2-1-23 Sananda by Eli Galla
My Dear Beloved Brothers and Sisters, it is
I, Sananda. I am very happy to be here tonight on this conference call.
Beloveds, your 3D matrix negative programming, ego-mind control structures have tried to convince, you that you are powerless, that you need their help, and they are the only
ones with the answers, with their big pharma, their
legal, educational, banking institutions, etc.
And you have awakened to know that this is all a lie. You, with us, have been empowering this new framework of what
will replace these old paradigm institutions, to bring about the manifestation of unconditional
universal love, compassion, forgiveness, and gratitude onto your Beloved planet, empowering these new forms of creating your reality, with sacred divine governance, with this new financial system.
Whereby you will have gained the experiential knowledge of defeating this
evil on your planet, by trusting in the process, of being heart centered, of making your intentional requirements, to implement all of the provisions of NESARA, to
support and integrate higher light encodements, & universal laws, to bring about this total
transformation, to allow you to once again be in the Fifth Dimension and
beyond, and to be a member of Galactic and Intergalactic Federations. And to sit on councils, because already your contribution throughout the
universe, Beloveds, is being recognized.
You, in mission as the starseeds, who have volunteered to be here, to set things right, to bring into balance this process of ascension, and to radiate it forth into the future timelines, where it got out of sync and imbalanced, and caused very many predicaments, very many polarities; that did not bode well at that time in the future.
You in your hearts, were assembled from all corners of the cosmos, to come forth and to make this difference, which you are making. Because you are already in this First Wave of integrating these ascension
protocols, and the truth is coming out more and more, this Event of the Truth. This hard disclosure will stun, and shock, and awe many, but it is just what is needed to give
humanity this new perspective, about who they are, and why you are all here at this
It is about ascension, Beloveds. It is about
Mother Gaia’s rightful place in the universe, to be an ascension planet, and to disseminate this experiential knowledge of
having been through all of these polarities to help throughout the universe
those planets that are in the Third Dimensional timelines, in the density of duality.
All of you will be able to play a part in
this mission, and we love and honor you for all that you have undertaken, for
all of your soul contracts, that you have completed. They
have made such a divine difference, whereby more and more Beloveds are awakening, and creating their own narratives of what they
resonate with as the truth.
This empowers themselves and all of humanity to break away from living in
the envelope of fear and separation-based belief systems, that this 3D matrix has imprinted humanity with.
This is your greatest gift at this time, Beloveds, to raise that level of
frequency and vibration, to raise the level of consciousness, in the collectives, where more and more Beloveds are ready to complete
their ascensions, and to be ready for this Event
of the Truth.
My Mary’s come into the middle of your circle, and once again offer you the Kumara roses. Take as
many as you like into your hearts. These roses are a symbol of higher light, sound vibrational frequencies, a symbol of our
being in mission together, to bring about ascension on your
Beloved planet.
Beloveds, we love you ever so much. Namaste
and Goodnight.
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