved
and Divine Now Moment, to share from the depths of our souls. Letting ourselves
be more and more in the Here/How, by having to experience the intensities, that
are rapidly unfolding on your Beloved Planet.
Because yes, do not allow yourselves to go for just
the surface meaning of an election being cast, and the two sides being so at
odds with one another. Because yes, that
is happening in a very wonderful, chaotic way.
But so much is being learned by the mass populous,
who has depended upon this mainstream media for their understanding of what is
really happening. And now they are seeing that there are many different aspects,
to what they believed was the Truth, since that night about a week ago. And it
is unfolding in such a dramatic way, we would say.
Because yes, the people who are hating, and blaming,
and not allowing themselves to see that there is a reason why two sides have
been so far apart for these last four years. This is about shift on your planet.
This is called the Great Awakening, and indeed it is! Because during this time,
the level of the vibration on your Beloved Planet has risen to such a level,
whereby in the Now Moment, each and every one of you can conduct these high-vibe
5th Dimensional energies in such a meaningful, deep, and compassionate
way to create your reality.
But also it is your Mission in raising the level of
the vibration, for the All That Is. And the Collective Consciousness has for
sure been part of this on your Beloved Planet, to bring in more and more of
this Love and Light. So these Beloveds, in this Here-Now Moment are opening up
their eyes, and saying well, that’s never happened before.
And really, why do they say that, and now today it’s
all changed? And what does that mean? And why are things occurring the way that
they are? I thought this was a done deal, and now they’re saying that it’s not.
And what does it really mean?
So, it is a very wonderful time, even though there
is much discord between the same groups of people. And those, that have been
paid to incite riots are still on deck, you would say, to do what the Cabal
feels needs to be done to preserve the last remnants of their power, to go out,
as you would say, screaming and kicking with all of their might. But Beloveds, the
Power of Love, more and more so each and every moment, is available to all of
the Beloved Beings on your planet.
And yes, these events are very possibly the
beginnings of factions, and many different types of groups, letting go of their
differences and coming together in a heart-to heart-fashion, in knowing that
there has been so much that they have been tricked by, and used, and enslaved
over just for the benefits of the few.
And what the narrative of the mainstream has been
telling them is not the Truth, and has not been in their highest and best
interest. That all of us Beloveds, are so much more than we have been told. And
our history is so-much more deeper, and all-encompassing, and that the same
patterns of domination have been playing out for thousands and thousands of
years. And now is that point of shift back into the 5th Dimension,
where we will be free and living in harmony in a most-magnanimous, forgiving,
meaningful, grateful, tender and compassionate way.
So let us join together, me bi-locating my paw out
to each and every one of you, and Beloveds, you reaching around for someone else’s
hand on this Beloved Call. And breathing into our hearts.
And opening up our Crown Chakra, spinning our
chakras in a clockwise direction, the Crown to the Third Eye, the Throat, the Thymus
Gland in the middle of our chest, just below the breast bone, the Solar Plexus,
the Sacral and the Root. And going back on up into the Thymus Gland, and going
out to both shoulders and spinning them, both elbows and wrists and the palms
of the hands. Coming back up through the wrists, the elbows, spinning them all
clockwise, the shoulders. Coming back into the middle, over across the collar
bone, into the middle of your chest, into the Thymus, the Solar Plexus, the Sacral,
and the Root Chakra. And spinning the hips, the knees, the ankles, and the
soles of the feet.
And sending our Beloved Energies, our Love and our Light,
down into Mother Gaia’s Crystalline Core, and feeling the high vibrations she
is spinning at. Feeling the depth and
passion of her Love, her consciousness. And allowing ourselves to let go, and
feel the Oneness of her remembrance of who we truly are, and why we’ve come together
in this lifetime to help her, and ourselves ascend. And that we are One in this
Now Moment being in Mission with her.
And now coming up through to the surface, up through
the bottoms of our feet, into our Heart Centers, and sending the energy out from
the heart, through the palm of the left hand, around the circle, into the palm
of the right hand. Breathing into the Heart Center with this knowingness, that
we are One in the Now Moment.
And with the Power and the Speed of our Thoughts,
allowing ourselves to lift up off the surface of the planet, through the layers
of the atmospheres, coming upon the many ships. And coming upon my Beloved Ship,
the Nibiru, as I open up the landing deck, and we make our way up through the opening
in the belly of the ship, hovering in the airlock here, as the landing deck
closes beneath us.
And now, walking on back to an open elevator here,
still holding hands, and getting into this elevator with our circle still
unbroken. And I’m pushing the button to close the door, and take us on up. And
rising on up to the top floor here, feeling ourselves come to a stop, opening
up the door, and experiencing all of the Beloveds here. Our eyes catching the
eyes of the Mentors, all of the Beloved Commanders from the ships, the angels,
archangels, and other Ascended Masters, and our ancestors, and perhaps you in a
lifetime or two from the past.
And now walking on over to the middle of this Crystal
Healing Room, and forming our circle around our Beloved Altar where our Master Crystal
sets. Acknowledging the Beloved Mentors, as they form their circle around us,
and all of the other Beloveds, forming circles around us.
Again breathing into our hearts, feeling the Love
and Light that we are. And sending it around the circles, to the outer circles,
and spiraling the energy from the floor, to the walls, to the ceiling. Drinking
in all of these high vibrations through the dimensions, which are represented
in the consciousness of all of the Beloved Beings, some of them bi-locating
from their planets, or from their ships, that are ringing around us, and also
from the consciousness of all of the crystals, that represent the high dimensions
of all of Creation. Going up, down, and around and through, expanding our
energies in Divine Rhythm, Timing, and Synchronization, feeling and being the Love
and Light, that we are ,in a very expanded way now.
Breathing into our hearts, and we ask you to make
your Intentional Requirements of what you would like to create with the
energies of this meditation tonight. It may be having to do with finances, with
your family, with personal relationships, with creating the best environment
for your children possible, or just allowing yourself to be in high vibration
all throughout your daily routine, day in, and day out, as these high vibrations
come into your planet, over and over again, in raising the level of vibration
in peak intervals. Whatever it is, Beloveds, shine your Intentional
Requirements into the Master Crystal.
And for all of us on this this Beloved Call, all throughout
the multiverses, we require, that the Truth be known on your Beloved Planet,
that the barriers between your hearts dissolve, and you feel the Oneness in
Unity Consciousness, which is your birthright with one another, to feel it come
on- line. And to know in the depths of your hearts and souls, when you are not
being told the Truth. And not to let yourself be frightened, or to lower your
vibration whatsoever, but to give the Intentional Requirement to breathe through
it, and stay in high vibration. And know that Love is the strongest force in
all of Creation.
And your Love, brothers and sisters, is growing ever
so strongly, moment by moment, on your Beloved Planet, giving your Intentional
Requirements. And us on the ships, shining the LoveLights into your hearts, and
your consciousness, in every Now Moment, Beloveds, so that the Collective
Consciousness wakes up in all of its Glory and Power, to take back the 5th
Dimension. And let Freedom ring on your Beloved Planet! And taking back all of
your birthrights, and allowing this feeling of Love to grow, and to manifest in
a very-Divinely Creative Way.
And now, shining our Intentional Requirements for Love
to reign supreme, on your Beloved Planet, into the Master Crystal. Shooting it
up through its tip, up through the opening in the ceiling of the Nibiru. And
spiraling it down onto your Beloved Planet in wave upon wave. Cleansing all of
the negativity from your Beloved Planet, cleansing all of the fear, and
limitations, that this 3D-energy matrix has programmed Humanity with.
Spiraling it from the atmosphere to the surface,
underneath the surface again, into Gaia’s Crystalline Core. Allowing for this Oneness
in mind, body, and spirit to permeate the Collective Consciousness, in a most-Divine
Harmonious way. Spinning the DNA up, down, and around and through all of the
Beloveds on your planet. Removing anything less than Love, that you have been
programmed with. And bringing in these high frequencies, this knowingness, that
we are all One, that we are all of the Godhead. Bringing it into this Here-Now Moment,
and letting it grow in deeper meaning, in each and every Now Moment.
Shining this knowingness of the Power of Love, that
we are supported by Creator Source in all of our endeavors, that all of our
survival needs are met with advanced technologies, with new governments of NESARA,
on your Beloved Planet. And that Now is the time of the Announcement for NESARA’s
foundational 5th Dimensional reality, to unfold for all of the Beloved
Beings, in all of the countries, on your Beloved Planet, for all of the kingdoms
in a cellular, subatomic DNA Akashic revitalization and reharmonization of all
of the Beloved Energies on your planet.
Shining the LoveLights into all of the hearts of the
children, all over your Beloved Planet. Helping them to let go of their fears,
and to come together with the adults, and realizing that age is just an
illusion. And allowing themselves to remember who they truly are, in this Now
Moment. And that the Power of their choice, to stay in high vibration, allows
them to create a higher-vibrational reality for themselves, and for everyone in
their families, & throughout the whole planet.
Shining this LoveLight into all of the Beloved
Beings in all of the countries, no matter what language they speak, no matter
what religions they believe in, or their races. Allowing them to feel this high
vibration of Love, as the Truth is being told, and that all of these dark
energies are being exposed. And the Truth of how they have enslaved your Beloved
Planet is being told, by credible sources, and it is irrefutable of all of the
injustices, their criminality, that they have perpetrated upon your Beloved Planet,
on Humanity, for these thousands upon thousands of years.
And heart to heart, activating this Crystalline Grid
connection, within the hearts and the minds of all of the Beloveds on your
planet, having instant communication into each other’s hearts. Feeling the
depth of the Love and Light, that you are into each other’s souls, and
harmonizing in high vibration.
And sending your Intentional Requirements for
healing, for feeling the support of Creator Source, of always being connected
with all of the higher aspects of your being, and making choices that reflect
this Oneness of who you truly are.
And now, spiraling this energy beneath the surface
of your planet, shining it into all of the soldiers, waging these battles to
take over, and rescue the children in these deep underground military bases, liberating
the children, taking back absconded wealth, liberating advanced technologies. And
overcoming anyone presenting any resistance to coming with them. And destroying
these bases after their contents have been liberated, so that they will no
longer be used for any dark, nefarious purposes ever again. Allowing ourselves
to feel Compassion, and Oneness, and Forgiveness, and Gratitude in this Now
Moment, and shining it out as a balancing, harmonizing beacon of the Love and Light
that we are.
All of you Beloveds, we honor you so very much. We
are always here with you in this Here/Now Moment.
Namaste and good night. And now Maria will come in.
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