Friday, May 28, 2021

5-26-21 Sananda by Eli Galla

5-26-21 Sananda by Eli Galla


My Beloved Brothers and Sisters,


It is I, Sananda. Ah yes, here we are again, and so much is happening on your Beloved Planet. This election has been unfolding in these six-plus months, since it happened. Beloveds, the Truth is coming out, about how mechanisms of altering the votes were perpetrated upon all of you, Beloveds, in the United States. And this is indicative of how other elections, all over your planet, have been stolen.


Beloveds, any time there are companies, and institutions, that award licenses and levels of indoctrination, and certificates of expertise, and what have you, that place them above the laws of your Constitution. And make them very accessible, for these minions of the Cabal, to alter the results of elections with advanced technologies, and paying off the people, who count the votes, to alter the paper ballots.


Beloveds, the Alliance knew that this was going to happen. They put safeguards in place. And now it is time for the results of states’ elections to be decertified. Beloveds, so you know what that means, is that there is a sea change happening, because the Truth of how this was done. And that it was not just one party, but it was other nations that were a part of this Act of Treason. And we would even go so far as to call it a Crime Against Humanity, because these players have been perpetrating all sorts of Crimes Against Humanity. 


And by stealing this election, it enabled them to do all of their nefarious deeds, for a greater amount of time, and to make their control more iron clad over your Beloved Planet. Or at least they thought that this is the way that it would be. 


But Beloveds, more and more of you, on your Beloved Planet, and not just in the United States, but all of the countries all over the world, have been waking up, and seeing how what has been happening in this last Presidential election, in the United States, corresponds to their situation with their governments, with their institutions, and the global corporate elite structures, that they have to deal with in their countries.


Beloveds, we have been in Mission with you for eons upon eons. And my last lifetime, where I ascended with my Beloved Mother Mary, and my Twin Soul, Maria, we were planting seeds for this transition, that you are experiencing now. Because we were shining the Light on that level of corruption, on the lies and deceptions perpetrated against the Beloveds, at that time.


The Truth is setting you free, Beloveds. And yes, you have had to learn more and more patience, of letting go of attachments to outcomes, and just being in the Now Moment at Zero Point. And shining your LoveLights, radiating these high frequencies into the 5th Dimensional timeline, into your Collective Consciousness, and remembering that what you experience in your physical reality is an illusion. It is a hologram.


Beloveds, we love you ever so much. And now my Mary’s come into the middle of your circle with the Kumara roses. Offering them to you, to take into your hearts, representing all of the frequencies of the higher dimensions, all of the color spectrums, many of them that you have never seen before on this planet. Take them, as many as you like, into your hearts. Empower yourself with the beauty of Truth, with your knowingness, that we are all One, Beloveds, and that you Ascension Process is accelerating.


Namaste, Beloveds, and good night.

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