Sunday, November 8, 2020

11-4-20 Maria Magdalena by Eli Galla

11-4-20 Maria Magdalena by Eli Galla


My Dear Beloved Brothers and Sisters,


It is I, Maria Magdalena. Yes, I am very happy to be here, and to be in harmony with these very high-vibrational energies, that are coming into your Beloved Planet, as the Truth unfolds in a very intense way, at this time, whereby your Election Process has been, hmm, we should say, stalled by various groups of beings using nefarious methods of ill intent to stifle the intentions of the American people, in the United States, to elect their President. 


Yes, the results are being manipulated. And this has been the norm for many previous elections. But guess what, Beloveds. The criminals are being caught red handed this time, as you would say in your vernacular. And the populous, not only in the Beloved United States of America, will be shown, that this is the Truth.


But all over your Beloved Planet, everyone who has eyes open to see these patterns, and how they have unfolded in their own countries, over the course of the timeline, will also wake up in the realizations, that this Cabal is losing its power to control and manipulate all systems of government, and finance, and basically all of the institutions of society. 


And at this Divine Moment, people will be willing, within the framework of this new understanding of what the Truth is, to come together, and to celebrate and harmonize in these high vibrations, of remembering who they truly are, and why they are here on your Beloved Planet, to bring it to a higher level of vibration. Transmitting it with one another, without any fear, without the illusion of separation, with knowing and honoring the Law of One, and all of the implications of the Universal Laws. And using this underpinning to create a new Divine Reality, which, Beloveds, you can call Heaven on Earth, by being rooted and anchored into the 5th Dimension in a new, very harmonious, loving, and compassionate way.


We send our Love and Light to you, all of us Mentors, and all of the beings on the ships. We honor you for your service, at this time, and for the greatness and magnanimous content of your Love and your Light, and how it is unfolding on your Beloved Planet.


Namaste, Beloved Brothers and Sisters, we are here right with you.


And now we are going to bring in Sananda.

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