Saturday, December 10, 2022

12-7-22 Sananda by Eli Galla

12-7-22 Sananda by Eli Galla



My Dear Beloved Brothers and Sisters, it is I Sananda. I am very happy to be with you, once again.



Beloveds, the power of choice; you are being presented with many different options in each and every Now Moment of your conscious awakening reality. You are feeling this tension, this edge of your seat, nail biting tension with a lot in the plans of NESARA coming into fruition, with stages of the truth being made known in a very transparent way, because these different events, we would call them, such as revealing of fraud in elections, the revealing of what is truly in the jabs that have been mandated and the ulterior motives of those who have created this manmade virus, in order to propagate these jabs.



Their motives are being revealed, and it is coming about day by day, and moment by moment, that the energies that are coming into your Beloved Planet, the more that you allow yourself to be in this state of neutrality, & of allowing yourself to trust in this Divine Movement, this great shift into high frequencies and vibrations as this first phase of integrating Ascension protocols is bringing you to this very great Event of the Truth.



Because, Beloveds, resolution to the many polarities that you have been dealing with, that have been propagated upon your consciousness, by this Third Dimensional matrix, need to come into the light. The truth must be known, and you have been working up to this, whereby many Beloveds all over the world, they have taken to the streets. They have taken their truths and expressed them on social media, and even form groups, and put together stage shows, where likeminded Beloved Brothers and Sisters can come together and create Ascension Community and doing network with one another over what matters the most to them to propagate these high frequencies of Love and Light, to strengthen this movement toward compassion, toward this feeling of Oneness and harmony with one another.



This is preparing humanity for this Event of the Truth, and for being, once again, in the Fifth Dimension. You are creating this bridge onto this Fifth Dimensional timeline, and yes, NESARA and all of its provision are a part of that bridge, and when all of these minions of the Cabal have been held accountable, this Third Dimensional matrix control system will whither up into nothingness, because it will not be able to trap those who are choosing the light with fear and separation any longer, and this is the empowerment that we, Beloveds, have been calling forth with you in all of our meetings on these conference calls, not just with you, Beloveds. But with the many whom we come in and channel these energies with, and it is playing out in divine, rhythm, timing and synchronization, and yes, it is with the power of your choice to remain heart centered and in a state of neutrality, and not allow yourself to let the ego mind wrap you around in those very low vibrational thought patterns, whereby you begin chasing your tail.



Beloveds, you have outgrown all of the Third Dimensional matrix fear and separation-based programming. You have with us created the strength of this bridge onto the Fifth Dimensional timeline, and now, it is there for all of humanity to walk up onto during this Event of the Truth and to pass through any perceived obstacles and barriers to once again be fully engaged through this Event of the Truth, this near-death experience to be once again, in the Fifth Dimension, Beloveds.



My Mary’s come into the middle of your circle. They offer you the Kumara roses. Take as many as you like, Beloveds. These roses are high in frequency and vibration, with very exalted sounds and color spectrums. They are a symbol of us being in mission with you, of our oneness, of our single pointed focus for ascension en masse on Beloved Mother Gaia.



Beloveds, we love you ever so much. Namaste and Goodnight. 

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