Saturday, November 21, 2020

11-18-20 Maria Magdalena by Eli Galla

 11-18-20 Maria Magdalena by Eli Galla


My Dear Beloved Brothers and Sisters,


It is I, Maria Magdalena. Yes, I am so happy to be on this wonderful call with all of you Beloveds. Yes, and so much is transpiring on your planet.


But what we ask you to focus on, in the Here Now, are these high vibrations of energy, that are working in harmony with all of us, to uncover the Truth of your Beloved Planet, of all that has been perpetrated upon you, to deceive you, to keep you in low vibration with fear and separation. And these are the two main tools of this Cabal, and its AI, that have been used against you time and time again, to unfold these same patterns of domination, whereby this election has been tampered with. And it is not the Truth of what the Beloved Will of the People desired, in casting their ballots on that day. 


And the Truth is being revealed, because of all of the different components of the layering on of this scheme, that was used to switch the Balance of Power, with the tabulation of those votes. And when all of the stories, and all of the cases, and the affidavits are filed, and the proof of the computer records are known, you will see how much control this Cabal has had, and the level of corruption. You will be shown in an irrefutable way. 


And it will lighten the load of all of you Beloveds on your planet. Because in that Now Moment with those, who are being taken to task, for their criminality, for their treason, you will be freed of the constraints of this Cabal. And the energies will be so very loving, from one heart to the next.  The Unity will be so very strong, because you will have known in that Now Moment, of the Truth being disseminated into your hearts and minds, in high vibration with Love and Compassion for all of you Beloveds, that you are all One in the Love and the Light of the Creator.


You will feel that chord of awareness within your Akashic Records, Beloveds. And from there, the other components of your Ascension Process will unfold in a flawless, Divine Way.


And yes, it has taken a long time for these events to transpire, whereby the Truth will be known. And you will be able to feel the effects of NESARA being announced, and your Beloved United States going back to Constitutional Law, to the Spirit, the Will, and Intent of your original Constitution. And this will be transmitted to all of the countries and governments of your world.


We love you so very much, Beloveds. We are in Mission with you, raising the level of the Love and Light in your meditations, shining our high-vibrational energies into your hearts. We are One, Beloveds. 


Namaste and good night. 


And now my Beloved Twin Soul, Sananda, is coming in.

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