12-7-22 Maria Magdalena by Eli Galla
My Dear Brothers and Sisters, it is I, Maria Magdalena. I am very happy to be, once again, with you on our Beloved call.
Beloveds, yes, these times and what is about to transpire on your Third Dimensional timeline will be challenging and present tests of will, of utilizing the Power of Love in such a way, as to liberate yourself from this Third Dimensional matrix, because Beloveds, you have had so much practice in these last two years of discerning when you fall in to those ever predictable patterns of being in fear and separation, and how they do not feel good, and that when this happens that, that Beloveds, you have the wherewithal to breath into your hearts to take a long deep slow breath to recalibrate, so that you may change gears and raise the level of frequency and vibration up into the Higher Dimensions.
So that you can make choices, yes, by being the compassionate observer of your thoughts, words, actions, and choices and the outcomes of your choices to be the driver of your Ascension vehicle, Beloveds. You have the power. It has been co-opted by this Third Dimensional matrix during this 26,000 year cycle, because you have had to deal with extreme levels of trauma of catastrophic proportions, especially at the last fall of Atlantis some 13,000 years ago, and this is around the time that your DNA got mutated and driven down into only two strands of your twelve being activated.
But now your Beloveds who are coming in, whom you call the new children of the Starseeds, or the Rainbow or Diamond Children. They are actively engaged into the activation of more strands of their DNA, sometimes as many as five activated, and, Beloveds, you will soon go into this Event of the Truth where you will receive substantial upgrades into your energies, to move you along onto this Fifth Dimensional timeline, to once again empower yourselves into high frequency and vibration, and to be able to be having all of your DNA strands activated as you will go through these remaining stages of integrating ascension protocols, that will allow for ascension en masse to happen, you will go through this transition period, and these stages of integrating Ascension protocols will all be determined by you, Beloveds, coming together in unity consciousness, and raising the level of your frequency and vibration to complete ascension in mass on your Beloved Planet.
Beloveds, we are with you, and we tell you these things as Ashtar says, to keep your eyes on the prize, because yes, you will see things happening of a very heinous nature, as the truth is revealed as you step-by-step walk into this great shift of this Event of the Truth materializing, taking you through this near death experience, but, Beloveds, to think of this all as a movie, as a hologram, and empower yourselves with remembering the Love and Light that you are, and being in this state of neutrality, you allow yourself to seamlessly move through this event choosing the light with each and every breath, and feeling these high vibrations, that are coming in, that are aiding you in this great shift up in frequency and vibration to once again actively engage, by the implementation of all the provisions of NESARA, to be in the Fifth Dimension.
Where there will be very little polarity, and you will not have to contend with the evil that is propagating this Third Dimensional matrix control system, because they will, these minions of the Cabal will be held accountable for their crimes against humanity, for their treasons, their lies and deceptions, and their black magic.
Beloveds, you are on the precipice of this happening, and we are with you. We are shining our Love and Light into your hearts continuously. All you need to do is to feel us, to call us in, and we are there with you, whether it be in your own meditation, or you doing with your groups, or in the context of eating dinner with your family, or watching movies, but to raise the level of the frequency and vibration. This is of the most beneficial nature to yourself and all of humanity at this time.
We love you ever so much. Namaste and Goodnight, and now my Beloved Twin Soul, Sananda will come in.
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