Saturday, November 28, 2020

11-25-20 Sananda by Eli Galla

11-25-20 Sananda by Eli Galla


My Dear Beloved Brothers and Sisters,


It is I, Sananda. I greet you with the highest vibrations of Peace, Happiness, and Joy, feeling the Love and Light on your planet rise up into ever-high vibrating frequencies. 


Yes, the Truth is unfolding. You are being shown, step by step, all of the different layers of corruption, that have controlled your electoral processes, the making of your laws, your judicial systems. They are being revealed to you in the Love and Light that you are, Beloveds, because you are coming together in the Unity of knowing, what is truly important, at this time on your Beloved Planet. And that is letting go of the fear, and coming together in Compassion and Unconditional/Universal Love, to empower yourselves in the Truth of who you really are, and what you want your reality to be on this Beloved Planet. 


For so long, you have been controlled and manipulated, by these dark minions of the Artificial Intelligence, of these off-world factions of hybrid beings, who came to your planet to control with the secrets, that they brought with them of advanced technologies, of black magic, and the power of underworld beings, using them as their power sources to control your Beloved Planet. 


And now, the change, this great shift into the highest vibrations of Love and Light, into anchoring in the 5th Dimension, Beloveds, is well underway. And at this time, we stress to you how very important it is, for you to continue the completion of your Mission, of radiating the Love and Light, that is coming in from the Galactic Center, of feeling this Joy, of being Here Now with us, all through the dimensions with all of the Company of Heaven. 


We are all One in this Mission, Beloveds, to liberate your Beloved Planet, so that you, and the rest of Creation, can move on up in your spiritual evolution, and that you, Beloveds, will accelerate your Ascension Process, and feel this Joy, Harmony, and Bliss that is incumbent upon you. You have earned it. 


And you have earned it in such a way, that Ascension is transpiring in a way that it has never come about before. You are making it up with us, right as you go along, breath by breath, integrating more and more of this LoveLight, connected into Godhead. We feel this Divine Union.


And my Mary’s come into your circle, and are offering you the Kumara roses once again, to take into your heart. And yes, take as many as you like. Feel their Love, their Compassion, and their Wisdom and Mercy.


We love you ever so much, Beloveds. We are One with you every step of the way. And we are rejoicing, because we see that we are victorious in the Light. The Truth is being made known in a very wonderful, and all-encompassing way on your Beloved Planet. And the Beauty of the Truth, in high vibration, is resonating with Mother Gaia at her core, and all of the Beloved Beings and Kingdoms of your planet.


Namaste, Beloveds. Good night. We love you so very much.

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