Friday, December 30, 2022

12-28-22 Mother Sekhmet by Eli Galla

12-28-22 Mother Sekhmet by Eli Galla

My Dear Beloved Brothers & Sisters, it is I Sekhmet. I am with you once again, so happy to be here on this conference call, Beloveds.


The frequencies that have come in, in this holiday season, starting with the Solstice, and then continuing on to Sananda’s feast day, have been very high. We are continuing to work with you, and all of the councils of Heaven to expedite this process.


Beloveds all of the pieces have been put in motion, and more often than not each & every day new revelations come out about this or that being done by the very corrupt beings and that it violated the rights of Humanity. In elections, in the Jab, mandates, and the total overhaul of the central banking system, now being reported to be bankrupt, all throughout the world.


And yes, it hasn’t quite taken root here in the United States, but this is a very imminent move of Humanity moving onto this Quantum Financial System. There are so many different moving parts that are in play, Beloveds, to implement NESARA, which is you would say is the bridge into being in the 5th Dimension once again.


And yes, you have somewhat of a challenging transition period ahead of you, but all of the options that will give you this new system of creating your reality in the 5th Dimension have already been put in place, Beloveds.


Yes, our meditations are designed to take away the power of this 3rd Dimensional ego mind control system, this 3-D Matrix. Exposing all of the lies, & deceptions, & tricks that have enslaved Humanity for these thousands of years. The truth is coming out in increments, as you may have remembered through this past year of 2022.


More & more of the Truth has escalated in this direction of these corrupt governments being replaced en masse with governments that are in alignment with the original United States Constitution. The constitution that you have now is not the full impact of what it was designed to carry the United States forward, and also to carry Humanity forward, by recognizing the sovereign rights of living beings on this Beloved Planet, & putting forth this Divine document in such a way that it enables this new country to be born as direct opposition to the control systems of these banking families, that have been ruling the Earth for these thousands upon thousands of years.


And now this shift at the end of this 26,000 year cycle is coming into play in a very pronounced way. You have had these instances of election fraud. Now the statistics are backing up of how the Jab has already taken more lives than the Holocaust did. And of course your main stream media is not telling the truth about any of this.


But it is with the intentional requirements of yourself, and all of the other Beloved Beings, who have awakened, that they have been doing the research, and they have been finding what they resonate with as the Truth, to enable the narrative for themselves to express this Truth with other Beloved Beings to plant the seeds all throughout Humanity for this mass awakening that is necessary, to carry you Beloveds through this Event of the Truth, to empower yourself in the high vibrations of being once again in the 5th Dimension.


This is what NESARA has been designed to do all along, Beloveds. Let us join together, me bilocating my paw out to each & every one of you. And I ask you to reach around for someone else’s hand on this call. Sending the energies around, from the left, to the right. Allowing ourselves to slow down and relax with our breathing in this Now moment.


We are calling in the rays of energy. We are calling in the Golden White Light of the Christ Consciousness Energy, the Diamond Lights, The Platinum ray of Lord Metatron, Arc Angel Michael and his legions of Angels with their blazing blue swords using them as lasers, Arc Angel Amethyst and the Angels of the Violet Flame, and St Germain and his Angels of the Violet Torch.


We are spiraling these energies clockwise, from your center above, to your center below, allowing ourselves to feel centered & balanced in this Now moment. And Now spiraling these energies, down through the soles of our feet, into and through our center below, underneath the surface of the Planet, and into Beloved Mother Gaia’s Crystalline Core.


And here we feel Gaia’s heart center, her grace, her compassion, her wisdom, her commitment to all living beings on her Planet to Ascend en masse, and for her caring for all of us to expedite this process. We are shining our love & light into her high heart center, this Crystalline Core, where she holds all of the energies of your Planet.


We are raising our energies back up to the surface, up through the center below, up through the soles of our feet, and into our heart centers. Sending the energy around, from heart to heart, from the left, to the right, and Now again combining our fields of energy into One.


We intentionally require with the power & speed of our thoughts to rapidly rise up off the surface of your Planet, up through the many layers of atmospheres, and coming upon the periphery of your solar system, where there are multitudes of ships. I am honing in on my Beloved ship, the Nibiru.


Opening up the landing deck in the belly of the ship. Now we are rising up through, hovering in the airlock, while the landing deck closes beneath us. Now Beloveds, it is safe to touchdown, and we are making our way back toward an open elevator. We are all getting in, and I am pushing the button to close the door, & take us on up to the top floor. We are rapidly rising through these many floors, feeling weightless, and feeling this Oneness of all of us being joined together with the many Beloveds on this ship.


And now we are coming to a stop and opening the doors. The Beloved Mentors are here to greet us, Angels and Ascended Masters, Commanders from the ships, Orbs who represent the bilocated consciousness of many beings from all over the Cosmos, from other ships, and other Planets. And your Ancestors and perhaps you from a previous lifetime or two.


Now we are making our way into the middle of this gigantic room, where we are forming a circle where our Master Crystal sets. And as we are doing this the Mentors form their circle around us. And the other Beloved Beings form their outer circles. We are sending the energy clockwise around our circle, into the Mentor’s circle, and into the outer circles. Now spiraling clockwise, from the floor, to the walls, to the ceiling. Requiring that we absorb the consciousness all throughout the higher dimensions of all of the crystals that comprise this healing room. And the consciousness of all these Beloved Beings, who are joining us on this ship, or bilocating from wherever they are in this Now moment to be a part of this meditation tonight.


And Beloveds, this is where we ask you to make your intentional requirements for what you would like to create with the energies of this meditation tonight in your own personal journeys. It could have to do with having clearer connections with the higher aspects of your being, with having more ease & grace, and having a better understanding of making choices that truly empower you. Or having more intimacy in your relationships, being able to express from your high heart center your Truth, your narratives. Whatever it is Beloveds, shining these intentional requirements into the Master Crystal.


Now for all of us on this meditation tonight, yes, we call forth the Truth to be made known in its totality. We call for those who have done heinous acts against Humanity, like mutating your DNA, and this event of the Death Jab to be held accountable for crimes against Humanity, to be held accountable for treasons, for all the lies & deceptions, for this 3rd Dimensional Matrix that has enslaved Humanity for eons upon eons. We call forth the Truth to be made known in such a way that it disincorporates and fractalizes this 3rd Dimensional Matrix, ego mind control system. UASA, UASA; Already Happened, It’s Already Done.


And now we are shining these intentional requirements, all of us as One consciousness, into the Master Crystal, and raising these energies up through its tip, up through the opening in the ceiling in the Nibiru. And Now spiraling clockwise down through the many layers of atmospheres, and coming upon your surface, and spiraling this energy all throughout your surface. And going into the hearts and minds of all the Beloved Beings.


We are calling forth the Truth to be made known in such a way, to wake up Humanity in the collective consciousness, so that they make their commitment to remember who they truly are, and to bring about Ascension en masse, as part of their mission in being here. And raising the level of the vibration and frequency of the collective consciousness, to raise the level of consciousness all throughout the collective, to empower Humanity. Preparing for this Event of the Truth. Preparing for the dynamic upgrades into the 5th Dimension, and for victory of the light over these forces of evil.


We are now spiraling down underneath the surface of the Planet, and into Mother Gaia’s Crystalline Core. And we are picturing the DNA of all of Humanity, going into each & every cell, and spiraling the energy fields of all of Humanity counter clockwise, to go into the sub atomic particles, the mitochondria, and the DNA, to remove all of this negative programming, all of the lies, deceptions, devices & delivery systems, that have been used against Humanity, to keep it locked down in low vibration & frequency, so that they were too afraid to bust out of this survival mechanism, that they had been imprinted with.


We are calling forth the liberation of all of Humanity, by removing this negative programming, anything less than love, and all of the toxicity that has been aimed at Humanity to keep it in low vibration, to keep it on a very short life span, by contaminating your air, food, & water supply. And now with the very heinous practice of this Jab, that has transmitted the graphene oxide to being about mass depopulation.


We are removing all the Black Magic, all of the ill intent, all of the toxicity, and evil intent that this negative programming was designed to control Humanity with. We are fractalizing and disincorporating each & every energy field of Humanity, from any connection into this 3rd Dimensional Matrix. Releasing all of the Artificial Intelligence, and the underworld reptilian power sources.


We are calling forth the negative dendrites, that have held the energies of past events of trauma in the sub, unconscious, and conscious mind. We are simultaneously going into the back lattice where you brought all of these memories of events of trauma forward & into the receptor sites of Humanity’s mind brain. And releasing Humanity from the ego mind, that anytime that you were triggered in your sub & unconscious, and conscious minds to automatically go into fight & flight responses that we are bringing forth the fractalization & disincorporation of the negative dendrites, by calling them forth into the middle of the circle, of all of Humanity being in the middle. And we are spiraling, blessing all these polarities of the negative dendrites with Unconditional/Universal Love, Compassion, Forgiveness, & Gratitude.


Now we are seeing these negative dendrites foy off into the energy field. We are calling forth the speed, efficiency, and accuracy of the movements of this spiral to fractalize & disincorporate all of these negative dendrites. We require that what remains is this Golden White Light of the Christ Consciousness Energy on all the experiential knowledge, that you have gained from all your incarnations. Coalescing the past, present, & future timelines into this Now moment. Whereby the Golden White Light of the Christ Consciousness Energy is raising the experiential knowledge into your inner most, central most chamber of your high heart center. Allowing you to be the overseer of this process of being the compassionate observer of your thoughts, words, & actions. Using this experiential knowledge as the overseer, to help you stay in alignment with the parameters of your mission, and being the ground crew to radiate this love & light into the collective consciousness, to raise the level of the frequency & vibration of Humanity in these high Energies.


Using compassion, forgiveness, & gratitude. Calling forth this Event of the Truth to be expedited, to bring about the implementation of NESARA, to bring about all of the minions of the Cabal being held accountable for their crimes & their treasons. We are bringing this forth in this Now moment to empower Humanity, to be in this next phase of integrating Ascension Protocols. Whereby NESARA will be the foundation of your 5th Dimensional reality, and that experiential knowledge that you have gained of dealing with the forces of evil, during this 26,000 year timeline will enable divine governance to happen, while all of you are in unity consciousness of the later stages of integrating Ascension Protocols, to bring about this transition into Ascension en masse on your Beloved Planet in each & every Now moment. UASA, UASA; Already Happened, It’s Already Done. UASA, UASA; Already Happened, It’s Already Done. UASA, UASA; Already Happened, It’s Already Done.


And Now we are shining our love & light into the hearts & minds of all of the Beloved children, who have come in at this time, with more strands of their DNA activated. And they are the Ones, who have the soul contracts to take this mission forward to future generations, to integrate these high frequencies of love & light into the 5th Dimension for all of Humanity from Now on. And denying any forms of evil to come into the reality by showing Humanity the power of love in their hearts, and carrying it forth. UASA, UASA; Already Happened, It’s Already Done.


And Beloveds on this call, we love you ever so much. We are with you every step of the way, shining our love & light into your hearts. We thank you for all you do, all of your meditations, prayers, & exercises etc, for all your intentional requirements of victory over the light. Namaste Beloveds, & Goodnite.

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